Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i've been spending my time quietly missing my sweet doggie. i sure do not like being sad. but i certainly realize it is all part of the grieving process. we had her cremated yesterday as the ground is just too frozen to dig through right now. can't say i enjoyed that whole process very much even though the facility was very nice. i guess it's just more finality.

when i am sad, i like to write haiku's in my journal. so i wrote a few to help capture my memories of kirby:

i see you waiting
you watching as i make your food
barking, so happy

i watch you outside
walking around, taking your stroll
find a stick to chew

you lay there sunning
wriggling around the grass
paws rubbing your nose

i see your eyes close
you drifted away peacefully
yet my heart is broken

sitting there watching
you see the world through your eyes
a bark to join in

cute button black nose
mouth full of crooked teeth
suggestive of a smile


i've also been doing some therapeutic "fun" art. art just for me; not to sell, not to submit and not to fill orders. just no pressure, fun, fulfilling art. been altering a pair of jeans to wear in vegas, i think they are looking pretty cool.


Friday, February 5, 2010

just wanted to let you know

at 1:30pm today feb. 5th, 2010, we had to say goodbye to our sweet kirby. it was the right choice to make. she had a rough night and after seeing the vet today, it was apparent it was time. we had it done here at our home and she will be buried in the backyard.

i've thought about this day for several years now as she has gotten older. it was always weighing on my mind; wondering how much time we had left with her. i guess i had hoped she'd live forever.

we had 14 wonderful years with her and i'm going to proclaim that she was the best dog ever. i think dinner time will be the worst when she would do her "kirby shuffle" as she was excited for her home cook meals that i made for her. i will also miss her love of dillon and his friends. even as she aged, she wanted to be right in the middle of whatever they were doing. she'd go up and down the steps right along with them; never minding that it was hard for her to get back up the steps. she and dillon grew up together. i know dillon is quite sad right now; as we all are.

as i massaged her last night, i talked to her and told her how much i loved her and i asked that she especially be there to greet me at Rainbow Bridge so that we could cross it together. i know she'll be there. i miss her sweet, friendly face so much already.

i want to thank everyone for all their kind words. certainly i am not the first pet owner to lose their pet; but i appreciate you all understanding and offering up much needed support.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

laying low

i'm feeling a little sad, so if i'm quiet in the next week, you'll know why. kirby, our sweet little golden retriever was just diagnosed with lymphoma. i can't say i'm shocked and with her age, it's to be expected. kirby is the sweetest, kindest dog. she loves everyone and always wants to be right in the middle of all the kids, just like she is one of them. i call her "the ambassador". i don't want to say goodbye to her yet; guess i thought she'd live forever.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

born on the 4th of July

i got a little behind on my posting with the holiday and all and then my little kitty, Lilly wasn't feeling well. she ate something outside that left her feeling poorly for a few days. she's all better now though. also, Pepper (one of the westies) has been limping sporadically, but i can't see to find anything in the paw. then she'll stop and then i'll see her doing it again. and then finally, miss gracie (the other younger westie) was absolutely besides herself with the fireworks. she is afraid during thunderstorms, gets freaked when the power goes out, freaks if a smoke alarm goes off or beeps with a low battery, etc. so needless to say, she was frantic on the 4th of July. shaking, quivering, panting, pacing. she was a nervous wreck. i brought her up to my room and turned on the AC, fan and any other white noise i could think of to drown out the fireworks. and to top it off, i ate something bad last night too, so i'm not feeling all to great today either!

anywho, when i checked on miss robin's nest on the 4th, lookie what i found?

i finished up some "cworky" dolls for my mom. she asked if i could make some for her to give out as little gifts when she hostesses a get together for her friends in september.

Also, here is a journal page i did for a colloboration for someone who isn't feeling well. it is a surprise, so i won't mention any names and i don't think she reads my blog, so now worries there on her getting suspcious...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Memory Monday

it's Monday again already! the topic this week was childhood pets. did you have any growing up? a good story about them? When i was in 7th grade, I had my own lamb! her name was Kizzy. that's her on the ground next to me. I had to get up early in the morning and and me and my sister would go out in the cold weather, donning our barn boots and go feed Kizzy and Shannon (my sister's lamb). we would fix up some concoction in a big bottle for them to drink. then we'd stick a nipple on it. they would devour it! they were really cute and very fluffy! kizzy and shannon were always escaping the side yard where we had them. i wish i had some pictures of me and my sister chasing them down the street trying to wrangle them up! That's kizzy's baby, Priscilla, that i am holding. i think someday, i'd like to have a few sheep again! leave a link if you are playing!
next week's topic: Sorority/college stories - come on, you know you got em!
this weeks players:

slide show!