Hello Friends! This was one of my favourite projects created for
Jillibean Soup last month. It is a simple display board where I can clip my youngest son's endless supply of hand drawn/painted/made artwork! *grin*
The process is simple. If you know my style by now, you know I don't like to over complicate things! All you need to create this board for yourself is the burlap frame (found over at Jillibean Soup), a bulldog clip, Happy Hues paint and a soft brush. I am using Amiable Aqua paint from the Jillibean Soup Happy Hues collection. Don't forget to have a hot glue gun handy too!
Firstly I started by sourcing the top middle of my burlap pin board. Once I found the correct spot, I hot glued my bulldog clip into place.
Next I removed any stickers and poured the paint directly onto the frame. Using the soft brush, I followed the grain of the frame to paint the top only. Feel free to paint your frame entirely. I liked having the inside and outside edges raw.
After the paint dries, add a wire word to the top of your frame and using Jillibean Soup beanboard alphas, create the phrase "Art from the Heart" along the bottom.
See. Easy Peasy. Now all you have to do is hang the frame and add some homemade artwork. Or it could even work for school certificates, notes or a place to jot down reminders! I love how versatile this project can be!
Thanks for joining me here today. Don't forget to head on over to the
Jillibean Soup blog to check out some other fabulous projects..x
art work by: Cameron Allinson.