
Wrapping up 2009

2009 to me flew by just a breeze. I guess the whole getting a job thing helped with time flying by so fast. Constantly busy with marking, lesson plans, admin duties, school events made it hard to keep track of time. It's been almost a year now that I've been working. I have enjoyed it thus far, and honestly I can't be any happier being able to give back through knowledge and education. Christmas and new year's celebration are all low-key this year with the passing of my late father. It still feels surreal and it hits me right back when I think of the night he left. How the echoes of everyone crying in the background, the voice of my grandma asking him to "wake up", the tears of my mom when she showed all of us he was no longer here with us keep playing in my head. It's been tough for the past three weeks, how we're suddenly faced with challenges we've never thought we would. We were never ready for this, no one really is. I dunno what will be of th...


It's been a week now since the workshop and I've gotten myself to make regular visits to the studios. Practised with Jac most times and first time try at William 's. I needed to wind down so attended his beginner's class. He warned me it'd be too boring and slow as there may be total beginners. He wasn't kidding when he said slow, as for boring I think not. I took the chance to observe how he tells the newbies the placement of the hands should be when concentrating on different regions of the spine in the cat/cow posture. With wrists a little forward from underneath the shoulders and that'd would concentrate on the lumbar spine, while a little towards the inside will concentrate on the thoracic spine. Interesting! Now I can incorporate that in my practice. Also pointed out how I keep on straightening my legs in the half standing forward bend when I should get into the pose by lengthening the spine with movement from the hips as well. Will be sure to make mo...

New yoga mat!

Found out one of William's student is the the distributor of Easyoga in Brunei, so went to check her store in Kiulap. It's just a few units down Excapade, called REF Station. Been dying to get one to replace my thin Nike mat that the cats used as their scratching post. LOL! Fell in love with the yoga accesories and mats at REF and ended up buying the Mandara mat . Heavy duty I tell yah! It's only 5.5mm thinck (the Nadi vines mats are 6mm) but it's much heavier and bulkier than the latter. Now my only dilemma is I need a new yoga mat bag since it's quite a handful to lug it without one to and from class. Looking to get this but I don't know if I should get it in black to match my mat or steer away from monochromes and get the khaki/brown. Ahhh, decisions decisions. So much for "no more expenses this month".

Anusara yoga workshop with Vincent Tam

I'm back! Thinking of making this back to an all-yoga-related blog. All personal stuff shall remain on FB and Twitter, yes? First off, Happy Eid all! Hope everyone didn't overeat during the festivities of open house visits! I didn't, in the beginning then somehow lost my self-control and gained a kilo after. Haha. So since Ramadhan, I had not gone to any yoga classes of fear of not being able to break fast in time. So I put off classes and did aerobics instead. But now that Eid's (almost) over, I think I can go back now. And it all began with yesterday's workshop. Vincent Tam was invited by William of OmPlace Studio , Kiulap for an Anusara-Inpired Yoga Workshop. Attended Day 2 as I had work on the first day. Hip openers in the morning and arm balances in the afternoon. All-in-all it was an intense workshop. Had I gone the first day, I don't think I'd be able to do much yesterday. I learned a lot about squaring the hips and shoulders in different asanas. Some...
come one, come all! support SOH, help a family in need :)


Dear blog, I'm sorry to say that since I have been active on twitter, I have neglected you. With all the applications that's available like Twitterfox and Tweetdeck, they make it so much easier to update every so often. Not to mention easy photo uploads using Twitpic. Perhaps one day, the time will come for me to update as regularly and as descriptively (as opposed to the 140 characters Twitter allows me to). But for now, I'm settling with what's convenient for me. It's been a long journey so I won't be closing the blog. Just consider this.. a long hiatus. Please redirect readers (if there are any) to my twitter and remind them they will need my approval to follow me though. Huhuhu Till then. thelazyturtle

Holidays are here

Day 3 of the holidays and it has been unproductive so far! Been sitting in front of my laptop ALL day. Another 11 days to go. I've got a ton of markings to do and I haven't started on it. I should get to it soon. Parents and some of the siblings are still in Gold Coast. I wanna go! Reading their tweets was enough to get me jealous that they've done a lot of shopping. But its GoldCoast, had it been Sydney I would probably turn into a green monster. haha. Heard they'll be back for a few days for some events then leaving again for Singapore. I would've wanted to tag along but I overspent my savings from buying new bags online. (Yes, it was impulsive, I'm guilty but when they arrive I know I'll be happy :)). So the thought of wanting to go has subside. I'll live with no travels this time around I guess. Hopefully by the end of the year, that is if I haven't gotten a permanent post. Speaking of posts, no I have not gotten a permanent post yet. It's be...