
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

Fall Sewing Projects

Time for some sewing project catch-up! Autumn was quite productive again for me this year for Lolita sewing (it seems to be becoming a trend) with quite a few completed projects. I made two JSKs with matching hair accessories, a cape and beret set, a pair of boystyle shorts, and a sheer blouse. However, I don't have pictures yet for the shorts and blouse, so I'll save those for another post.

Read on for more pictures and construction notes.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer Cosplay Sewing Projects

The whole reason I was basically missing the last two months was the huge number of cosplay projects I was working on before Anime Expo! Lots of commissions, and three brand-new costumes for myself.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cosplay Update: Kikyo and Utena Construction

For Wondercon in April, I finished two new cosplays--Kikyo from Inuyasha, and Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena! I had a ton of fun with both of them, and learned so much from making all the various accessory pieces for Utena. Follow the cut for more pictures and details.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sewing Catch-Up: Two jumperskirts, two skirts, a vest, a jacket, and an orange wedding dress!

I did a lot of sewing in November and December. No really, A LOT. I did six personal projects, one present, and three commissions! I'll be saving the commissions for another post, but here are seven recent projects for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sewing Project: Melisandre from Game of Thrones

For Halloween this year, I wanted to do something that was fairly mainstream, but still relevant to my interests, and still a legitimate cosplay. So I took the plunge and did my first television cosplay--Melisandre from Game of Thrones!

More pictures and construction notes under the cut.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sewing Project: Halloween Damask Underbust JSK

Hello everyone, I'm finally back and busy after an amazing vacation. I've had the sewing itch for the last few days, so I got started on a few different projects, and finished one today! I fell in love with the fabric when I ordering a for a commission a while ago, and I'm so glad that I got it.

This time, the design was inspired by Innocent World, since I love what they do with overall printed pieces. I'm planning to wear it to Disneyland in a few weeks as part of a Nightmare Before Christmas coordinate, but until then, here are some more pictures and construction notes~

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sewing Project: Cranberry Shantung A-line JSK and matching bonnet

I've had four yards of beautiful dark red poly-blend shantung hanging out in my sewing box for months now, and while I had an idea of what I wanted to do with it before, it wasn't until the long holiday weekend that I actually managed to get off my butt and do something with it!

I ended up making an a-line Classic jumperskirt and a matching bonnet! It was my first time making both of those things, so it was a lot of fun trying some new stuff (especially the bonnet!). I also had a chance to wear all the new things to a meetup this weekend. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Commissions @ Otakon 2014

Earlier this summer, I did two commissions for Otakon attendees, and now that the con is over and people have had time to recover, I got some pictures back from both of them! I love seeing happy clients--it's so much fun to be part of a collaborative effort to make great-looking cosplayers.

The two cosplays were Sailor Snow White, based on Drachea Rannak's fanart, and Kiritsugu Emiya's overcoat from Fate/Zero. More pictures and my construction notes under the cut~

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cosplay Construction: Satsuki Kiryuin

During the process of making Satsuki's dress "Junketsu", I took more progress pictures than usual (read: more than zero) so that I could get feedback from various places. I realized that this meant I could share those process photos with all of you, so that you can see a little bit of what goes into making a cosplay from scratch!

There are still a few tweaks to be done before Anime Expo, and I'm still working on perfecting the eyebrow makeup, but here's a little peek into how I get things done.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Raven [Photoshoot]

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Back in January, I worked with the really lovely pixeldot at the park. Between the wedding parties vying for space and the fading light, we didn't get very many photos, but the finished ones are lovely! Keep going after the cut to see a few more.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Steins;Gate Cosplay Commission

In September, I was asked to make a couple of cosplays from Steins;Gate by a member of one of the cosplay communities I'm part of. I was very pleased with how they turned out, and the customer said it was cool to share pictures, so here they are!

Read on for more pictures and some construction notes.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Black Princess Jumperskirt

This weekend, I finished a long-awaited Lolita project for a black jumperskirt. I've had the fabric for a long time, and sketched the initial design concept months ago, but I just never got around to making it until now. I feel like the finished dress has a very hime-style look to it, so I decided to call it "Black Princess".

Read on for more pictures of the finished dress and construction notes.

Friday, June 7, 2013

It's Convention Season!

I have to confess, I'm going through Lolita withdrawals. I haven't been able to dress up at all for the last two months due to various reasons, and it's honestly a bit depressing. I even have a beautiful new skirt and blouse and haven't been able to wear them out!

However, it's almost convention season, and you know what that means? Cosplay!

I recently started getting back into cosplay, and decided that this year's Anime Expo was going to be the excuse I needed to actually get off my butt and do something new. After doing so many cosplay commissions for other people, it was high time that I started doing something for myself, too.

Read on for my plans!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dr. Who? A Skirt for a Friend

Even though my own personal style is starting to lean towards Gothic and Classic, I still love making Sweet things. So what am I supposed to do when the itch to make something cute and sweet comes up? Make something for someone else!

A good friend recently had a birthday, and since she's into both Lolita fashion and Dr. Who, I thought Aimee's adorable Dr. Who-themed fabric was perfect. I'm not too familiar with the show myself, so I couldn't tell you what the references actually are in the print, but it was too cute for me not to use.

"A Teaspoon and an Open Mind"
Continue for another picture, and a little bit of a Spoonflower review.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back In Black--Now With More Piracy! (A Sewing Post)

I did promise a sewing post, didn't I? And I'm so proud of my latest creations that I just have to share them with everyone. I've been making a lot of black items, partly in preparation for the colder months, and partly because I'm transitioning my wardrobe to more Gothic/Classic items. It's a slow change, but I'm loving every minute of it.

In the last two months, I've made three things I'm really excited about (and a fourth item, but it's a secret!). I made a fur capelet to match the fur muff from last winter, a black chiffon blouse (seen in the last post) and my current pièce de résistance, a corset-waist skirt made from teja_jamilla's gorgeous pirate fabric.

Carry on for the rest of the projects.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sewing Projects Part Two: Corset Adventures

I've always wanted to try making my own corset. I'm not a huge corset person, but I like them, and enjoy wearing them. I figured, I'm a good seamstress, I should be able to do this.

Well, I can. But it wasn't easy! And while I am very pleased with the results, I probably won't be making another one any time soon.

Terrible picture, but it shows the corset well enough.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sewing Projects Part One: Miscellaneous Projects

I've been sewing a lot lately! I did a couple of commissions, and quite a few personal projects as well. Here is what I've affectionately named the "Constellation Jumperskirt".

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Etsy Shop!

I've never really made things that I wasn't planning on keeping for myself, but this weekend I made a lovely waist cincher in colors that just aren't me. I decided to open an Etsy webshop to sell it, and hopefully sell some more handmade items and commissions.

Le Gateau a la Mode Shop

More pictures here...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tartan for the Holidays

I'm not sure why I thought a tartan dress would be appropriate for the holidays, but it just seems right. I've been craving another sewing project (is that a normal thing to crave?) and went fabric shopping on Black Friday. Hooray for good deals! I wanted to make something inspired by one of the newer Alice and the Pirates prints, but also appropriate for the whole winter season. Here is the result:

More pictures and details to follow...