Showing posts with label 8x16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8x16. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Winter Marsh

Winter Marsh, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2022

Even in the Golden Isles, some days are cold, wet, and wintery, especially in January. But if it's a painting day, well, one can not be deterred! Fingerless gloves help (if you remember them) and it's always an adventure! The colors are subdued and the soft light offers an overall tonal quality I so love. Even in the cold, the joy of being out makes it worth the effort.

The view from my easel. You can see that the tide went out while I was painting! :)

Monday, November 22, 2021

Come Follow - Happy Thanksgiving!

Come Follow, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021

And so the holidays begin... 
Wishing you a peaceful and bountiful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bait Shop Morning - Fix-It Friday #11

Bait Shop Morning, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2020

This plein air painting has been sitting in my studio for a couple of years... just waiting for some attention. It depicts a long-standing bait shop out in the middle of a marsh in the Golden Isles of Georgia. I love the dancing trees along the road that leads to it, and I have painted it several times from various angles and in different lighting. When I painted this one on location, I just didn't quite "get" the light and ambience of the day...

So, years later, here are some fixes... 



Problem 1 - The horizon line and row of trees was smack-dab in the middle of the picture plane and divides the painting into halves. 
Fix 1 - Dropped the horizon line, the base of bait shop, and the roots of the tree trunks.

Problem 2 - The light lacked commitment and its source was undefined.
Fix 1 - Added color to morning sky.
Fix 2 - Darkened cloud bank.
Fix 3 - Added highlights to bait shop and trees to indicate light source.
Fix 4 - Darkened foreground marsh to focus light on the subject (the bait shop and road).
Fix 5 - Darkened distance uprights to help highlights in subject to pop.

When painting the landscape, it's important to leave some of the details out. That can be hard because there is so much going on, and everything seems important. But we have to choose what is MOST important. It helps to keep asking myself, "what is the painting about?" I always do better when I stay "on message".

Notice everything, and then choose.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cottage Entrance

Cottage Entrance, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2019
Available at Anderson Fine Art Gallery - Click for information

This is a historical tabby cabin that is left over from the Hamilton Plantation on St. Simons Island, in Georgia. It is called "tabby" because of its building materials. Tabby is a mixture of equal parts sea shells, sand, lime and water. It was used by the Spanish settlers in the South and made use of indigenous materials. Very resourceful of those settlers, don't you think? Readily available, free... such a deal! 

I've painted this many times, so if it looks familiar, that is why. It's one of those places that calls me back at different seasons, for different angles, and at different times of day. I always seem to see something new.



November 8-9, 2019 - Austin, Texas
Contemporary Austin Art School, FULL - Register for waitlist Here 


March 30-April 2, 2020 - Wimberley, Texas
Contact Helena Hauk, Wimberley Artists Workshops, 800-327-1913
Date is firm - details coming soon!

April 16-18, 2020 - St. Simons Island, Georgia
Contact Mary Anderson, Anderson Fine Art Gallery, 912-634-8414

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Local Harvest

Local Harvest, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2019
Painted for solo show "Beaches, Birds and Botanicals"
SOLD at Anderson Fine Art Gallery

When my neighbors' orange tree was producing so much fruit they couldn't eat it all, they graciously let me come in and do a little harvesting of my own. I love to paint fruit that has just been picked, especially when the leaves are still on it! I also love this color combination... orange and turquoise - delish! Thank you, HC!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Study for 2nd Large Commission

Bayou Bend Study, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2018
Study for 2nd large commission for Methodist Hospital in Houston

You might be interested to know that the idea for my second large commission was designed, submitted, and approved in the mini-version above. Through that study, my client was able to get a sense of the composition, color, and value direction I would take with the big one. Once approved, I stuck as close as possible to the overall "feeling" of the small piece.

Keep in mind that the study is approximately 50 times smaller than this larger, final piece. Just for comparison, here is the large one...  

One reader asked how I was able to keep the overall perspective correct on such a large piece. The short answer is that I backed up... often and a lot. Every time I worked an area or passage, I would back across the room and make sure it still "worked" overall. 

Another thing that helped was to use a projector to transfer the image of my approved study onto the large canvas. This allowed me to capture directional lines and outline major shapes from my design. Once those were in place, I could develop the painting with confidence that the perspective would be in tact. 

Tomorrow I'll share some close ups of the large piece so you can see the brushwork and detail... please stay tuned!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Roses in Hermann Park "Study" - the design for my first huge commission piece

Roses in Hermann Park (Study for large commission)
8 inches x 16 inches, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2018

And just for fun, you can compare the small study above,
 to the large finished piece below...

Roses In Hermann Park (Finished Commission)
5 feet x 10 feet, oil on canvas, L. Daniel © 2018

Yesterday, one of my blog readers asked, "Did you do small to-scale paintings for the client first?" Such a great question!

The answer is yes. I painted an accurately scaled, proportionally correct, mini version; and got approval on it before starting the commission. There were also many conversations. The plan was to come up with a Houston scene that would be calm and inviting, but also distinctive of the city. So I visited. I drove around. I took pictures. I painted on location. I got suggestions and made suggestions. When we finally settled on the IDEA, I gathered my resources and fleshed it out.

You can see the 8" x 16" study in the first image of this blog. That is about 50 times smaller than the final piece, but it got the idea across. Since the client already knew my work and style, the study mostly represented what subject matter would be included. My main concern was design, composition and color. 

I stuck pretty close to my original design, and the feeling of it, when I did the big piece. Once approved, that is just the smart thing to do! Throughout the entire painting process, I kept that study nearby. And... I checked and rechecked it constantly!

My next post will include some "up-close" process shots with some of the details INSIDE the painting. Please check back!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Shifting Sands - Georgia Coast

Shifting Sands, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2017
Available (arriving soon at Anderson Fine Art Gallery)

The way beach sands shift and move always amazes me. Tides, winds, currents, and storms all have a hand in that process and it seems to change almost by the day.

These partially buried beach rocks tell a story of change on St. Simons Island. They were originally placed along this beach after Hurricane Dora in 1964, by President Lyndon Johnson (referred to as the "Johnson Rocks".) The storm had caused so much damage and flooding that the large granite rocks were placed strategically along the beach to prevent further loss and erosion. As nature would have it, the sands have continued to shift, and now, over 50 years later, they have completely returned (and then some). The beach is greatly expanded, and has filled in and covered many of the Johnson Rocks on this beach. 

It's always a treat to walk down there and see what's new! :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bright Spring Morning and Workshop Info

Bright Spring Morning, 8 x 16, oil, L. Daniel © 2017

When spring arrives I am always ready to get outside and paint again. This particular day was a little chilly and lots of trees were still bare, but I was able to find a well-lit green spot at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The leftover winter grasses were glowing red, and offering up a delightful pop of complimentary color. It was great to be out!


Painters - I still have a few openings in my workshop on St. Simons Island on the Georgia coast... If you can get away, come join me! Focus - Discover how a disciplined approach to your plein air work can lead to free and expressive painting sessions... 

En Plein Air: Strong Starts

March 30 - April 1, 2017
Contact: Anderson Fine Art Gallery
Phone: 912-634-8414
More details, click HERE.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Avenue B Grocery

Avenue B Grocery, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2016

Several weeks ago, I met up with a group of painters from Plein Air Austin to paint an older, Austin neighborhood. I love this little store. It is Austin's oldest, continuously-operated grocery store, was built in 1909, and on is 10th owner!! They make delicious sandwiches and are VERY well-loved by the locals. 

Below is my block-in... so you can see how I got started...

 and a view of the painting in process with store in background.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ready and Waiting - with Process Shots

Ready and Waiting, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2016

Rows of boats always compel me to stop and take a closer look. Their shapes and lines create interesting rhythms across the landscape. I loved how these were peeking through the foliage and catching the light. It was fun to get just a suggestion of the hulls and masts!

Here are a few process shots from the scene to the finish. I have to admit that once I start painting, I forget to stop and take pictures, so there are a few missing steps. (Best laid plans, as they say!!!)

The scene from my easel

 My block in

Adding color

Final painting

Painting friends... 
Please join me at these upcoming fall workshops:
Still Life: Color and Form - September 16-17, 2016, 9am-4pm.
En Plein Air: Shape and Movement - November 4-5, 2016, 9am-4pm. 

Contact: The Contemporary Austin School of Art 512-323-6380, or click HERE.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vineyard Light - En Plein Air Texas!

Vineyard Light, 8 x 16, oil, L. Daniel © 2015
En Plein Air Texas!

After painting on the main street of the little town of Cristoval all morning (and talking to every visitor to the post office), a quiet afternoon in the Cristoval Vineyard was MORE than refreshing! Standing under some huge oak trees with a delicious constant breeze, I basked in the solitude. The colorful umbrellas at the tasting room are what caught my eye and I loved how they played "hide and seek" through the trees. Did I get a taste of the  vineyard wares? When I finished painting it was dinner time, so no, I did not. I'll just have to go back! :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

River Road - Georgia Coast

River Road, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L Daniel © 2015

I was able to stick around and paint for a week after my workshop on St. Simons Island. The weather was perfect - sunny but not too hot - and ideal for being outside. It felt like a real gift... to get out and enjoy the adventure of plein air from sun up to sundown. This is one of the paintings from some of my off-roading that week! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Creek Flight

Creek Flight, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

On a recent trip to the Georgia coast, I was able to get onto an old plantation to paint. The morning was clear, and the marsh was full at high tide. It was very quiet except for occasional appearances of local birds stopping off for breakfast. When one of the egrets flew low through the reeds, I quickly (and gratefully) added him into the scene. I love the hint of life and movement.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ranch Sky and Panorama Photo!

Ranch Sky, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

A couple of weeks ago I met up with a photographer friend of mine, Scott David Gordon, to shoot one of his amazing panoramas. Scott is very close to completing a project called "Panorama 365" in which he challenged himself to create 365 panoramic images. This body of work includes cityscapes and country-scapes, long views and short views, AND... artists at work in their studios. 

Click on image to see it larger… photographer: Scott David Gordon

I was thrilled when Scott invited me to be one of his subjects for the project; and even more delighted when he suggested we do an "outdoor studio" shot. Since plein air painting is such a big part of my process, he reasoned that this would be just the right approach. I completely agreed and the collaboration began. Scott took pictures of me at different stages of painting, and was able to visualize ahead of time how the various angles could be stitched together to tell the story. The image he created beautifully captures it all. I think you will all agree with me that the photo is awesome! Thank you, Scott!! I am very honored to be part of "Panorama 365". 

Side note: "Ranch Sky" (painting above) was in process on my easel for the shoot. I thought it only right to do a panorama for the panorama! :)

Click HERE to see and read more about Scott's "Panorama 365" project.
Click HERE to see my panorama on his website and blog write up.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dockside Study

Dockside Study, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

I hope this finds you well, and enjoying summer! I have been busy painting and playing, and otherwise distracted from blogging and technology. :) This is a piece from my Georgia trip that I never got around to posting before my little hiatus. I just finished a larger version of it for a show later this year, so I have been living in this scene for the last week or so. It's always interesting how I can be transported right back to a location, with it's ever shifting elements. In this case, it was the incoming tide and elusive light that kept me on my toes. It's always  something! 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Woodland Hideaway - Georgia Coast

Woodland Hideaway, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L Daniel © 2013

Old growth pine trees line the edges of many marshes in the low country. They are very tall and drop the loveliest smelling needles (commonly referred to as "pine straw"). People use pine straw to mulch their gardens; and after a good rain, the aroma is completely intoxicating! Just one of the simple pleasures...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

River Rapids

River Rapids, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Today Plein Air Austin met up at a park on the San Marcos River, about 30 miles south of town. It was great to be back painting outside (after a little hiatus on my part), and the river didn't disappoint. The water was smooth as glass above the rapids and thundered mightily through the rocks as it traveled downward. Every now and then, a kayaker would entertain by running this little shoot. It was a lovely morning to say the least. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pier Breezes and Workshop Announcement

Pier Breezes, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012
Available at Anderson Gallery

This pier in the village of St. Simons Island, GA is a favorite hang out spot for locals and tourists alike. At least once in every visit to the island, my family can be found walking out to the end with ice cream cones to watch the fishermen (and women) and to feel the cool ocean breeze. It's a family tradition! :) 

Workshop Announcement:

I am thrilled to be teaching another plein air workshop on the island next spring!
Come join me! Here is the information:

En Plein Air - Composing a Strong Landscape
May 20 - 22, 2013 
Monday-Wednesday, 9am-4pm 
Anderson Fine Art Gallery
St. Simons Island, GA

Workshop Description: 
Focus on good composition and the strategic placement of natural subjects found in the landscape. Learn to design pleasing, dynamic entrances and exits into your paintings, and practice composing "on the fly" in the plein air tradition. We will meet at different sites on the island, and each session will include a demo and a critique. 

To sign up:
Please contact Mary Anderson

Friday, August 3, 2012

Broken Barns - Door County Plein Air

Broken Barns, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Another piece from the Door County Plein Air Festival...
These dilapidated old barns were in a hidden field on the north end of the Door County peninsula. I didn't see any "No Trespassing" signs and no one lived nearby, so I helped myself to a delightfully quiet morning. I even got ambitious and decided to take some process pictures as I painted, but promptly forgot after shooting the block-in and location pictures below. I guess I was having too much fun. You know what they say about good intentions! Below is the beginning and above is the finished painting.

Broken Barns Block-in, 8 x 16
Line and mass underdrawing
Using French ultramarine and burnt sienna

Broken Barns - location shot 
Block-in complete, ready for color
Sorry, I forgot to take pictures during the process...