Page 104 from "Seesongs"
“The eyes look, and the eyes read. I propose
they can also listen - an act different from both looking and reading. To
explore this possibility, I have put together a book of non-linguistic,
non-pictorial visual material: Seesongs. The drawings in this book are
progressions of visual marks, which I call asemic music. ‘When the eye listens,
the mind sings.’”–Rosaire
Appel is an
ex-writer artist in New York involved with visual language via asemic writing
and abstract comics. Her graphic work has been published in Moria, Rem,
Arthur Magazine, The Bleed, Diagram and Otoliths. Recent digital
prints have been included at The International Print Center (NYC
2011-12), The Print Booked (Southern Graphics Conference, New
Orleans 2012), and The Value of Water (St John the Divine Cathedral, NYC
2011-12). Her most recent books are As it Were, Taste's
Last Scrap, and Seesongs, which will be available in April on
Amazon. Some of her visual books are viewable at Printed Matter (NYC). Her
website is:
Her blog is:
Rosaire Appel's work will be the subject of László Gárdonyi jr's talk on the morning of June 9th at our Lex-ICON conference. His talk is entitled "Addressing the Untranslated - The Medium/Frame/Context of Rosarie Appel’s Untranslated". Click "programme" to see our full conference programme.
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