April 24th, 2014 marked our 10 year wedding anniversary! Because we were sealed in the temple 10 years ago, these 4 beautiful, energetic and spunky children will be ours for eternity!!
Tori Jenae is our cowgirl in the making! She loves cats (the stuffed animal kind), playing house and snuggling!!
Tori's Nickname: Tornado
Aubrie Nicole is our little artist! She is a leader who is instant friends with anyone and everyone!
Aubrie's Nickname: Bug
Braxton Scott is our Pirate Ninja! He is always looking for treasure while karate chopping his way around the house!
Braxton's Nickname's: Buddy and The Braxtonator
Lacee Joy has lived up to her middle name! She is our joy!! She has brought us all closer together and melts our hearts with her sweet smiles!
Even after 10 years I feel so blessed to be married to a man who has a gentle heart, one who loves and excepts me for the crazy woman I am!
We are SO blessed!!!
Best Buds right here!!!