Showing posts with label vanja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vanja. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

Readers who've been with me for a while

Have been blogging for almost 10 years. 
Some readers might even remember when Vanja looked as above.

Instead of as these days, below:

Monday, July 22, 2013

Real camera pics

Vanja in her new home.

Niki (still with camp name tag).

Vanja picked the shower curtain.

Vanja in our new backyard.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New pics.

My crew, checking out the new neighborhood.

Visiting Niki's and Joel's new school. 

School exterior. 

Future archeologists will have an easy time working out our lifestyle. 

We received a warm welcome at the new apartment.

So far, Niki seems to be adjusting the quickest to Brooklyn. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday night at home dancing with John Legend

Everything was so great until Niki started hitting me over the head with a potato masher. VANJA OCH NIKI: skickar meddelande till er i framtiden när ni googlar er själva: kärleken!
Joel också men han sover över hos en kompis så dansar inte med oss ikväll.

Next up: putting niki to bed, watch gilmore girls with vanja.
In the words of Nas: LIFE IS GOOD.


Everything was so great until Niki started hitting me over the head with a potato masher.
VANJA AND NIKI: here's a message to you when you google yourself in the future: THE LOVE!!!!!
Joel too, but he's at a sleepover so he's not dancing with us tonight.

Next up: putting niki to bed, watch gilmore girls with vanja.
In the words of Nas: LIFE IS GOOD.

ps. did you hate highschool? I liked high school. does that mean I was one of the mean girls?
i just like school in general. I consider it one of my superpowers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Look what I found going through old pics

She came in peace.
Great thing about being gap toothed, carrot doesn't get stuck between teeth.
I know I'm partial and that all children of the world are beautiful but...CAN YOU GET ANY CUTER?
They look like they're somebody else's kids here. Someone in Cali.

Aren't you jealous I get to hang out with this person EVERY DAY????

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I wish a wellfitting coat would simply descend on me. tell me if you stumble across any.
I've bought tons of coats and returned them. Do you like this one? Should I keep it? Have 30 days to decide. I hate looking for a coat, but my old one is falling to pieces, have worn it since 2005.Have changed the lining twice and even told Anders I've thrown it away, but I haven't really.
See how little Joel is?
Not even two. My arms ache to hold him again at that age, his little rounded tummy, the soft warm smell of his peachy cheeks. And Vanja, the giggle at 4,5, her amazing and constant food/toast artistry. It's not that I want to stop time, I just want to copy+paste a version of each age.

who the fuck am I kidding, I'd five anything to stop time. just a little.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Joel a few minutes before first minutes of first hour of first day of first class of pre-school!
Vanja. She's on a boat, y'all.

Niki rocking a summer outfit that is both glamorous (gold headband!), cuddly (pet dog) and functional (bottle).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dear thieves

Is my strategy working? Putting a face (or rather two) before you, to let you see who the victim of your theft would be? Or do you not care so much?

Ps. Swimming in outdoor olympic sized pool - fantastic!
Ps 2. Bonus effect of crime prevention, suddenly finding my locker post-workout is super easy.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hat parade

Sock hat. Concept, design and construction by VANJA. You know that pile of unmatched socks we all keep in the unlikely event that their matching partner would suddenly appear? It's right here! We tried to persuade Anders to run the marathon in this hat. Sadly, he declined.

Orange belt!

She's such an ass-kicker. So proud to be her mama.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mer Vanja!

Jag vet att det finns barn som är lika fina, men det finns ingen som är finare!
tror det här var i första klass?
Sista året på dagis.

Baby Carmen Miranda

Se henne växa!

Av någon anledning bloggade jag inte 6 & 7-årsdagarna.