Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Birth of my baby Little Dinosaur ... (The very first three months)

Hello to all the zai zai lui lui reading this =) Hope that your day is fine yesterday, and will be good too, today. 

The weather is crazy. So hot but glad it's not humid or else it'll be like *$)%(#^!@#* already. I only slept merely 4 hours @_@ and im up early in the morning. (Gosh, i slept 'early' too. ) Rushing myself out to finish the task leftover by yesterday *caused by the sudden strike of feeling to start blogging*. Duh ! Ka yao ~ Ka yao ~ Ka yao ~ Ka yao ~ I have a feeling that i had to prepare myself for some sleepless nights already ~

Hmm ... What should i write leh ? I've been thinking and considering and wondering for 30 minutes ... Running to toilet, to the kitchen, to my bed, lying there for awhile and back to my laptop, i still can't figure out what people like you like to read in other people's blog. Any head start ?
OooOOouuuu *hehpiii* Got some head start from Facebook oledi. I'll write the fairytale story *that will probably bore all of you to death* about my baby Little Dinosaur just for Jynee =) Two years ago, when i first posted up Little Dinosaur's picture, alot of strangers messaged me wanting to know what's so special about this little baby of mine because he seemed very very precious to me. Even magazines interview asked me about him but i just pass over coz i wouldn't wanna bore the readers. 

Jynee, because of you oh, jie will pen down Little Dinosaur's biography for the first time after 2 long years =) OoOoOoo ... i love Facebook =) Especially the girls .... they are all so true ... and caring =) Muacks **

So this, is my baby Little Dinosaur's Biography... *breath deep deep in*

I see myself as a disciplined person. Both in my work, and my love life. I met my man in 2006 and we started seeing each other on 11th May 06. Things went well for 2 years but i guess you all know that when Boy meets Girl and Girl meets Boy, they fell in love, went on, carry on, quarrel on, blame on, yadaa yadaa yadaa... My love story, fuhh ! Same loh. Some major problem that had been on and off in both our life just KapusSssh like bom atom falls on our fairytale castle. It happened on the 18th May 2008, approximately a week after we proudly celebrates 2nd year of victory in conquering and taking VVIP places in each other's heart and mind *arms wide open*

I am a fighter in life, not verbally though. I sketched out a story about us in cartoon form. There's 20 pages of it with only two characters - The Dinosaur, and The Lovely Other Dinosaur. I couldn't possibly remember words by words and write it out 100% the original version coz it's 20 pages of cartoons and funny pop out word boxes. But this is what i wrote ... *by page*

Page 1/ Once upon a time in a far far away land, high high up on the mountain, there's a Dinosaur.
Page 2/ The Dinosaur lives in his cold cold ice cage from the outside world. Anyway, it's HIS cage.
Page 3/ There along, came the Lovely Other Dinosaur.
Page 4/ And The Lovely Other Dinosaur melted The Dinosaur's ice cage.
*now that's the starting of our journey together from the day we met* 

From page 5 all the way to page 19, the Dinosaur cartoon story was about A wondering why B at times seemed so near in the eye, but yet so far away in heart. And B too, had been wondering why A at times seemed so near in the eye, but yet so far away in heart... *story goes on* And in the end, they finally see the problem in them. That they only see others in their own eyes, but forgetting to see themselves in others' eyes. That they were rightfully always right about things, about ways of getting things sorted out and others were all wrong from the start. 

Page 20/ The Dinosaur and The Lovely Other Dinosaur lived happily forever and ever ...

The two Dinosaurs character that i drew was hilarious ~ Haha ~ I see when im free im gonna scan it and post it for your pleasure viewing. Hahaha *cant stop laughing* We read it once in awhile, to laugh it over. The book, was like the trailer of the turning point in our life. And our baby Little Dinosaur, is what changes everything. He is our everything.

Here's why. After i finito the little book, i wrapped it up nicely with present wrapping paper and a nice box with some deco on it, and i passed it to him. I guess he brought back home and read it later in the evening.
He came to my house later in the evening with this special Little Dinosaur. He put it on my table and the first thing i said to him was 'What's that?' And at first i thought it looked weird. But i guess what i can say is, that was when i first saw him - my baby Little Dinosaur, and everything was history !

Little Dinosaur was only named a few weeks after he stayed in. The first few weeks was just normal. I have my teddy bears, my bunnies, my flowers and all those dolls lying at the corner. But he was special. He's the only doll that i never chuck aside, like, ever, ever from the first day he was given to me. Maybe because i felt connected to him, abide to the characters in the story that i wrote and drew. 

I hug him to sleep every night. Feeling loved, just like the love given by my man. Little Dinosaur is like the replica of my man. Whenever he's not around, he'll be here with me, giving me the care and that bear hug ... always being there for me ... just like him.

Little Dinosaur doesn't have clothes to wear. Nothing. I dont bring him out, i dont feed him, dress him up, carry him everything, taking pictures of him, creating accounts for him, no. Just, nothing. He lye on my bed and he just stays there until i come home at night and i will hug him to sleep and the days go on. Until ...

The 2nd June 08, i was invited to appear in the opening of the Rainforest Sports Bar in Pavilion just few weeks after Pavilion shopping mall was officially open. At this time, he hadn't got his name yet. I brought along the team and models from my magazine to attend the grand opening together with the celebrities and VIPs. That night, right before i left my home, i felt something strange. My man will be having a meeting near by Pavilion so we are having our supper together after we finish what we're doing. I suddenly feel for him. I stared at him, thinking for him. Looking at him lying on the bed alone makes me feel that he might be lonely. So, i took him with me and drove him to Pavilion with me.

And of course, i dare not carry him down with me. Everyone would have thought i am crazy. And i brought the whole troop. Like i said, i left him the front bucket seat. I parked at the VIP parking right in front of the door and start the whole red carpet thingy going on. I spend an hour taking pictures, by medias, my friends, my people. And suddenly i thought of him. I walked to my car and peek into the window. Well, he cant move himself so, yes, he is THERE.

My people are very very caring and loving people. I didn't notice that they were walking me to my car from my back until i turned around and got shocked coz they were doing the same thing i did - peeking into my window. They tot i forgot something or gonna get something heavy from my car or so, so they wanted to help me with what they thought i was going to do. Then when i told them i's just bored so i walk to my car, they asked me at the same time 'What is that?'. Wow. That's a good question. So, where should i start ? Haha =) I just answer something else so they say he's cute and it strike me, it just, strike me.

I asked them whether they can do me a favor, a quick one. To snap a quick picture of me and him, and make it quick before anyone sees me. And that's how the cute Little Dinosaur adventure started. He snapped his first picture. In Pavilion, in front of The Rainforest Sports Bar, at the VIP entrance, with me. And he still hadn't got his name yet. That night, during the supper, he stays in my bucket seat again ...

On the 28th June 08, i's organizing a pre-launch party at Bar Club for my magazine. I didn't take him with me. But the first thing i did when i reach home was carrying him up from the bed, and hugging him tight, and we took this picture ... his second picture ever taken.

On the 12th July 08, he went out together with us. And it was his third time going out, but first time going out with the both of us together.

And this was the first ever fun stuff that he does. Driving us. Our hearts were filled with so much joy when our face is with much joy. The feeling is different from our everyday laughter. Coz this laughter goes deep into our hearts, and are brought by love, sending the message all the way up to our face.

It was then when it inflect into our hearts that we decided to bring baby down from the car that night. We'd decided not to go home early today so we stopped by a mamak along the Old Klang road for TT. And my man strike the first ever pose he ever did. And this, is his first ever pose, in the first ever picture taken with a 'pose'. Cute ma ? Teehee. I think he's waxing a shy 'Hi!' to the world.

Bringing him out is still a choice then. On the 9th August 08, we're going for a Birthday party i threw for my lil sister in KL. And we'd decided to bring him out with us. This time, he went to the steering, and the gear. We didn't bring him down to the party though.

On the 15th August 08, we brought him along to a trip back to my hometown Kuantan. It was his first trip =) and he's still ... waxing his little shy 'Hi!' to all of you.

I seldom smile back then. Coz i guess i am more of a serious person. But with him, i smiled, from my heart. We took a Presidential Suite for 2 nights in Hyatt. And i guess because there's ample of space in our suite, we start to created emotions and movements for him. He is like, living...having his own soul in him. Look at the picture above, i see a baby's curiosity towards the surroundings and the world had begun...

I couldn't remember the specific date that we named him - Little Dinosaur. But the reason why he was named Little Dinosaur is because he is so small in size ... And thru his eyes, i see an innocent child, neglected and chucked aside by the world. With so much care for everyone around him, and so much love to give, and joy to share ... Little Dinosaur is no longer the replica of my man. Little Dinosaur became a part of us... And this picture, somewhere around those time, those month, he was given a soul. He has a new life ...

And from that day on, Little Dinosaur is no longer alone. He has a place to belong to ... and things to look forward to everyday ... He is cared, loved and pampered. Just like how everyone of us is living everyday in our lives, wanting only the simplest and most basic needs of all mankind, which cant be bought, but hard to be fulfill.

So many things have changed from there on. Not only for him, but for us too. We learn to love, forgive and forget. Our life is different there on ... Our views and perceptions to things had been different too.

This blog is about how Little Dinosaur came into life, touches my heart, and touches so many other along the way. Giving only love, care and joy to the world around him. And being there for all the broken hearts and souls that were abandoned by others, hurt, and left alone in this world. Dont be sad. You have Little Dinosaur with you ...

No matter how different you are, it doesn't matter how others think of you, look at you and what they have to say about you. Deep inside, this is who you are ... and this is who you want to be ... Open your heart ... Do what u want to do, and be who u want to be. Create the impossible and let them say what they want to say ...

To all the beautiful people in this room who had been treated unfairly by others and left alone in this world feeling worthless and lonely, dont give up ! There's always someone, someplace there for you. U never know ... maybe coz u doesn't believe strong enough in yourself, deep inside your heart, telling u just what u can do ... and who u can be ...

You will never be alone my dear ... me and my Little Dinosaur will always be here for you ...
Love Always,
Leng Yein

Monday, June 21, 2010

Another year gone by ...

Hi everyone =)How’s your day today ? Or should i ask in a more suitable manner – How’s your year been treating you ? 

Time flies yah, it’s nearly July 2010 already ~! What have you done ? What have you not done ? Have you turn the bad times into the good, and the worst better ? Have you been taking fabulous time doing far more than just good. Or conceivably, like most of us ppl out there, you’re still in the ‘hang-in’ there situation, discouraged by the current recession and  being the same old you, doing the same old thing =)

To all the new friends in this room, may i have the humbleness to re-introduce my crazy self again. I am Leng Yein, just turned 25 this April. A girl from Kuantan who moved to KL 4 year plus ago. A typical Aries who wanted to have everything but she couldn’t possibly get it all so she chose to want most of the things – which means a bit of everything =) Hehe ~
I am very very selective of my close ones. Been taking in too much proves me not good in the past. So there u go, I will be good to my love ones, my family, my friends, my girls, my  associates, my combat buddies, and all the ppl who’ve helped me along my way. But im a very bad person to those whom i think treats me badly. I learn by my mistakes, I accept gossips about me widely, really widely. And i really really wanna thank those people who made my name everywhere they go =) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ~ mwah ~

I may not know you personally. And i don’t know how you were brought up to be and become. But i do know that one must have the best attitude to succeed that many ppl are aspired to have. So do u have that ? I might feel an iceberg between us if i were to come to u blindly and say hi or befriend u one day. But if i bumped into you in my events, u’ll surely get a sincere smile from me =) 

Dun get me wrong. We might be very different in age or not so, but we are not very different in life. Perhaps the only difference is that you are a degree graduate who’d already have a plan to even know what you wan2 do for a living in future and im only a Form 5 grad. Hehe ~ 

I do alot of crazy things, but i am still searching for what i love do best. I must confess that i always fall in love with everything that i am doing. Self-work-obsession ~ Ah ~ A total ‘profession blind’ person ~ Hah ~ Ppl thought i am such an entrepreneur *omg* !! @_@ I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face. Oh, i just love being with good people in my events, doing crazy lil things, making funny face expressions together, and taking crazy pictures =) I’ll keep it in my mind for quite some time… quality times, quality friendship, quality ... it makes me happy =) Well, im a happy person =)

Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than the person to be loved… The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won’t work - if you won’t. And i strongly stand against what i believe, and how i will do my job and deliver. If i ever face a problem at work, i will think of what to throw, and what to keep. Who to stay, and who to go. I align them by putting which is worth more … For their effort, their time, their dedication, their sincerity, their love, and their passion. 

I always believe that we cannot help a person if they do not want to help themselves. Attitude is one of the important key and it counts in what i do. Maybe u think it’s such a cliché but I wouldn’t have turned out the way I was if I didn’t have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against.

Things that i do, my business, my restaurant, my magazine, my events, had brought me so much happiness that it filled half of my time with. They brought me friends, associates, my mirror to reflect on myself, my stories, my life, my friends-turned-foe. Yeah, the not-so-happy part is always the friends-turned-foe part. 

I pact with it, it’s like flipping the pages of my story book, just that i am the author to it. I believe some of you have this problem too huh ! Well, live with the least regrets. Never settle for less than what you know you deserve. Asking for what you want and need from others, speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension among others, if they don’t accept it, accept yourself and always remember why and how it started and for what purpose does it serve. 

Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe. Always be mind-clear of the values in yourself and others. Love them, and be ready to be loved back. I constantly remind myself that, it's my life. So let me live the life i wanted to live ... No matter what others have to say. It's My Life.

We don’t get to know people when they come to us; we must go to them to find out what they are like. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it, a self-challenge. That’s what i call. To learn to face the bigger world out there, and to prepare ourselves for all that comes our way, to succumb, succeed, and make our mark. My tip, If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results. If u wanna make your mark faster, pursue on something no one had ever done, it is a short cut, only with a wee bit more hard work and risks to take, to be a wee bit more daring, more bold, more challenging and more fun. So, are you the one ?

Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; In the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. It is almost the end of 2010 in 6 months time. What had you lined up for yourself ? Me, i have at least 5 more major dates to go before year ends, some projects to be completed, some planes to catch, and some bit left and right to be done before waving the fetching year 2011. Hmm … i might have not much time left already =~~~)

To all my dear friends and all the new friends in this room, i hereby again welcome you, and thank you for taking your precious time reading my story. The pleasure is mine of course. Well, I have to rush off now, gotta complete my 'to-do' lists of the day =) 

Wishing all of you the most excellent luck and may you have the greatest year ever =) Gentle reminder, always remember who you are, and what makes you standing strong upon everyone on this present day. 

The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right, and doing a thing exactly right. And always remember - the most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won’t work - if you won’t.

Love Always ... Leng Yein

Friday, June 04, 2010

A bet on her ...

There's always a choice in life. To take, or not to take, and which to take. Different choices leads to different results, and different results gives different impacts on someone's life. Today, the choice is yours ?

There's an interview debate going on between a lady and a guy.

They were given two choice :
Choice One - A girl who has the brain + normal beauty
Choice Two - A girl who has no brain but does have a perfect devilish sexy body n angelic face

Two guys were to be studied on this table of choice :
Guy 1 chooses Choice One - A guy who's looking forward to finding that someone to spend a lifetime with
Guy 2 chooses Choice Two - A guy who go for short period of joy

Question for you - Which pair do u think will make it till the end of time ? Who will die without feeling he'd been lack in his life, and who will be so lucky to have die with his girlfriend - Ms.AIDs ? Anyone ? Oh yes , the lovely lady over there …

Lady : Pair one ~!

Emcee : Why is that ?

Lady : Bcoz both pair one has inner beauty and brain and beauty at the same time while pair two however are just plain materialistic n realistic one , but the did hell make a good pair ~!
Man : Hey , i'd say it’s definitely pair two. Coz we'll never know when we’re gonna die , so why not die with someone with better looking ? And when i bring her out , i oso ‘got face’ abit mah ! My friends will envy how i can ‘kau tim’ such a pretty girl, they'll think i sure very 'dim' one. And the 'bubble gum' is sold all over 711 lah , wont die de ~!

Lady : But most pretty girls only knows how to spend money and duno how to work woh ?
Man : I got work ge mah. Nam Yan spend money on Lui Yan tin gong dei dou lah ! All she needs to do is to sit home , keep herself pretty n sexy , wait for me to come home , never nag me , listen to what i say , and follow what i sa. That'll do.

Lady : *Thinking* ( Wow ! That's easy. A chihuahua could do all that) @_@ But pretty girls wont follow what u say de woh. Psychologically they think they can possibly get everything their way.
Man : Who cares, im the one giving her money, who is she in position of giving a voice out when i am the mai fan ban zhuu ? She'll have to listen to what i say, if not i’ll get her out for good when she dont.

Lady : There’s no eternal beauty. One day when she’s pregnant with yours and gave birth, one day when she grow older she wont look pretty also. By that time takkan u chuck her by the roadside meh ?
Man : It’s non of your business, by that time sai gai mutt yatt oledi loh. How i know what happen. I think by that time i have the money to get another one lah. She sits home do whatever she want lah, go yum cha with her friends or what. This is life loh. Everybody does that now lah come on, it's normal. She have to take care of the kids. It's a mother's job.

Lady : You’ll never get happiness then if u behave n think like this. U will never settle down for a good one.
Man : Hey,woman, dont u dare to tell me what i know and what i dont. This is all a game. Im smart enough to know she's with me because of my money. There’s no true love from the start either. This is life. Who cares how many lady i have when she’s old> She has no right at all to sound me. I've done my job. It’s my money n its my life she's after and she got it. By then she can go out with other guys, i dont care. Life's short. We will have our own circle .

Lady : Then y u wanna get married then ?
Man : Well, we get along well. Getting marry is part of everyone's life so i guess i did the same. She’s so pretty that time, if i dont sign her in she might end up with another man like me anyway. And even if i had marry her, i still can have my own sweet life. She has no say whatsoever. She cant live without me anyway. But if she doesnt like the way i live my life, then leave. Why stay ? Believe me , she wont~! Even if i slap her , she dare not even sound abit. She’s  nothing without me. She has no brain to think n lazy to work ever since the day i met her. All she have is her beauty,and without it, she’s worthless ~ But im still a happy man although i chose pair 2 , coz im still happy as long as my cash flows. Hanging out with different girls everynight is just one of the phase in life depending on how u see it. It's not my whole life. Just a small part so why worry so much.

Lady : But if one day u’re broke, old and useless, u dont have anyone beside u to take care of u , loving n care for u , how would u feel then ?
Man : Im rich , i’ll never be broke , NEVER ~! I cant be broke , i cant ~! Never.

Lady : I still stand for pair one . Coz both of them will work hard , take care of each other , having to plan their lives and do everything together. Building their family up bit by bit and looking forward to spending the very last minute of their breath together. Who knows , someday , when both of them had made their way tru , they can be richer than what u are now . And the girl can use that amount of money to be as pretty as your lady at hom. Plastic surgery and the modern world can do wonders u know ?

Man : But …

Lady : Money is important , and outer beauty is not . Coz money can buy beauty, but beauty cant buy money . Beauty can let someone earn some fast money i agree with that in a way, but that's just for a short period of time. When everything starts to fade, beauty will be long gone too. But money , they’ll never fade. Money can buy you beauty for as long as u want … But money cant buy u true happiness from the heart n buy u a never ending lifespan. Money cant extend your life. when u die, u'll have to just, die. Money attracts everyone of us  But beauty doesnt ~ at least not to me.
Man : I agree with that . If i would to choose a bag of money and a sexy lady , i want the money , coz i can get 100 times sexy lady with that. Hahaha ~

Lady : Aiyoh , u use money to get lady ~! Aiyoh , my god ! U will never get what i mean ha.
Man : A-but-then ? If i pok kai no girls would want me lah. Face the fact ! This is the real world, woman.

Lady : It is so not true. If u say like that then poor guy never get married meh ?
Man : Err ……….

Lady : Then poor people de wife is definitely ugly de meh ?
Man : Err ……….

Lady : Pretty girls are not stupid . They see more man in life than others do. They too, like u guys, know who love them and who love just their beauty. Just like u guys know who love you n who love your money .

Man : But no money no girls la. Im telling the truth.
Lady : So does it mean that not pretty no fren ?

Man : No lah … but …
Lady : See ? Speechless . Anything can happen and anything could happen , anytime , any second , anywhere in the world . Miracles DO happens . Pretty girl can end up marrying a beggar, never read that ? Never read an old man marrying a sexy lady even he’s poor ? It’s on the paper lah , always have the similar story every year .

Man : But …
Lady : Bill Gates’s house is as big as an island , but why does he only has a wife n only love his wife n never had any rumours about him fooling around with girls ? IF anyone in the world to have that very chance to have all the most beautiful woman in the world to be with, he’ll definitely be the top 10 choice. But y didnt he ?

Man : Coz he’s a good man loh …. but ….
Lady : And we lady respect good man , n we cherish good man , and we always love good man …… long live good man ~!

Emcee : Ehem .. *cough* … Excuse me you two. Can you pass me back the mic please ~!

Now, which will be your choice ? A bet on promise of happiness tru hard work ? Or the pride, joy and fame ?

Think about it. We are not stupid in every way. Both girls n guys. We always know what we want in life and that's why there were things that we're going after everyday in our life.

But, what are you actually searching for ...

Thursday, June 03, 2010

For Love And More ...

To keep a relationship for long , respect is the key . If u don’t respect others , even your friends will leave u for good . Trust comes second and we ourselves comes in the third place . Agree ? People often fall in love accidentally . But what does it take to keep it flowing ?

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But what really last is the beauty beyond what the eyes can see. The inner beauty .

No matter how pretty a girl can be , if she has no inner beauty , she’s just any other girl . Long gone before you could catch a glimpse of all the beauty could hold. Nowadays these modern girls are not as stupid and dumb as we speak. They can earn a living all by themselves. We call them the modern age woman.

Good for guys though. Girls nowadays dont nag their man for money coz most of them have their own . Girls who has the brain will have more respect from others than girls without one. So , work hard for yourself coz there’s nobody in this world who will be there for u when u need them. All u’ll be left with is yourself, alone. You'll have to learn to stand up on ur own feet, do it before its too late …

Don’t ever treat a man as though they were your ATM machine. Pity them. They are just like us. They are also human. For your own sake go get a job n pay for ur own shopping. Ur man will love u more if u do that. And dun always call them up to check on them. They’re not a ding dong. They know when to go home n when to have fun just like us do when we know when to stop a girls night out and stop shopping.

And guys, dun always take advantage of a nice girl. If u dun cherish them, they’ll be gone for good before u could even get them back. Remember, all human beings are born to be loved, taken care of, and cherished for just who they are. Each Unique. Never force a person to change for what we acclaimed to be better. Or else, they’ll be different in the end to a person u hardly know anymore. And who is to be blamed ?

Love yourself first, and others will love u too …

And who being love, is poor ?

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Welcome to the blogging world ...

Hi everyone. Im a newbie in this blogging thing so i dont know where to start talking and what to type. Guess i just pakai tembak saje lah ~

My name is Leng Yein. Ya. So 'liong' ho ~ No Christian name, no baby names, no cool tag whatsoever, just - Leng Yein. Everybody had been calling me that way ever since my brain can properly function. Im a typical Aries. No specific hobbies, no specific favorite color, no specific working schedule and so on. 

Im a free thinker, not very religious. I think that every religion teaches their believer and follower for doing good. Never vice versa. And I strongly believe that by doing good in your life, you'll be treated kind in return. Im a person who believe in karma. For me, karma is like throwing so many little stones to the sky...somehow some little stones will just kiss u back on the head. *tonggg* Just like that.

Im a workaholic. I work to shrive a better life for myself, my future. I dont believe that every woman on earth is suppose to stay home, cook, clean the dishes, the clothes, the house, then make babies and well, got old, got dumped, and have more percentage and privileges to be lost in their lives compared with man . 

I am not searching for equality. Only for the freedom of choice as i am a girl who believe that my life wasn't fated to end whatever story i was told, and become who i am suppose to be. I take control of my life because we should be the one taking 100% of responsibility and consequences of our own lives, how it should be, how we want it to be, and who we want ourselves to be.

Im a fighter in life, a leader, not so much of a follower. I dont follow orders. I only listen when i think the person talking is worth my time. I seek not for the quantity, but the quality of things in life. I constantly remind myself that we live only once, so let me live the life i want to ...

Im not a party person so i can really say that i am quite a boring person. I guess the problem with me is that i am kinda numb socializing. I think most of the party people would be bored to death if im with the group so i'd better not kill anyone just yet. I love looking at happy people, but i guess my heart is just kinda tired if been put in some scenes or another. So, i kept my time busy. Dedicated to the calls and go with whoever i want to, at the right time, to wherever my heart feels like.

It's actually quite fun. Not needing to put our heart and time onto just particular one thing at a time. I find it interesting mixing both up and doing things at once and doing few different things in a day or so. I guess that's why i always meet people thru my work and became friends - chilling out and sorting things out at the same time. Listening to each other, helping each other, and making each other happy altogether.

Well, i was a different person back then. I guess i could say Friendster changed my life. Then Facebook. And perhaps, blogspot ? Who knows ?

I considered myself very lucky to have met so many beautiful people around the world thru the net. Over the years, i really need to thank all of the beautiful strangers who made me, Me. Keeping my feet on the ground, not losing my instincts and been able to keep myself sober after all these years.
I believe alot of you here would agree that life is more than just a roller coaster. At least we know that roller coaster ride will end in minutes or so, but life goes on ... it always does, never fail to...

Started my Friendster from March 2003 when my lil sister wanted some help on her page. She created my page for me...And a week after that, it's all history. Gosh, because of Friendster, i had to learn to use the internet connection from zero up. Man, i was really really outdated back then. I still remember those time when i purposely drove all the way to my little boutique at 8.30am in the morning and the aircon in the shopping mall wasn't even on yet, just to login to my account and holla my friends. Having so much anxiety and energy in me. Im just 18. And in Year 2006, i started my first blog Well, i was head over heels, so washed away by the activities going around in the world of net. Although I may not be active in Friendster now but i still keep my sweet little account as memory

Over the years, alot of new sites emerged but i'd join none of them. Not until alot of my Friendster friends had moved on to Facebook. So, i did the same. On June 2009,i created my Facebook account And wow ~ It blew my mind and i straightaway went cuckoo ! Man, I should have joined earlier. I'd missed out so much fun ! I guess i can say my mind goes blank alot of time when im outta town for too long and i know that i have to login to my Facebook and holla all my cute friends. Oh, they are all so cute ~! Active 24-7-365. Fuiyoh ~ *clap clap clap*

And today, celebrating a year of my Facebook life, i've decided to try blogging. My last blog was, Wow! I cant even remember when was the last time i actually wrote a line on my blog already.

I guess most of you who're reading this would be laughing coz i am quite left out hor ? But mm gan yiu lah ~ Better late than never mah =) Well, im just trying out to see whether blogging is the right 'thing' for me. Giving it a shot. 

Maybe among some of you who really took time reading each and every word of mine find my writing rather - ... dull & dead. Well. 

1/ Im new here and this would be the first blog that im gonna post up so i try to be 'normal' and not scaring everyone away.
2/ Im dont have a degree nor diploma in education coz i was young and naive enough to choose love from further my studies so my english is just so-so. Not fancy. Not cool. Not sexy. Hope you dont mind.
3/ Self esteem is low as a newbie. Afraid that my spelling are wrong, my verbs and tenses all kelam kabut and would be made fun of.
4/ Im new. Im new. Im new. Give me some time to adjust and fit in. Hey, wait a minute ! I think this is a good excuse. Teehee ~

Hmm ... Will this be the right thing for me ? Well, guess i'll just write ... and see ...

Wishing all of you love ... and may God bless all of you beautiful people ... Always ...

Love Always ... Leng Yein

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