dimanche 31 août 2014

Un avant goût de Minuit ( 9.5) par Lara Adrian ( publié dans l’anthologie Les Amants des Ténèbres)

Bonsoir à tous,

                         Août vit ses dernières heures et septembre sera on l'espère moins pluvieux et plus ensoleillé. Quoiqu'il en soit demain marque la rentrée et alors que beaucoup de parents stressent, que les écoliers veulent prolonger les vacances, je ne vous oublie pas.

D'ici quelques jours je vais partager avec vous un autre avis en français sur un livre que je voulais lire depuis très longtemps et qui va prochainement être publié dans nos contrées mais en attendant restons avec un éditeur qui remplit beaucoup mes étagères les éditions milady.
Milady a eu la très bonne idée de publier certaines nouvelles prenant place dans les séries qu'elle publie déjà et afin de facilité la distribution en somme elle les a regroupé dans une anthologie intitulée " Les Amants des ténèbres".
Autre avantage i semble qu'ils n'aient sélectionnés que les récits s'intercalant dans les publications actuelles (pas de nouvelle "tome 15 " si seuls les 6 premiers tomes ont été publiés), c'est une façon de faire intéressante même si pour certains auteurs j'aurai aimé une anthologie regroupant toutes leurs nouvelles ensembles.

Quoi qu'il en soit étant donné que je ne suis pas à jour dans toutes les séries, j'ai décidé d'opter pour la lecture des histoires courtes dans les séries que je suis pour commencer et ensuite, si possible, dans l'ordre adapté ( donc si je dois lire plusieurs tomes avant la nouvelle, la nouvelle attendra).

 Pour débuter cette anthologie j'ai choisi la nouvelle de Lara Adrian comme j'adore sa série et que je suis le plus ( mais pas suffisamment) à jour dans cette dernière.

 Bonne lecture
Editeur VF: Milady  2013
Titre original: A taste of Midnight ( edited 2011)
Genre: romance paranormale, bit lit
Violence: élevé

Langage: moyen
sexe: élevé
Public: +18ans
Obtenu par achat

              Cette nouvelle de Lara Adrian était un plaisir à lire, je regrette seulement que  l’éditeur Milady n’ait pas pris le temps de préciser dans l’anthologie à quel moment de la série cette histoire prenait place.
Ce n’est pas vraiment un obstacle car j’ai parfaitement suivi le récit bien que en retard dans la série principale (quoique cette nouvelle prend place après le tome 9 et j’en suis au tome 8 donc assez proche) toutefois je recommande vivement de lire ceci après avoir lu les 9 premiers tomes de la série car il y est fait de nombreuses allusions et pour l’apprécier complètement cela vaudrait beaucoup mieux selon moi.

Cet avertissement/ recommandation fait, je dois dire que j’ai beaucoup aimé voir Danika en action et la voir retrouver une chance au bonheur après la perte de son compagnon. C’est une courageuse jeune femme qui n’hésite pas à prendre des risques mais qui sait également demander de l’aide et le fait sans regret. La voir interagir avec Gideon par téléphone montre bien combien elle fait partie de l’équipe malgré son départ et son éloignement…. Probablement que si elle n’avait pas eu un nouveau né elle n’aurait pas quitter l’ordre pour commencer.

Malcom ou Brannoc a énormément souffert et c’est quelque chose que l’on perçoit d ès sa première apparition… il est habitué à s’effacer, à se faire passer en dernier et c’est ce qu’il fesait une nouvelle fois avant la venue de Danika. Dans sa quête de vengeance, il n’avait pas peur d’y laisser la vie ou au moins une partie de lui-même…cette nouvelle rencontre est en somme un véritable cadeau du destin pour lui et réveille le fier guerrier caché sous une apparence de serviteur à botte d’une crapule.

Lara Adrian parvient à nous offrir une histoire complète bien ficelée sans être prévisible à outrance et qui a complètement sa place dans la série donc elle rappelle vaguement des éléments de bases propres à son univers sans pour autant être inaccessible pour un néophyte. Certes, je persiste à penser, que pour bien prendre en compte la profondeur des évènements auxquels des allusions sont faites, il est préférable de ne pas commencer par cette nouvelle. L’auteur nous donne bien des rappels oui  elle a créé un univers si complexe et qu’on approfondit à chaque tome que je ne suis pas certaines qu’un nouveau venu en saisirait toutes les subtilités afin d’en apprécier chaque instant.

 J’espère cependant que plus loin dans la série nous retrouverons Danika et Malcom ainsi que le petit Connor car je persiste à les voire comme membre ou membre potentiel de l’ordre et non comme civils surtout lorsque leur amis auront besoins d’eux.

Score:  3,5 /5

Disclaimer: Toutes les opinions exprimées ici sont les miennes, il s’agit de d’un avis honnête et personnel. Aucune compensation n’a été fournie en échange de ce dernier.

mercredi 27 août 2014

Under the Gun (Underworld Detection Agency 4) by Hannah Jayne

Hello to all,

 Only a few days left before school start again and this month teh weather made us think we were already deep in Autumn ....so the mood isn't at the top but i'm enjoying my gifting preparations^^ ( the weather is just what i needed for it^^) also apples and pears are in profusion so i 'm planning some delicious cakes.. after all we should always try to see the positive of each situation^^ it makes us live longer;)

So since summer is nearly behind us so is my stock of romantic suspense but with all the excellent ones i discovered i will follow up the series so you won't have to wait too long before seeing more^^. Until then back to urban fantasy with the fourth installment of a series i've shared with you already....not my favourite ( far from it) but one that is mostly enjoyable ( after all, i still read it^^).

Happy Reading!
Publisher: Kensington
Publication: 2013
ISBN:  0758281102
Genre: urban fantasy
Violence: strong

Language: mild
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

When you’re near the top of the Underworld Detection Agency, the claws really come out…

Quick thinking and loyalty have taken human Sophie Lawson a long way in the UDA—along with a healthy dose of magic immunity. But when her old boss Pete Sampson asks for help after a mysterious two-year disappearance, she’s determined to find out what high-placed demon has put two ruthless werewolf killers on his tail. Of course, sucking up to her icy vampire department head and negotiating a treacherous inter-office demon battle are the kind of workplace politics that could easily get a “breather” way worse than reprimanded. And sexy fallen angel Alex is doing whatever it takes to heat up Sophie’s professional cool and raise feelings she’s done her best to bury. Too bad their investigation is about to uncover the Agency’s darkest secrets…and powerful entities happy to sign one inquisitive human’s pink slip in blood…

My opinion:
          When I started this book I hoped to like it better than the last but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Oh yes the investigation was more entertaining and had some interesting twists that had me keep reading. However I was really disappointed by Sophie.

Until now Sophie was a character that showed a lot of loyalty and trusted her friends all while being often underestimated even if she is far from powerful or strong willed… I wanted her to improve with the time, to mature and learn. She did learn to fight and she is standing more for herself and what she thinks that’s true. However that was accompanied by her loosing her trust, her faith…  Seeing her lying to those she call friends, doubting them again and again wound me.
Sophie is stronger physically, perhaps psychologically as well in a sense but she isn’t the same good heart as before.

Seeing her doubting others like that disappointed me a lot, it even got irritating after half of the book. She couldn’t make her mind about her loves interests either.  That added to the fact that this book was a tad darker than the rest with a lot of violence and deaths of characters , which I wasn’t fond of but still, didn’t help me to enjoy it as much as the first one even if the focus was on werewolves.

I took a long time to write this review because I perhaps felt too angry at first to really put my opinion into words, after a moment I see that I did like this book, mostly thanks to Vald and the sword teaching part^^ funny and just coming at the right time. Simply it wasn’t what I hoped for  ( and I’m still angry at Sophie^^). I still want to continue the series and I do think I have the next book ready somewhere but  it’s not my favourite series of the moment at all.

I guess that what I liked less in fact was all the political aspects, secrets, manipulations etc that we discover. I prefer honestly so learning that so many things went behind the back of the characters and that’s is far from finished and we are starting to be unsure of who are the really good ones ( and if we hesitate, that Sophie does as well is more understandable )

 I can only hope next book will have a good investigation part and some cleaning the staff of bad elements because some really need to be taken out.

 So a good book that fit the series but must be read in order, if you love suspense, investigation and supernatural creatures this is a series that should please you.

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


mercredi 20 août 2014

Deep Disclosure ( A-Tac 4) by Dee Davis

Hello to all,

 Taking a  much needed break from crafting my christmas gifs ( never start too early ^^) i decided to follow up with sharing the last romantic suspense i read since it was like the flavor of this summer for me.

Those who know me have discovered long ago that i'm the read in order kind, i don't like starting a series in middle safe if i'm absolutely sure the books are all kind of stand alone.. it's the reason sometimes i have to wait month or year before reading i book i want because i had to get my hands on precedent ones first.
This time it was completely different, i had signed for the RAK from R& R Novels ( THANKS!!!) which is really a surprise one you can says your 3 favourite genres but when yoiu will receive something and what it's secret until you discover the package in your mailbox.

I was so happy to receive something that day that i was jumping around then i opened it and.... a romantic suspense my last choice ( but one of my favourite remember) and an author i absolutely never heard of... the cover and the blurb were really making me interested but....after checking it's book 4 in a series.... little disappointment, book safely posed on the shelves.....but the attraction was too much to resist....

Now i'm really happy to share my opinion on Deep Disclosure  by Dee Davis!

happy reading!
Publisher: Forever
Publication: 2011
ISBN:  0446582921
Genre: romantic suspense, Military
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: RAK (thanks to Mad and Ellie from R&R novels)

Short description from goodreads :

After spending years in prison under deep cover, black ops agent Tucker Flynn joins A-Tac, an elite CIA unit masquerading as faculty at an Ivy League college. Nothing can shake him-except a vulnerable young woman marked for death.


When Tucker is assigned to protect-and secretly investigate-Alexis Markham, he expects a routine mission. But this mysterious beauty has a past even darker than his: her father created a horrifying new biochemical weapon-and was murdered to keep it secret.

Alexis has spent the last decade racing to stay one step ahead of the shadowy operatives who will stop at nothing to possess her father's formula. She can trust no one, not even her handsome new bodyguard. But the heat that flares between them is impossible to resist. Will giving in to passion bring her the safety she's always craved, or will her love for Tucker draw him into a killer's sights?

My opinion:
          WONDERFUL! As soon as I had my hands on this book I was drawn to it  so much that it didn’t even last in the TBR pile. I had to discover this author… I can sound strange because I’m usually not listening to my instinct that much especially since this title is in fact the fourth in the series and I ‘m more the reading in order kind of reader.

Really, yes having read precedent books could have been great as this one kind of give spoilers but in no way it’s a necessity. It was my first try at this series and even at this author and I completely fell in the story without any trouble. I could understand the story perfectly and even the general background, it’s very well done

The action is immediate in the first few pages and there is not a moment when the tension drop, I couldn’t stop turning the page even if I had some strong suspicions (and I was right!!!) about the culprit. I was completely hooked and caught in the never ending action. The romance is there as well and well done, the characters are attracted to each others but take the time to build some kind of trust before acting on their feeling which make the relationship even more believable after what they both lived  in the past.

Alexis is a strong Heroine and she has difficulty to trust since she nearly had no one to rely on while living off the radar since a teenager. She is loyal and is ready to fight for what she believes; I really liked that about her. Yes I did want to shake her as well when she didn’t trust Tucker after everything but I really appreciate her.
Tucker had to stay years in a Columbian prison for nothing and no one could live that without being affected for a long time. As soon as he sees Alexis his interest is there, he doesn’t understand why or how but his instincts are telling him something which saves his life. No matter what the rumour is he can’t accept that Alexis could be a terrorist and thus protect her fiercely. He is so courageous despite years of suffering. Really I would love to see what happened exactly in Columbia, we have glimpse of it we learn the results but this book just made me want more.

 The investigation is not 100% original but is written in such a way that you can’t put the book down. I liked that we had some closure even  in the background there is a bigger investigation, a red line which seems to be developed along the series. The big, really big villains are not caught yet but the team learn slowly more about them (they crossed way with them in precedents books as we are told but they are still a mystery) and it’s good.  It’s not really a cliffhanger, I’m not on edge for the next tome. However I really enjoyed the story and writing style so I can’t wait to get the precedents books to catch up on what I missed even if it’s perhaps darker than this story.

If you want a good romance suspense to enjoy this summer (but not only) this could be the book for you. You can start this one if you just want one or start from the beginning if you prefer.

Score:  5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review

mercredi 13 août 2014

Angels’ Dance ( Guild Hunter 0.4) by Nalini Singh

Hello to all!

                      We really need to know what we what because before it was too hot  and now we are under the norm for the season ^^. No need to complain but it has come effect that the more fragile constitution tends to catch virus or at least strong cold with the yoyo ( one day 25°C the next 15 and rain all day^^ hard to know what clothes to pick^^)

Back to the reading part of my schedule, like i told you i'm a little more romantic suspense lately but i can't resist paranormal and urban fantasy; so instead of giving you all the same genre in a row i decided to tend you with the guild hunter novellas between each book ^^ What can i say ? Nalini Singh stories are really addictive^^

So today we do back to another novella , part of the prequel but that can be read later in the series as well...and remember you can get all these novellas in print in the omnibus "Angel's Flight" it's quite the must have for the fan of this series. If you prefer digital, Angels' Dance is available individually as well

Happy Reading!
Publisher: Berkley Books
Publication: 2012
ISBN:  1101606517
Genre: paranormal romance
Violence: mild

Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: won

Short description from goodreads :

 The gentle teacher of angelic young, and the keeper of her people's histories, Jessamy is respected and admired by everyone who knows her. Yet, born unable to soar into flight, she has spent thousands of years trapped in the mountain stronghold of the Refuge, her heart encased in painful loneliness...until the arrival of Galen, warrior angel from a martial court.

Rough-edged and blunt, Galen is a weapons-master at home with violence, a stranger to the sweet words it takes to woo a woman--but he is also a man determined to claim Jessamy for his own, to dance with her through the skies denied her for so very long...even if their exhilarating passion proves as dangerous as the landscape of war and unrest that lies before them.

My opinion:
          Fabulous, moving and funny! This is the perfect prequel for a series as the story feels complete, gives us a insight of a new universe and just makes us want more!

I started with the main series so in book 2 we meet Jessamy and see more of Galen… with the few moments where Jessamy appears I loved her and I wanted to learn more about her. Galen, he is still quite a egnima but at least we knows he has a big heart. I didn’t know at first that Angels’ Dance  would focus on these two but what a great surprise.

This story takes place long before the event in the series so we see a young Galen petitioning to join the Archangel Raphael’s army … we see his reason and how Raphael gained his trust.  I did enjoy to see Raphael young and not as affected as he will be but what pleased me even more was to discover how the Seven, his loyal guards, met each others and created  friendship links. We see that it’s Galen who gave Illium his surname and both are quite funny together.
 Galen is so blunt that he hurts, shocks but it’s not done with malice at all… as a warrior, educated by warriors he simply wants to be direct. He doesn’t see the reason for being subtle as of yet … that in life, in his relation with his subordinate and superiors but also with his romantic interest.

Jessamy has lived a secluded life in a sense, because she can’t fly she didn’t feel confident enough around the other angels and preferred to be alone… not that it was a really her wish but it’s what she thought she deserved.  Still she managed to be respected and really useful by teaching the youngs and keeping the Angels’ history. Alone for more than 2000 years she is surprised when a gorgeous, nearly naked male approach her. His words spoken without any politics destabilise her but despite all her attempt to ignore it she is well attracted to this barbarian more intelligent than he let it on.

When someone tries to kill her, it’s Galen who interferes and as a warrior used to get what he wants he is determined to get Jessamy for him and to protect her even if she doesn’t accept…Learning to know each other and to trust each other while keeping her safe, each of them discover that the other is more that he/she looks and secrets are revealed as the trust grows.

 This is a wonderful romance about acceptance and I was moved by Jessamy suffering and Galen‘s attempts to open her eyes. The characters shows new side of them as the story progress and the heat level goes up steadily. Written by a expert this story is definitively a must read for lovers of paranormal romance.
 Can be read as first introduction to the Guild Hunter series or later, this is simply a fabulous romance not to be missed

Score:  5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review

vendredi 8 août 2014

Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers 1) by Rebecca Zanetti

Hello to all,

                     Really i haven't see the fime flying so this post comes up later than i intented but at least it's up^^. If you know me you are aware of my love for paranormal  romance and urban fantasy that stay true but lately i've been a little more attracted to another of the genre i love  the romantic suspense.... i love the investigation, the suspense and the HEA. it's not a new taste more one that i come to enjoy regulary by episode if you see what i mean. Anyway perhaps it'qs the summer time or simply what i needed but romantic suspense titles called to me from the TBR pile and thus i gave them priority.

 Today i'm starting with one that makes the transition wonderfully since it include some supernatural element in addition the well done romance suspense. Here comes my opinion on "Forgotten Sins" by Rebecca Zanetti

Happy Reading!
Publisher: Forever
Publication: 2014
ISBN:  1455574449
Genre: romantic suspense, paranormal
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

 His Secrets Can Destroy Her

From the moment Josie laid eyes on sexy, mysterious Shane Dean, she was in love. Their desire ignited a passionate affair, and within weeks, Shane had slipped a ring on her finger. It seemed her every fantasy was coming true . . . until her new husband disappeared without a trace. Now, two years and one broken heart later, Josie is shocked by the hospital calls: Shane has been found . . . at a crime scene with no memory of how he got there.

Her Love Can Save Him

Shane can't remember the blue-eyed angel at his bedside—or who he even is—but he knows something isn't right. His hearing is razor sharp, his physical strength incredible, and the urge to protect Josie overwhelming. For powerful enemies are hunting him, and Josie is the key to discovering why. As Shane struggles to unravel his past, dangerous new truths come to light. Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And can Josie trust a man she thought she knew—one who carries such a deadly secret?

My opinion:
          The author wrote a suspense romance with supernatural elements and the final result is really captivating. Shane is mysterious, even for him since he has amnesia, but loyal and so protective… with the glimpses the author gives us of his childhood he becomes irresistible: A teddy bear heart in a deadly body.

Oh he can also be authoritative and commanding but his past explains it so we can’t stay angry with him. I must say that I was touched by his view on women…. I don’t exactly agree on it but I found it moving . how the  TV show he saw built his want and hope… the child part in the military man  made me want to hug him.

Josie is interesting too… I can’t say I related well to her at the beginning though. I did appreciated that she was loyal in her own way but the way she tried to protect herself, not trusting her instinct irritate me. Shane saves her and how she repays him? By going to Tom…. I really disliked him from the start, too insisting, the way he is always in the vicinity with a smile and condescending. I really not see how he can make her feel safe.
Her past was traumatic for sure and she survived it, like Shane in fact, she has a idea of what a family is quite idealized and she wants that. Her marriage to Shane was short , 2months, and quick since she knew him only for 3 weeks . However no matter how short it was and how little she knew him it made a huge impact on her.  Yes she wanted divorce but it was more an attempt to catch his attention that something else ( I think)
I did start to appreciate her more when she revealed more of herself and started to stand for what she believes in.

Aside the characters, the story in itself had me hooked. The investigations about who tried to kill Josie and/ or Shane as well as his research of his past with only his love and protective instinct awakened at first. The super soldiers trained from birth some with special talents was a really interesting elements that made Shane, and later his brothers, more attaching. We want to learn more and it’s hard not to hate those who made children suffer like that, ( on that side I do wonder where went the “ disappearing” children…afterall there were quite a investment). The commander and doctor Madison makes great villain we want to see punished badly ( I don’t think the Audrey case is what it looks like…; the commander is really too devious for that) The rhythm and the twists makes this book one you need to read without break because putting it down is near to impossible.

Really I want more of this series, to learn about Shane’s Brother, to see them saved and the villains punished. This book doesn’t end on a cliffhanger but it left me wanting for more;  it was a perfectly balance between suspense and romance the paranormal/ supernatural element adding  a delicious savour .

 If you want a good suspense romance with special element and military to it try this one you will be more than pleased.

Score:  4,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review

samedi 2 août 2014

Angels’ Pawn (Guild Hunter 0.6) by Nalini Singh

Hello to all!

                  Last month of holiday has started and  i'm nowhere ready for all i have on my to do list ^^. Do you also have the feeling time is going too fast?

Anyway, when i gave you my opinion on Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh i told you there was one novella that i really recommended you to read before that title. I thought i should let you know why  without waiting to long so you get that today.  This novella can be found as an  ebook but i would recommend you to get the anthology with all the prequel novellas "Angel's Flight" that way you won't be be missing any; it's the edition i got and i'm really happy with it even if to make things easier i will review the novellas separately.

Happy reading

Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Publication: 2011
ISBN:  0373277210
Genre: romantic suspense
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: won

Short description from goodreads :

In Angels' Pawn a vampire hunter faces off against two rival factions and the angel manipulating them both, and a vampire whose help is not entirely selfless...

My opinion:
          This novella is written well enough to work as standalone or even as an introduction to the Guild Hunter series It’s a prequel though and I really loved to see how it easily fit in the main series… I have read it after book 1 so at first the fact it focuses on another hunter surprised me a little but I quickly enjoyed Ashwini she a talented hunter, different than Elena but one I can’t wait to read more about it.

You see Ashwini’s particularity is that most of her contracts are to hunt the same Vampire “Janvier” and until now it never really was successful because the contract finish to be cancelled off each time as Janvier finds himself back in the good graces of the angels he bothered in the first place. It frustrates the hunter but we immediately can find that there is a lot more behind that. Both of them are not enemies far from it but there were friends exactly either.
When our dear hunter comes to see Janvier and ask him some question about another hunt she must do she didn’t expected him to declare he would join and help her…. That starts to clear things a little between them and really the interaction between them 2 are too funny.

Ashwini will need his help more that she even believed and this mission won’t finish without some consequences because you can’t meet an Archangel, even less one like Nazarach, and not be impacted.

Now like I said I did read this one after reading book 1 and I guess it helped me to see the characters under a new light but also this novella was really useful for my reading of Archangel’s Kiss book 2, I wouldn’t say it was essential but I really recommend you to read this one as it give you a insight about Nazarach that will be needed later

The rhythm is rapid but good for a novella and the plot itself was really keeping my full attention. It’s short but leaves you wanting for more without feeling incomplete which is excellent for novella in a series.

Score:  4,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review