So today's challenge is copying someone else's manicure.
That was an easy choice. I love almost everything Jacki from
Adventures in Acetone is doing and I've wanted to do one of her mani's in like forever. But I never got around to it so here was the perfect opportunity. Originally I was going to copy one of her animal manicures because they are way cute, but then I saw this in my bloglovin feed:
Besides this picture she also had an easy step-by-step tutorial that you can follow
You guys know how much I love Doctor Who and I think Adipose is soooo cute. So I just had to do this.
Take in to consideration that I rarely do nail art with my non dominant hand (and I thought this was a good way to practice my right hand) then it is actually not that bad, I think.
I used Cult Nails Time Traveller(!!!!) as base colour, nails inc. floral street for the Adipose, Cult Nails Nevermore for eyes and mouth and lastly I just needed some glitter as well and put on Sea Lore Beluga Blizzard on thumb and pinkie before I matted it.
Of course they are not nearly as perfect as Jacki's but I am actually quite satisfied with the result.
I urge you to give Jacki a follow she's an awesome nail artist and her tutorials are so easy to follow that you think while you do it: why didn't I try this one before?
And before you move on you should check out the other girls and what they've been up to with their copy catting skills.
Så er der dømt kopisteri på bloggen. Dagens udfordring er Genskab en andens mani. Jeg har længe ville lave noget af det som Jacki fra Adventures in Acetone viser frem på sin blog så her var en oplagt mulighed. Oprindeligt ville jeg have lavet en mani med dyr men så dukkede Adipose lige pludselig op i min Bloglovin feed - og så var det jo bare den jeg MÅTTE lave. Man er vel Doctor Who fan ;)