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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Defend The Right To Bear Bumper Stickers

I think a lot of conservatives are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars for fear of vandalism.  Call it the "driving while conservative" phenomenon; or maybe "parking while conservative."

Vandalism of McCain signs, and houses/car bearing those signs, was widespread during the 2008 campaign.  I remember seeing a McCain lawn sign in Ithaca with a note attached to it asking people not to vandalize the sign.

A reader from California, who has figured out a solution, sent this photo of his car, with this note:
Here's a picture of my car with my magnetic bumper stickers. I learned the hard way they have to be magnetic in the People's Repub. of Santa Monica as, back when Dole was running against Clinton, against my wife's wishes I put a Dole sticker on our car.  My wife had seen Dole yard signs spray painted with swastikas (savor the irony of swastikas for a man who almost lost his life fighting the Nazis) and warned me. She was right. The very next day our car's windshield wipers were twisted into pretzels and the sticker mostly ripped off. Now I drive to a quiet side street where no one is around and apply them. Then, before I arrive at my destination, I again find a quiet street and remove them before parking. Tolerant lefties have given me the finger a few times and yelled unpleasant things, but I haven't found one yet who can vandalize my car while I'm driving it !! 

I'm not sure using magnetic bumper stickers is the ultimate answer, but it does seem to beat vandalism in the short run.

My hope is that our children and our children's children some day we will live in a nation where the Right to Bear Bumper Stickers is respected, and where "parking while conservative" is just a distant memory from a less civil age.

Related Posts:
Bumper Stickers - The Series

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Gulf of Paducah Incident

Prior to the Kentucky Senate debate in Paducah last night, a woman with a history of politically-inspired vandalism who was dressed in disguise approached Rand Paul to present him with a Move-On.org "award," and was pulled to the ground by Paul supporters, one of whom needlessly pushed her back to the ground momentarily with his foot. 

The police can and should review the videos to see if a crime was committed, and fortunately the woman was not seriously injured (unlike a Paul supporter who was injured by Jack Conway supporters in an unrelated incident).  The Paul campaign immediately criticized the violence on both sides.

Yet the left-wing blogosphere is engaged in hyperbole by asserting that the woman was "brutally attacked" by "Brownshirts" and extrapolating the incident into a wider indictment of (take your pick) Rand Paul's campaign and/or the Tea Party movement. 

As I have documented dozens of times before, the left-blogosphere has concocted allegations against Tea Party members for much of the past year in an effort to paint opponents of Democrats as extremist and violent.  Really for the first time, they have an incident they can blow out of proportion for political purposes.

Unfortunately, people being pushed to the ground while approaching a candidate is not new.  Just ask John McCormack who was thrown to the ground by a Martha Coakley campaign staffer last January when McCormack would not stop asking questions (image right).

Indeed, the mainstream media has refused even to report about how Congressman Maurice Hinchey recently assaulted a reporter who was asking questions about Hinchey's possible conflicts of interest.

There is tension in the air.  People need to step back, on both sides, and not try to take an isolated incident to create a greater political pretext.

Update:  Soccer Dad reminds me of the attack on a Bobby Jindal supporter, and of course, there was the Kenneth Gladney incident.

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Help Cure Me Of My Coffee Party Addiction

Via a link at HotAir, comes another over-the-top mainstream media fluff piece about the Coffee Party, making it out to be more than it is, this time by Agence France-Presse, Coffee Party seeks to outbrew Tea Party in US politics.

In case you haven't noticed, I have a hard time not sipping at the Coffee Party cup:
Please help me break this addiction.  I value your opinion, so I will leave it up to you.

Should I do another Coffee Party post, or not? 

[Note: Some weirdness with the code, if you see two "Submit" buttons, the left one is to Vote, the right to View.  Don't get paranoid on me, we're using Harry Reid's programmers, so all is good.]

Should I Do Another Post On The Coffee Party?
YES, go for it, you know you want to.
NO, break the habit, you are better than that.

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Update 5:40 p.m.  - As of now it is 59% No, 41% Yes, but several precincts in Chicago and Cleveland have not yet reported their results.

Update 10-27-2010 8:30 a.m. -  Polls have closed.  All results reported.  58% No, 42% Yes.  Damn you.  Doesn't anyone know how to steal an election anymore?

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Reminder - Election Day Live Event

On Election Day we will have an all day and all night (at least until Ma'am sings) Live Event similar to what we had on January 19, 2010, when over 21,000 people (not visits, people) participated in our live feed (using Cover-It-Live) to watch the election results roll in from Massachusetts.

This time it will be even better.

Thre will be an expanded list of incorporated Twitter feeds, so you can get reports from news organizations and others following election results.

It also will be easier to comment, with a new log-in function using Twitter, Facebook, OpenID and a one-time registration feature, so that comments can appear without moderation.  If you recall, last time the comments were so heavy that there was a several minute delay.  Trolls still can and will be blocked.

You will not have to register if all you want to do is watch the feed.

All in all, it should be a great time.  See you there, or rather, here.

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Rhode Island Dems Left With Empty Seat At The $7500 Table

The high and mighty Democrats in Rhode Island who paid $7500 per plate to attend an elaborately catered dinner with Barack Obama were left with an empty seat at the table.

As reported by The Providence Journal, after giving a 20-minute speech to those gathered at the home of Arnold B. "Buff" Chace, Jr. (son of one of the co-founders of Bershire Hathaway), Obama left:

Guests included three of the four-member Rhode Island Democratic congressional delegation -- Rhode Island Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Kennedy. Rep. James R. Langevin had left the presidential party at an earlier stop.
Also on hand: Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee -- who introduced the president -- and [Democratic nominee for Congress in RI01 David] Cicilline.

In attendance too, was consultant Ira Magaziner, the Rhode Islander who managed former President Bill Clinton's unsuccessful health care initiative. Magaziner won a friendly acknowledgment from the president.

"He was there for the last round in 1994," said the president, referring to the health care initiative. "He knows how tough it is."
Mr. Obama spoke for around 20 minutes ...

Mr. Obama concluded his remarks at about 7:30, saying he couldn't stay for dinner.

"I've got to go home to tuck in the girls and walk the dog and scoop the poop," he said.
$7500 for a 20 minute speech.  Buyer's remorse? 

Nah, if they didn't have buyer's remorse before the dinner, they never will.

Related Posts:
Obama Works The Reverse-Midas Touch In Rhode Island

Obama Tries To Stop The "Miracle in RI-01"

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Monday, October 25, 2010

TOTUS In Rhode Island

Via WPRI in Rhode Island.  The rest is just a formality:

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Helen Glover Show - Tuesday 8-9 a.m.

Tuesday, October 26, from 8-9 a.m. (E.S.T.), I'll be a guest on the Helen Glover Show at Talk 920 AM in Providence, RI, one of the two major talk shows in the Rhode Island / Southeastern Massachusetts market.  You can listen live here.

Helen is on from 7-10 a.m. everyday.  If you haven't listened to Helen before, you really are missing out.

Helen is dynamite, conservative, not afraid to speak out ... She is on the same station that carries Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.  Helen is the big name local host before the national programming takes over at 10 a.m.

I'll be on for the whole hour.  I can't imagine what we can talk about for a whole hour, since nothing at all is going on in the news. 

Maybe, just maybe, we'll touch upon:
  • Democratic candidate for RI Governor Frank Caprio telling Obama to shove his endorsement.
  • The name change referendum to change the official state name from "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" to "State of Rhode Island."
  • John Loughlin v. David Cicilline in RI-01.
  • The general election mayhem.
  • Tea Parties, Sarah Palin, and other things hated by the mainstream media and Democrats.
Here is one of Helen's video blogs about The Coming Storm:

Should be fun, and safe for work!

Update 10-26-2010 - Had good segment on Rhode Island name change, but bumped for "breaking news" so didn't fill the whole hour.  Sorry didn't get to raise some of the other issues.

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The Obama Opera

Why had I not seen this before? Am I the only one?

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Obama Works The Reverse-Midas Touch In Rhode Island

Post-2008, Obama does not have a good record of bringing home the vote for candidates for whom he stumps.

This appears to be repeating itself in Rhode Island.

As I posted early this morning, Obama is in Rhode Island campaigning for David Cicilline, the Democratic nominee in the RI-01 congressional race against Republican John Loughlin.

Not long after my post went live, the Democratic nominee for Governor, Frank Caprio, was informed during a radio interview that Obama would not be endorsing Caprio, out of allegiance to Independent candidate Linc Chafee, who had endorsed Obama in 2008.

Caprio's reaction now is classic:
"He can take his endorsement and really shove it", Caprio told John Depetro and the WPRO morning news. Caprio told WPRO he did not seek the President's endorsement and calls the snub Washington politics.

"We had one of the worst floods in the history of the United States a few months back and President Obama didn't even do a fly over of Rhode Island. He ignored us and now he's coming into Rhode Island and treating us like an ATM machine", said Caprio.
The quote is all over the place, from Drudge to the major newswires to The New York Times.

It will be interesting to see if this outburst helps or hurts Caprio.  But one thing is clear, the controversy will help Loughlin.

Cicilline is not a beloved figure in Rhode Island.  He is viewed as a real political inside player, and bringing Obama in widely was viewed as an act of desperation in a suprisingly close race.

Caprio is a more traditional Rhode Island Democrat.  His father was a well-known judge. 

Cicilline inevitably will be blamed, at least in part, for Obama's move.  An Obama-Caprio fight will hurt Cicilline because many Caprio Democrats will make protest votes against Obama and Cicilline.

What started out as a major coup for Cicilline may have just handed the election to John Loughlin.

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Beware The Boston Globe Bearing Polls

The Boston Globe, which is all in for the Democrats, has released a poll (via HotAir) showing Barney Frank up 13 points against Sean Beilat, but still well below 50%.

Beware The Boston Glove bearing polls.  Remember this headline, just 9 days prior to the Scott Brown - Martha Coakley special election:
Senate poll: Coakley up 15 points
Related Posts:
Globe Poll An Outlier

They Also Called Scott Brown A Non-Serious Extremist

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Obama Tries To Stop The "Miracle in RI-01"

Barack Obama, Scott Brown and Michael Steele all will be in Rhode Island today, campaigning for competing candidates in the RI-01 District (my home district, by the way).

Obama is flying in for an elaborately catered $7500 per plate fundraiser (menu here) for Providence Mayor David Cicilline, who is the Democratic nominee. 

Ironically, the Democrats are using Plantations Caterering of Newport, even though there is a Democratic Party inspired referendum on the ballot next week to remove "Plantations" from Rhode Island's official name because it supposedly is racist.

Brown will be in Rhode Island campaigning with John Loughlin, the Republican candidate opposing Cicilline.  Loughlin is the Republican Minority Whip in the RI House of Representatives, and served 26 years (most of the time full-time) in the Rhode Island National Guard as a helicopter pilot and public affairs officer, including an active duty tour flying helicopters in Bosnia.

Loughlin is having a more scaled down fundraiser
For $250, Loughlin supporters can enjoy chicken and tuna salad sandwiches made by the women of the East Side Republicans.  Tara Pinsky, 39, who says she’s never hosted a political event before, is also making chocolate chip cookies.
Meanwhile, Steele's Fire Pelosi bus tour will be in Rhode Island the same day, and Steele will attend some events with Brown and Loughlin.

Why all this trouble over a district in the most pro-Obama state (as of 2008) in the country, for a seat held seemingly forever by Patrick Kennedy?

In case you didn't know it (meaning you don't read this blog very often), the Loughlin-Cicilline has gone from a runaway for Cicilline based on his name recognition, to a dog fight in which the latest poll shows a dead heat. 

David Freddoso is calling it the Miracle in RI-01, and Jack Fowler at NRO describes Cicilline's mounting problems:
Now, about Cicilline: He is a piece of work, but has gotten a couple of much-needed black eyes in recent weeks. Last week, Loughlin, pushing a wheelbarrow filled with $20,000, held a press conference attacking the mayor, who, in violation of city law, took in that amount in excessive pay since 2006.

Meanwhile: The local ABC affiliate is reporting that Cicilline’s top aides received mucho extra vacation time, in violation of city ordinances, costing Providence hundreds of thousands of dollars. Video here.

And: WPRI-TV reported last night that the city auditor has issued a report claiming that millions in municipal reserve funds have been misappropriated, while pension contributions are in arrears. Video here.

Oh yeah: The Providence Journal reported last year that an investigation by the accounting firm KMPG
. . . explored four instances in the past two years in which City Tax Collector Robert P. Ceprano alleges that the mayor’s aides pressured him to perform tax favors for friends and/or campaign contributors of the mayor’s.

Mayor Cicilline acknowledged “advocating” for those taxpayers, not because he knew them or they contributed to his campaigns but “based upon what he determined to be either a mistake by the city, or an ‘honest’ mistake on the part of the taxpayer,” the report said.
Part of this byzantine story includes how the Cicilline’s now-incarcerated lawyer/brother passed bad checks to cover delinquent taxpayers facing home foreclosures — seemingly with the knowledge of his mayoral brother.
Cicilline has run a typical DCCC campaign, holding what I've dubbed the "Let's Scare Grandma Tour" of senior citizen centers falsely suggesting that seniors will lose their checks.

Loughlin has had to conserve resources, as Cicilline has run through almost $1.5 million.  Loughlin, by contrast, has spent one-third that amount and has conserved resources for the final week.  According to The Providence Journal, Loughlin still had $114,000 in the bank on Oct. 13, compared with Cicilline’s $205,976

Cicilline's name recognition advantage has lessened as a result of several debates.  If Loughlin can hit the airwaves this week, he can overcome the name-recognition problem.

The district is heavily Democratic, but Rhode Island has a long history of electing Republicans to statewide office (although all the congressional and Senate seats now are Democratic). 

I think Cicilline still has an edge based on name recognition and voter registration, but that edge is not huge in this election cycle, and if Loughlin can muster the resources for a late push, this really could be the Miracle in RI-01.

You can donate to Loughlin here.

Update:  To get a sense of the mood in the district, The Providence Journal asked readers to comment on “If you could talk to President Obama on Monday, what would you tell him about Rhode Island’s needs?”

Read the comments and you will see that voters are pretty well fed up (even the ones who still support him are upset). Here are a few samples:

I would tell him that despite all the negative mumblings I always hear about how bad the “other” party is (i.e., Republicans), and how horrible they have left things, I live in a state that Democrats have controlled and ruled for decades, and our state couldn’t be in more dire straits.
You couldn’t be bothered when our homes were being destroyed during the flood, and now you care about our needs? Respectfully, sir, get back on the plane and out of my state!
We DON’T want Obamacare!
I would respectfully ask him to resign forthwith.
AND, via Drudge, Obama's refusal to endorse the Democratic candidate for Governor Frank Caprio (because Linc Chaffee an early Obama supporter is running on the Independent line), has caused Caprio (who currently is the state Treasurer) to declare:
"He can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I'm concerned."

Related Posts:
Rhode Island Dem Launches "Let's Scare Grandma" Tour
The Patrick Kennedy Seat Is In Play Again
Now The Patches Bad News

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm Doubling Down On My Top 10

On October 20, I published my Top 10 List for donations (not necessarily the 10 most important races), based on the following criteria:  Must be current Democratic seat; must be toss-up or possibility of an upset of a big name Democrat; and must not be nationalized so that fundraising could help more than in some other races. 

I also focused disproportionately on the House, since we must win the House above all else.  Winning the Senate is a long-shot under any scenario  Also, donations to House candidates can have more of an impact.

On October 20, I said that my donations on that date would be my final donations.  I was wrong.

I'm motivated by the truly disgusting Democratic Party tactics, about which I've posted here before.  The Democrats cannot and will not defend their ideas. Howard Kurtz, formerly of WaPo and now The Daily Beast, sums it up pretty well:
The closing weeks of a campaign are always dirty. But Democrats, trying to fend off a GOP tidal wave, are resorting to highly personal attacks.
Despite the trolling by the media to demoralize us, and the tawdry Democratic Party tactics, I have an increasing sense that these seats are all in play.

By way of example, John Loughlin in RI-01 (my home district) just came out with a poll showing a dead heat, and his opponent Providence Mayor David Cicilline is on the defensive (see NRO's John Loughlin Will Win the Kennedy People’s Seat in RI-1 and The Washington Examiner's Miracle in RI-1?).

Richard Hanna just picked up the endorsement of the largest newspaper in his District in upstate NY, and Sean Beilat is on fire with his Barney Shuffle video.  Dino Rossi and John Raese each are within striking distance, if not slightly ahead.  George Phillips has picked up endorsements by Ed Koch and Maurice Hinchey was hit hard by his assault and battery on a local reporter (Hinchey finally has taken to the airwaves attacking Phillips, a good sign).  The Democrats are desperate in their attacks on Allen West, with the pathetic Debbie Wasserman-Shultz screaming on the streets outside his office.

All in all, we need to deliver the political coup de grâce, and we can do it.

So my final donations were not my final donations.  I'm doubling down for everyone on this list.  I hope you can join me, if not for all 10, at least for one or two of them:

My Top 10

(Not in any particular order)
  1. John Raese (Senate, West Virginia)(open seat, formerly Robert Byrd)
  2. Dino Rossi (Senate, Washington)(v. Patty Murray, incumbent)
  3. Todd Young (IN-9)(v. Baron Hill, incumbent)
  4. Van Tran (CA-17)(v. Loretta Sanchez, incumbent)
  5. Allen West (FL-22)(v. Ron Klein, incumbent)
  6. Jeff Perry (MA-10)(open seat, formerly Bill Delahunt)
  7. George Phillips (NY-22)(v. Maurice Hinchey, incumbent)
  8. Richard Hanna (NY-24)(v. Michael Arcuri, incumbent)
  9. John Loughlin (RI-1)(open seat, formerly Patrick Kennedy)
  10. Sean Beilat (MA-4)(v. Barney Frank, incumbent)
(By the way, I'm also donating to Sharron Angle, Joe Miller and Christine O'Donnell, although they aren't my "Top 10").

Update: Obama Tries To Stop The "Miracle in RI-01"
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If You Have To Say It

You're losing the messaging war:
"My manhood has never been in question."
Guess who?  (Before you click, stop a second.  Do you really need to click?  Don't you know precisely who it is without clicking to check?  Have confidence in your gut instincts on this one, and don't click.)

Who just said "My manhood has never been in question"?
Al Gore
John Kerry
Barney Frank
Harry Reid
John Edwards
Bill Clinton
Joe Biden
pollcode.com free polls

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So This Means We Get To See Obama's College And Law School Records, Right?

Right?  I mean, all we now have to do is to run to this Judge in Alaska and point out that if Joe Miller's confidential personnel file from a prior employer needs to be made public because running for Senate is so important, certainly we are entitled to more information about Obama than he tells us in his books, right?

From the Anchorage Daily News, Judge orders Miller documents released:
In an unusual weekend hearing, retired Superior Court Judge Winston Burbank ruled that the public's right to know about candidates outweighed Miller's right to privacy.

"I hold that although Mr. Miller has a legitimate expectation of privacy in those documents, Mr. Miller's right to privacy is indeed outweighed by the public's significant interest in the background of a public figure who is running for the U.S. Senate," the judge said. He noted that U.S. senator is among the highest elected offices in the nation.
This makes perfect sense on the face of it.  Alaska, here we come.

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Old, Crackled Feminist (Bumper Sticker)

Spotted while walking this morning in Ithaca.  Glad I saw it, because I had forgotten that wimmins is peeples to:

Related Posts:
Bumper Stickers - The Series

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