No, this is not about the dating website that earned record-breaking adsense earnings. This post is about fishing, our new-found hobby. I think me and my wife are already addicted to fishing.
Here are some pics of our catch the other Sunday and yesterday (2.75 kgs).
Everytime we go fishing we aim at catching the biggest haul of our lives. We usually start at around 230pm and end at 600pm. Our gears are a couple of fishing rods with reel, line, floater, swivel, hooks and bait made of dough. The others who join us would settle for the rented bamboo rod. But having a special rod is not a guarantee of a catch. My latest fiberglass rod still has zero catch in 5 outings.
Don’t ask me how to catch fish. Even though my dad’s family lived near the sea, and survived with the produce of the sea, I am a product of the city. So fishing is just a hobby for us. Even the others, with the crudest of instrument, are better than me in catching fish.