I just wanted to tell everyone THANK YOU for your sweet comments. Being a mother is challenging and wonderful all at the same time. Sometimes I feel inadequate which has resulted in a lot of "comfort blessings" from Daniel lately. But thank you for saying nice things. Whether they really are true is a different story ;) But they are encouraging and lift my spirits.
Today has been a better day, but that's because Daniel stayed up with Bensen and then got up with all the kids through the night. Bensen decided to wake up at 9:40pm and kept crying and then after midnight Daniel made him SCREAM himself to sleep. Luckily the other 2 slept through it. He is one loud screamer!
Bensen has been our best sleeper at night right now, he is a horrible napper, so I am thinking that along with his cold, he must be teething too because he is grouchy during the day, won't eat well, and always wants his mommy to hold him. I don't mind holding him though, that's a good thing. He is snuggly and gives good hugs. Nothing sweeter than your one-year-old baby running towards you with his wobbly little run and both arms stretched out to you.
This is a picture of Staucie with her pillow case on.
She somehow got both her arms in and then was running around flapping her wings.
She was a pteranodon (a flying dinosaur).
*I had already cleaned off the crayon with the Magic Eraser. I didn't know it could take off paint though. If it did take off paint, I couldn't tell since this house has ugly walls already :) I thought the crayon on the wall was kinda funny. Daniel was more mad then I was. I figured it would come off. And it was funny because I was stirring something on the stove and Daniel was talking about our taxes and I heard the noise of the crayon on the wall and said, "Is someone coloring on the wall." Daniel was shocked that I knew. Maybe that is why they say mother's have eyes on the back of their heads. You just know by the sound because those are things you tune into during the day. It's just like when your kids are quiet or if they are all giggling, you know it means they are doing something naughty.