22.11 lbs and 29 1/2 in. long
Sleep- Still goes to sleep about 7:30 and he sleeps until 5:30ish. Up until about a month ago I would go feed him and he may or may not go back to sleep for 30-45 min. But at the beginning of May when I started weaning, I also started sleep training to get rid of that feeding. So, now when he wakes up he usually just fusses for 10-15 min then will go back to sleep until 6:30 or 7.
Still taking 2 naps a day. One around 9:30 and another one around 3.
Diet- We started weaning on May 1st and are down to only one feeding a day (at bedtime for about 15 minutes). So during the day he eats EVERYTHING.....he loves hot dogs, cucumbers, cheese, salmon, strawberries, grapes...you name it. And he snacks on goldfish. He gets so excited when he sees me get the box and his snack cup out :) He is also drinking whole milk at every meal.
Clothing/Diapers- Size 4 diapers, mostly 18 mo in clothes, but some 12 months.
Favorite Equipment- Anything that has wheels. We have quite a few big cars that he pushes and rides all over the house. He also loves puzzles, balls and his most favorite....anything in my kitchen. Pots, pans, Tupperware, his sippy cups, my cookbooks, measuring cups, etc... Who needs toys when you have all that fun stuff! He also loves his water table outside and his new wagon. Anything that he can sit (or stand) in and be pushed around...he loves. We have started packing away all the "baby" toys and the exersaucers and bouncers. It is crazy how many toys we have accumulated over the past year!
Teeth- 8 teeth in and 3 more coming soon.
Milestones & Memories-
Gosh...since I never blog anymore there are too many to keep track of. But here are some that stand out...
- He says Uh Oh and Da Da. I think he has started to say bye bye and even Thank You...but it is in his own language.
- He walks every once in awhile but only a few steps at a time
-He LOVES climbing up and down the stairs over and over again.
- Started swim lessons around 9 months and he loves it
-Loves opening and closing doors. I think he could sit and do that for hours
My sweet Connor,
I don't know how it is possible that you are one year old already. It seems like just yesterday I was heading to the hospital to have you. Now you are so full of personality, silliness and energy.....you are into everything and keep us on our toes. You make me laugh all day, every day and you melt my heart every time you reach for me, lay your head on my shoulder or give kisses. The day you were born changed my life forever and I am so thankful to be your Mommy. You have made this past year the best year of my life and I can't wait to make so many more memories with you...
Love you so much, baby!
I hate that I haven't kept up with these monthly posts and just blogging in general but life got busy and my priorities changed.....so, oh well. I know I am forgetting SO many special moments and memories that I had planed on documenting here.....
I keep thinking that I am just going to close down my blog or make it private but now I sit here typing and it makes me want to do it again. So, for now I will keep it active and maybe try to start doing it a little again... :)
Well.....we made it! I made it to my goal of EBF Connor for one year.
I had planned on doing an update at 6 months but never got around to it.
You can read more about the first 3 months here.
I started weaning him May 1 in hopes of being done by the first week of June and it looks like that is going to happen. I am only nursing him 1x a day now (at night before bed) and only for about 15 minutes. Now my ONE year old (whaaaaaa) eats anything and everything and drinks whole milk all day long.
Part of me is sad that it is coming to an end but the other part of me is happy. I was one of the lucky moms who LOVED breastfeeding. I looked forward to every feeding (especially the one right before bedtime). Don't get me wrong....the first 6 weeks were awful....lots of tears, lots of pain, mastitis and I had to talk myself out of giving up every single day. But then, it got better and better and easier and easier. And now I am so so so thankful I stuck with it.
The bonding you experience is real and so special and I will forever treasure the hundreds of hours I spent just sitting there nursing my baby.
I am pretty sure I have lost all the followers I had since I NEVER blog anymore...haha...but if anyone happens to read this that is struggling with BF and has any questions or just needs some encouragement, send me a message! I would LOVE to help! It is something that I have become very passionate about and hope that I can help some other mama's out there in their journey.
Weight/Height- On 11/5 he was 18.6 lbs. Not sure of his height but we will find out in a few weeks at his next appt. I am pretty sure he is well over 19 lbs now. He is growing so fast :(
Sleep- Still waking up 1-2x a night. He has nights where he will wake up at midnight and again around 5. Then other nights it's around 2 and 5. Then other times it's just around 4-5. I am still getting up and nursing him back to sleep but I know I really need to stop doing that and maybe start some sleep training. He is only sleeping on his tummy now, so sometimes when he wakes up he is rolling onto his back, then he fusses and cries and never goes back to sleep.
As far as naps go....he is taking 2-3 good naps a day, most days. He is usually up for the day between 6-7, then will go back down for a nap about 8 and sleep for 1- 1/2 hours. Then he will go back down a couple hours later and sleep 2-3 hours. Then late in the afternoon he will take a short nap. And he is still going to sleep between 7:30-8 at night.
Diet- We made it to my original goal of breastfeeding 6 months!!! Whohoooo! Things are still going great so I am still hoping to make it to 1 year now. We are still feeding him homemade puree's 5-6x a week. He has had avocado, carrots, prunes, sweet potato, oatmeal, peas, banana and a couple of the Ella's mixes. He LOVES banana and HATED peas.
I read the BLW book recently and think I am going to do a little bit of that along with the purees as well.
Clothing/Diapers- Size 3 diapers, clothes 9-12 months depending on brand, PJ's 9 months
Favorite Equipment- Same as last month....he loves the exersaucer, activity mat, jogging stroller and all his toys. He doesn't lay under the activity mat much anymore because he likes sitting up so much better. We are getting him a walker and bouncer for Christmas so I am sure those will quickly become favorites. His favorite toys are anything he can easily put in his mouth and anything that plays music and has lights.
Milestones & Memories-
- Sitting up on his own
- Has 2 teeth
- Lifts his chest off the ground and tries to get up on his knees
- Took 2 road trips...one to Dallas for a friend's wedding and one to College Station for the A&M vs Vanderbilt game. He stayed in a hotel with a babysitter for the first time and went to his first football game
- Had his first cold
- Laughs all the time and has the loudest high pitch squeal he ALWAYS does
-Sits in the cart now at the store (instead of car seat) and in a high chair at restaurants
1st A&M football game! Go Johnny Football!
1st Halloween
1st hotel room....The Fairmont Dallas
He loves his friend, Ella :)
Favorite toy!
He LOVES LOVES to swing!
I can not believe you are already 6 months. In some ways I feel like I was just giant and pregnant with you still in my belly and in other ways I feel like you have been in our world for much longer than 6 months. You are the light and joy of my life and I can't imagine life without you.
Your smile, squeals, laughs and those sweet looks you give me when I am nursing you melt my heart every time. Your personality is starting to really come out and your Daddy and I think you are going to be quite funny and very inquisitive (just like your dad).
My favorite part of every day is after your bath when your Daddy hands you to me to nurse you in your dark, quiet room before you go to bed. You play with my hair and put your hand in my mouth, or stroke my cheek. You nurse yourself to sleep then I let you sleep on my chest for a little while before I put your in your crib.
You make our world a better place by being in it and we are so thankful that God chose us to be your Mommy and Daddy.
We love you to the moon and back, sweet boy!
PS....please stop growing up so fast ;)
Love, Mom
Last weekend was Connor's baby dedication at our church.
All of his grandparents were able to be in town (he has 7!!) and we had such a special weekend spending time with them and celebrating his dedication.
Friday night was pictures with our pastor, a really nice dinner at church and a program and message about raising your kids to know and love the Lord.
Sunday morning we all got up in front of the church to publically dedicate our babies to the Lord and of course show off the cuties to everyone ;)
We are so blessed with the greatest family and church!
Here is a little peek inside the weekend....