
Friday, December 11, 2009

11 Months

I have been slow posting this, but Paisley turned 11 months on Monday, the 7th. Everyone always says that they can't believe how fast time is going, but I really can't believe it! I am so grateful to have her as my little girl and best friend.

-Her personality is really coming out now that she has been walking and starting to run. The other night she just ran around the family room and yelled in excitement.
-She is always so happy and fun to be with.
-She is still a GREAT sleeper at night and day (hallelujah).
-She really is starting to find her voice and jibber jabber or screech ALL DAY.
-She has learned to move her body and dance to music.
-She doesn't need people to clap for her, she loves to clap for people, music, t.v., movies, etc... --Her 7th tooth is coming in.
-She LOVES mandarin oranges, pretzels, and toast.
-She loves to type on the computer and talk on the phone.

I could go on and on about her, but I am so excited to be able to go to Utah for 3 weeks so everyone there can be with her, see how she has changed, and get to know her personality that has arisen.

Sorry I know these pictures are repeats, but I haven't taken any others since these and plus they are so cute!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ward Directory Picture

I was looking through the online ward directory to put pictures with names and get to know our ward better when I came upon our picture:

Poor Paisley needs a mom who can do something with her hair...

Anyways not much to blog about, except I will be in UTAH on Saturday for 3 WEEKS! YAHOO! Can't wait to see everyone I love and miss so much!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My BYU Girl

Poor Paisley has no choice, but to like BYU between Brady and I brainwashing her. She has multiple BYU shirts, sweat shirts, and now 3 beanies at the ripe age of 10 months. Here is her new cute one my mom sent for the game yesterday. Unfortunately it is from my phone so clarity is crummy, but I will try to get a better one of all of her outfit. Go Cougars!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Family Photos

Since Paisley has been born, I have been too cheap to have family pictures taken or even just pictures of her taken. My sister did some awesome ones when she was a newborn and on her blessing day and now Brady took some today that are great too. Now if we could only do this more often... Sorry for the overload of pictures, I am really excited if you can't tell. : ) Oh and if you didn't look below, I posted today about Paisley's black eye too : (.

Happy Thanksgiving too too!

Paisley's Black Eye

Since Paisley has learned to walk the past couple weeks, she inevitably has had some falls. Unfortunately one was right into the coffee table. Here are some pictures of the shiner that resulted from the fall. This was the first day and it has gotten worse since.

Friday, November 20, 2009


The past couple weeks Paisley has been taking a few steps, but this week she full on chose to walk over crawl. It is so adorable and yet she looks like Frankenstein using her arms to balance herself. Here are some clips put together.

Also we were cooking dinner last night and Paisley loves to play with spices, but this time she got a hold of the corn starch and opened it. It was so cute. She had it all over the floor, her clothes, and her face. You can see it on the tip of her nose in this clip.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My husband, the sports addict.

My quarterback

Me being the supportive wife I am ; ) Oh and that is my friends baby, not Paisley in case you were wondering.

The MS1/MS2 Guys
I LOVE this sign and had to include it.

My poor husband gets neglected on the blog and I wanted to contribute one whole post to him. Anyone who knows Brady knows his love for sports. He loves to play and watch any sport and basically loves to just compete. Lucky for him he is such a great athlete. He is working so hard in learning his material for school and does a great job balancing Paisley and me giving us quality time as well. He also makes sports a priority because it is such a great outlet for him. He plays intramural football with other med students, but his pride and joy was coaching the MS1 (1st year med students) to play against the MS2 team. They play this game every year and already played each other in volleyball, but once I heard about the football game Brady already had practices scheduled and plays drawn up. He thrives on competition and wanted to beat the 2nd years so bad because they as 1st years last year won and that was the first time for a 1st year team to beat the 2nd year team, thus Brady wanted to beat "the best of the best". (that may be confusing... : l) Well Brady was worried the girls team wouldn't have enough to play the game that night, but sure enough they showed up and beat the MS2 girl's team! Way to go Coach! Next was the boys game and Brady was quarterback. He did awesome and again the MS1 boys beat the MS2 team! Way to go coach and quarterback. Brady was so excited to have both teams win and in both games the MS2 team never scored! Anyways sorry for all the writing and long story, but I want my husband to know I am proud of all his hard work as a student, husband, father, friend. I am often impatient with Brady and his love of sports, but I am glad they make him so happy. Here are some pictures of the night.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

10 Months

Paisley is 10 months today and we celebrated the right way! For breakfast we had pancakes and eggs (her favorite) and then we went on a walk and played at the park. She has also been able to play with a couple friends. Here are some things about Paisley:

-She can take a couple steps without any help.
-She loves to blow kisses and wave.
-She has 3 teeth on the bottom and 3 teeth coming in up top.
-She has had the WORST rash for 3 months. EEKS!
-She still loves to play peek a boo.
-She loves to play with friends. She crawls after them and just watches and smiles at whatever they do.
-She eats anything we give her, but right now she LOVES tomatoes and bananas.
-She smiles huge and then tilts back her head which is hilarious.
-She still takes 2 naps and sleeps awesome in the night.

We love you Paisley and enjoy every second we get with you. We feel so blessed to be your parents!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Halloween Pictures

Halloween is a busy night here. There is trick or treat designated times from 5:30 - 7:30, I am sure to keep everyone more safe and avoid as many troubles as possible. Everyone sits on their steps or porch to give candy here. This was really nice because when we were out of candy, we went inside and NO ONE came to the door! We had a lot of fun looking at all the costumes and handing out candy. Here are some pictures!

Brady decided to grow his hair really long then shave it into a mohawk for Halloween (it was gone the next day to say the least!) He was a punk rocker.

Paisley had her cute Halloween shirt on, but it was really cold so she wore her warm suit over it. Is Halloween ever nice weather?

Poor Paisley is like her mommy and wanted to eat the candy all night, not till next year!

I had to include this picture because I think her hat is so CUTE! She is being trained young!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


After I blogged about Halloween and how Paisley does not smile for pictures, I was determined to take one where she smiled. After about 10 takes, I GOT ONE!

Then I finally downloaded pictures that I have taken from the past 3 months and found some others:

She LOVES to be a cheeseball and does smile a lot. We were blessed with a happy baby, unfortunately we can not catch it in a picture!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Paisley HATES cameras. If I get one out she makes these faces and usually closes her eyes with the flash. Here are some pictures of my little ghost from the computer. I just wish she would smile ONCE for a picture! Thanks Grandma Char for this adorable outfit for Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paisley Videos

I absolutely love this girl! Spending the day home with her is always the best!
We had a really cold week in October and running heat in Pittsburgh can run between 200-300 dollars a month while still being chilly because of the old homes and poor insulation! Thus we are doing our best to not run the heat. It was 55 degrees in our house for almost a week, but we survived and have still not turned on the heat yet. She loves to snack on the baby puffs all day yet we were making her wear gloves to stay warm. Needless to say the gloves had no thumb holes and she immediately found an alternative way to feed herself.

Paisley NEVER showed any interest in the stairs until this one Sunday. Brady went upstairs and Paisley disappeared from the family room trying to follow. When I found her she was up a stair and ten minutes later she had crawled to the top with me there just in case.

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Do

This is a selfish post because it isn't about Paisley, but I got my haircut today and thought I would share it with anyone who cared, especially family on the west coast! I have such good friends here in Pittsburgh that are all talented in their own ways. Amanda is everyone's go to for hair and I love my new hairdo! She was worried cutting my hair (if anyone knows Brady you know why) and it was about 6/7 inches in total, but she did great! Thanks Amanda! I LOVE IT!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Long Overdue...

It has almost been a month since I posted and that is not fair to all of you without Paisley! I know there is a lot of writing below and little pictures, sorry and I don't blame you if you don't read it.

I was able to spend a week in Utah last month, which was such a blessing and so much fun. I took about 3 pictures of course so no post about my trip, but Paisley did turn 9 months this week. She is learning so much so quickly it is fun everyday to play and teach her. While we were in Utah she started saying ma ma and da da, which is so awesome to hear even if she has no idea what she is saying.At the doctor she weighed 16 lbs. 11 oz. (15%) and was about 27 inches long (25%). The doctor let me know she cannot have 4 bottles a day anymore. She is fickle with eating baby food and adult food which makes it difficult to go to 3 bottles a day. Sometimes she eats everything I give her and sometimes she hates what I give her. She is so happy to play with toys and entertain herself. She has little friends in the neighborhood that she just watches, laughs at, and loves to play with. They are all so good to her despite being older and more mobile than her. She loves to pull herself up and walk along furniture. She can play peek a boo for hours, but only hides her face, she doesn't care too much if you hide yours. She loves to have us walk her around the room. We love her so much and are so happy to have her in our family!

Brady is doing really well in school and takes his comprehensive anatomy final Monday. (YAY!)

I am finishing my master's internship at an elementary school here. I go in all day Tuesday and Thursday and play school counselor. I enjoy the job if I ever had to work, but miss Paisley more. I can't wait for March when I am finished and can spend EVERYDAY home. I couldn't do this without awesome friends who help watch Paisley and I OWE them major!

We are so grateful for our ward and friends who have been so kind, helpful, and loving. We still love being in Pittsburgh and know it is where we need to be (even though I can't wait to move back to Utah someday!) Thanks to everyones love and support during my visit and while we are away!

On Tuesday my best friend, Steph Hess, had a little girl, Breckyn, and it has been hard to be here in Pittsburgh and not there to support her. Steph has always been there for me and given me so much support especially with Paisley. She was nice enough to take the laptop to the hospital so I could see Breckyn and she is a GORGEOUS little girl like her parents. Steph will be such an amazing mom and I can't wait to meet this little girl in December!
Here are two clips of Paisley and her personality for those interested.

Monday, September 14, 2009

NO!? and Crawling

I don't have any new pictures or stories to blog about, but here is some video Brady recorded last week that is pretty funny. PLEASE ignore my pajamas... I need to start getting ready before any pictures or video in case it goes on the blog.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Paisley is 8 Months Old

My baby is HOW OLD?! I have cried the past few developmental achievements because it makes me feel like I don't have a baby anymore. I wish I could slow time down and cherish each stage more because she just is growing and learning so fast! Here are a few facts about the past few months since I have been slacking on her monthly posts.
-She has 2 bottom teeth.
-She crawled for the first time yesterday.
-She also used me to pull herself up into a standing position yesterday.
-She fought over a toy for the first time this week.
-She loves to watch older kids play with her.
-She reaches out for people on the webcam (sad : ().
-She reaches out to me when she wakes up.
-She jibber jabbers all the time.
-She loves to bathe.
-She really doesn't care for baby food, but loves her bottles and any real food we have let her try.
-She takes 2-3 naps a day!
-She can play by herself for a good length of time.
-She loves her binkey (eeks!)
-She crazily kicks her legs constantly.

We love this girl so much and are so grateful to have her in our lives! Right now I am working 2 days a week finishing my masters and I pick her up from the sweet people who watch her and go home and cry because I hate not being with her. I can't wait to finish and spend each and every day, all day with her!