
Monday, September 7, 2009

Paisley is 8 Months Old

My baby is HOW OLD?! I have cried the past few developmental achievements because it makes me feel like I don't have a baby anymore. I wish I could slow time down and cherish each stage more because she just is growing and learning so fast! Here are a few facts about the past few months since I have been slacking on her monthly posts.
-She has 2 bottom teeth.
-She crawled for the first time yesterday.
-She also used me to pull herself up into a standing position yesterday.
-She fought over a toy for the first time this week.
-She loves to watch older kids play with her.
-She reaches out for people on the webcam (sad : ().
-She reaches out to me when she wakes up.
-She jibber jabbers all the time.
-She loves to bathe.
-She really doesn't care for baby food, but loves her bottles and any real food we have let her try.
-She takes 2-3 naps a day!
-She can play by herself for a good length of time.
-She loves her binkey (eeks!)
-She crazily kicks her legs constantly.

We love this girl so much and are so grateful to have her in our lives! Right now I am working 2 days a week finishing my masters and I pick her up from the sweet people who watch her and go home and cry because I hate not being with her. I can't wait to finish and spend each and every day, all day with her!


MoRgAn! said...

8 MONTHS!!!! Wow that is so crazy! I can't even believe that. The pictures of her are so cute! How fun to be able to watch her grow and learn new things! You are such a great mother! Love ya!

Heidi said...

I feel the same way as you, I also wish I could slow down time, and I cry at night just like you do because I can't wait for the day to be home all day with houston. She is so cute and getting so big! I guess thats why we have more kids right?

Emily said...

Is that true? Time to start trying for another one ;)

Amanda said...

I can't believe how dark her hair was when she was a baby. She is so dang cute. They do grow up way to fast though. Soon her and Andrew will be dating. haha.

Todd and Melissa Titensor said...

She is so cute!

Todd and Megan said...

I can't believe my beautiful princess is getting so big! It breaks my heart to be so far away from her and missing all of these things! Please give her a big kiss and hug for her my picture so she doesn't forget me! Love you guys!

Mindy M. said...

I wish I could come over the 2 days you are gone to watch her! She and Ashy would have a blast and I could teach them so much. We would home school Ashy and Princess P would be the smartest little baby ever!! What a fun idea!!

Veronica said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! How amazing that she is already crawling and doing so many growing up things. Can't wait to see a picture of her two little teeth. Hopefully, Jocelyn will get her better internet connection tomorrow at her apartment so she can ichat and see little Paisley crawling. Your internship WILL NOT be forever thank goodness. I am so thankful for those marvelous women who so willingly and lovingly take care of my little granddaughter so you can finish your Masters. Tell them thanks for me too! Love you and miss you all!

Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

Wow! Crazy how fast time flies! She is such a doll!

Steph and Brady said...

Oh she is getting SO big! How sad! She is just so cute though. We need to learn to do Skype so we can see you guys. Well, I hope work is going okay. Love ya!

amity said...

wow i can't believe how fast she is growing up. she is already crawling? i am sad that we have to miss this but we will see you soon enough. it was fun to talk to you guys on the webcam on sunday. it looks like you guys are doing well and loving pittsburgh. we love you and miss you.

Rachel said...

She certainly is growing up fast! What a cute and happy baby! I know how you feel, I often cry in my car as I drive to work as I think about how fast Claire is growing up and how I hate missing any part of it. She doesn't seem like my baby anymore, she's turning into a little girl. I'm so proud of her, but it breaks my heart at the same time. This motherhood stuff is tough!

John and Brittney said...

Paisley is darling! I'm so glad you have people that can watch her, I don't know what you would do without them. Love you guys!

Lindsey said...

You have a beautiful little girl Laurel! Just like her mother :) I hope you guys are loving it back east!