Viser opslag med etiketten china glaze purr-fect plum. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten china glaze purr-fect plum. Vis alle opslag

fredag den 26. juli 2013

Fancy Friday #13: Pattern/Stamping

So we have come to the end of the first three months of Fancy Fridays. But do not despair, we have plenty of more coming up for the coming three months :)

For today's FF I've chosen stamping. Being on holiday as we speak I decided to pull out an older mani I did back in April. Actually it is a close cousin to this mani.

I love Dashica's plates, the patterns are intricate, the images are clear and crisp and Shirley's inspiration seem endless - and she makes plates that caters to different nail sizes, a big bonus.

The plate I've used for this is XL SdP 30 - upper middle image:

Since it is a full nail image and my nails are too small for it I thought it would be cool if I chose different areas of the stamp for each nail - and I think it turned out pretty well.

The base colour is China Glaze Purr-Fect Plum and I used Color Club Cloud Nine from the Halo Hues collection.

I had a middle finger nail that almost broke and I managed to repair it, but only to a certain degree which explains the very wonky looking nail :D

I love that holo polish stamps so well, you get this totally awesome look on your nails as soon as the sun turns up!!

See you again next week for the start of the next three months of Fancy Friday ;)

Så gik der lige tre måneder med Fælles Fredag og i denne uge er der dømt mønster eller stamping. Eftersom jeg nyder en fortjent ferietur til vores hytte i Sverige har jeg været lidt doven og hentet en mani frem jeg lavede tilbage i april måned - sjovt nok her i huset i Sverige, men eftersom den ikke har været offentliggjort endnu, kunne jeg jo så lige så godt præsentere den her. 

Jeg elsker den effekt der kommer når jeg stamper med hololakker, det må jeg få gjort lidt oftere :D - og forresten, i næste uge starter vi op på tre måneder mere, med en Flowers in a Pond mani. Nærmere forklaring følger næste fredag!!

fredag den 24. maj 2013

Fancy Friday #4: Animal Print

Welcome to Fancy Friday, the collaboration challenge between a bunch of Danish bloggers. This week's challenge got me very excited, have had a sponge gradient idea that I thought I would try out - and as it turned out it went extremely well with some leopard spots :D

Since sun has finally decided to visit more than just some minutes a day, I went in total summer mode and grabbed two neon colours and a lovely yellow from Cult Nails called Feel Me Up. The neons are Sinful Colors Dream On, a very pink neon that shows up purple characteristics as soon as a camera comes near it, and nails inc. portobello that is coral-orangey, depending on light. Both neons dry matte as most neons do.

I made the spots with China Glaze Purr-fectly Plum and a-england Camelot.

I  started out with oiling up the area around my nails, being careful not to hit the nails themselves. Then I cut a triangular make-up sponge to match the width of my broadest nail and painted diagonal stripes on it. Then I lined up the sponge to match my nails and sponged away. Then I randomly dotted with China Glaze and took a fine nail art brush and painted c's around the dots with the a-england colo. Lastly I filled in with random black spots.

It was a real mess but removing the polish on my fingers was easier than usual because of the cuticle oil. But as you can see Dream On is VERY pigmented and I had to accept defeit after trying my damnedest to remove it all. Especially my cuties looks a right mess :D. The pigmentation on my fingers was still visible after a day...

These are crazy gorgeous summer nails!!! And incidentally it's only the second nail art mani that I am completely satisfied with, EVER.

En svampet neon gradient med leopardpletter er mit indlæg i denne uges Fælles Fredag. Det er ikke særlig tit jeg er tilfreds med mine nail art forsøg, men denne gang har jeg været helt ekstatisk over hvor vellykket den her mani er. Faktisk var der nogen som troede det var negle stickers og det er vel egentlig den største kompliment man kan få ;)

søndag den 14. april 2013

Stamping Saturday...on sunday.

And then it became sunday here in Denmark before this got up :D

I've had this polish combination flowing around in my head for quite some time and during my Easter break in Sweden there was finally a sunny day for the first time in like forever for me and luckily I brought both polishes.

This combo is China Glaze Purr-fect Plum with Color Club Cloud Nine and the plate is Dashica XL SdP 32.

I am really enjoying this stamping thing so I'm considering doing it on a more regular basis which means stamping on random days when I feel like it more than making it a set day for it.