Showing posts with label performance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label performance. Show all posts


The Knitling performance

The Vyazanik (The Knitling) performance in NCCA Arsenal, December - January 2017

The Boy and the Moon performance

The Boy and the Moon performance in NCCA Arsenal, Nizhny Novgorod, December - January 2017


Look At Your Home

Shadows of my Memory and Selfportret as Birch tree

Deep Sea Divers from the Heaven


Look At Your Home exhibition

Snow Angel installation


Creation of the Image from Late Particles of Life

Clows of The Memory

Clows of The Memory

Diary of Mother

Snowman, Divers, Private Moon and Suitcase of Father. Look At Your Home exhibition in NCCA Arsenal, Nizny Novgorod until 12 February 2017


Dabloid Anatomy Lesson. Geopoetic System.

Performance in the Balagan!!! exhibition. 14,11/2015. Contemporary Art from former Soviet Union and other Mythical places. Curator David Elliott
Tiny heads on monstrous feet, Dabloids absorb the characteristics surrounding them to become absurd, malign symbols of homeland, nationality, religion, ideology, race, gender and class. Tishkov, himself a former doctor, will perform an anatomy lesson on the corpse of a Dabloid by dissecting the clichés it represents.
Photo by Yerbossyn Meldibekov
Kuhlhaus. Nordwind festival. Momentum Berlin. 14 November - 23 December 2015