Posts tonen met het label dreaminterior. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label dreaminterior. Alle posts tonen


company's like fantastic frank make me want to move to sweden, or scandinavia...

and especially this home, that a ran into on the veda house blog
- have a look, wonderfull blog! -

have you seen that floor? and those windows.. 


it is in an old barn neglected for over a century, wich they have restored.
Ina Meijer and Matthijs van Cruijsen, two interior designers who decided to take up residence. 

between nature and modernity, a balance was found.

i'm still in love with this home...


i'm aware of the fact that it is spring, 
and i know i've been looking forward to it for a while.. 
.. but when you see this house, i scream; winter! fireplace! hot chocolat!

beautiful architecture from Atelier Kastelic Buffey (AKB)-
a chalet in Clearview, Ontario, Canada

[ found on; contemporist ]


this home gives me a happy feeling...

[ found at skona hem ]


a while ago, i posted a dream-house-photo.. 
and now, somebody showed me the whole sequence of photo's. 
and yes, the entire house is amazing. 

just have a look at the architects website- you'll love it!

i would love to have a house that light! 


i can't see the problem,

i just love all the photo's
collected at 'photo problem'

here some of my favorites;

[ guess i'm in a light-sunny-window-mood ]


this was my plan for tonight;

going to bed early - didn't work out that well.

instead, i want to share my favorite magazine at the moment;

RUM interior from denmark

here just some photo's to get you in the mood.. 


i did wanted to post less picture's, 
but i couldn't choose- the whole interior is so beautifull. 

hope you'll enjoy this dream house, as much as i do.. 

[images from lightlocations]


a dream interior to wish you goodnight..

anyone knows where the table is from?

found the image on; piccsy


i'll dream on...

on the website of OWI - office for word and image, i found this.
have a look at this great apartment in gent.
