June's challenge was to paint something unfinished. They don't get any more unfinished than the Napoleon Vignette I've been moving around my painting bench for over a year now. I mean, he was all but done. Well, now he is finished. I may go back and do some touch ups here and there as I'm not 100% happy with him as I didn't do too much on the lacing for Roustam, but he'll do for now.
On to this month's challenge:
Fierté nationnale
Pour le mois de juillet, nous vous invitons à démontrer votre fierté nationale en peignant un modèle aux couleurs de la nation, ou en peignant un étendard. Par contre, pour varier un peu, c'est le côté fédéraliste que nous soulignons cette fois-ci, alors la couleur thème en question est le rouge !
National Pride
For the month of July, we invite you to demonstrate your pational pride by painting a model in the national colours, or by painting a standard. However, for a little variation, we're underlining the federal side this time, so, the colour-scheme this time is red!
Just for Canada Day!
Red and White it is. I think there may be something I can do for Dystopian Legions that will easily fall into this category. As an added bonus, KoB models not only need red and white, but they count towards my own nationality (in a way). Double win!