
Sunday, 22 May 2016

Instant Shawl Printed 2 Muka

leya | 02:03 |

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Hi deary...lamanya x update blog ni..rindu sungguh. huuuuu.
Last entry pun tahun lepas kot hahaha...

Okla xnak buang masa..actually entry kali ni pasal instant shawl as per tajuk la kan hehe.
Myself got another version of instant shawl. Previously sy jual instant shawl yg basic which is cotton and lycra some more.
And now kan tgh trending material namanya buble (xsure betol x eja tu huhu), so myself pun nak jual jugak la shawl ni...the special part is handmade uollssss....ioolss jahit sendiri hahaha..Also got material Lycra and cotton lycra.
Menjahit dah jadi kecintaan terbaru plak hehehe...

Now present to you Instant Shawl Printed 2 Loop.....

Printed Lycra 2 Muka
RM 27 (SM)
RM 30(SS)

Printed Cotton Lycra 2 Muka
RM 35 (SM)
RM 38 (SS)

Printed Buble 2 Muka
RM 30 (SM)
RM 33 (SS)

Printed Buble 2 Muka
RM 30 (SM)
RM 33 (SS)

Kalau nak pre order pun boleh or maybe korang nak corak2 lain, sy boleh carikan kain dan jahitkan dgn penuh kasih sayang untuk korang..hikhik.

So for further clarification ke soalan2 cepu cemas ke bole terus WA.

019-2312858 (lia)

Happy Viewing

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