Tuesday, November 29, 2011

so thankful

I'm so thankful for these two:

I'm thankful for Aunt Jenny doing tummy time with Garrett:

I'm thankful for crafty Allison adding holiday cheer with this knitted hat creation:

I'm thankful for active boys that my son gets to grow up with:

I'm thankful for a second cousin for Garrett who is so close in age:
(btw, this picture makes me laugh so much, 
especially since Jessica said Garrett looks like "Mr. November." ha!)

I'm thankful for Uncle Ben, the Baby Whisperer:

I'm thankful that Uncle Ryan got to spend lots of time with his nephew at the last minute:

I am so very thankful for these lovely women in my life:
(Mamo, Jenny, and Aunt Karen)

I am thankful for four generations:

I'm thankful for my crazy family:
(Did anyone get a picture of Garrett smiling with Santa? 
Would you send it to me?)

I'm thankful for more photo attempts:

And I'm thankful that Garrett lights up when he sees other babies!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Garrett's Namesake

Last weekend, we took Garrett to meet his namesake, Leroy Garrett.

Dr. Garrett lives in a retirement apartment in Denton, TX. We joined him for lunch.
We first sat with him in his apartment and chatted.
He was so inspiring to talk to. 

Even though he has had many tragedies in his lifetime 
(he has outlived two of his kids and one of his grandkids), 
he always turned the conversation to a verse in the Bible.
When we told him that we named our son after him and Abraham Lincoln,
he was honored.
He wanted to give a blessing to Garrett: 

He kept saying how good of a little boy Garrett was.
Garrett didn't fuss or cry,
and he seemed to like Dr. Garrett.

Dr. Garrett wanted to get to know little Garrett better as long as he is alive.
He turns 93 next month!
I think Garrett should send Dr. Garrett a birthday card.

It was a sweet time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Look what I can do!

Garrett's first time in the Bumbo chair:

 He's not too sure about it...

So I put him on the play mat, 
walked away for a minute, 
and came back to find him like this:

The next day, he did it again! 
He hasn't rolled completely over, but this is the first step.

Just for fun, a conveniently-censored bathtime pic:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

crafty crafty

Thanks to pinterest, I've been feeling motivated to make some things.

Boys wear pants. 
Well, girls wear pants, too, but they have more options than just that. 
Pants are SUPER difficult to pull off and scrunch on at every diaper change.
Therefore, the new trend is Babylegs - leg warmers for babies instead of pants!
Unfortunately, they run about $12 a pair! Eek!
No way.

So, I made my own.

Ladies' knee socks at Target are on sale right now for $2.50! What?! 
Just cut off the foot portion and you've got baby leggings!
You could stitch the bottom edge, too, 
but I haven't gotten around to changing the thread in my machine yet.

Diaper changes will be easy this winter season,
and when Garrett starts crawling, these will protect his little legs, too!

Plus, they're pretty cute.

In December, I'm participating in another craft fair. See last year's write up here.
Unfortunately, I'm out of tote bags from Ghana.
I guess it's fortunate, though, because it means I sold them all!

I still have a lot of those seasonal boards left, so I'll sell those.
I have those rosettes that I can make into necklaces and barrettes, so I'll sell those.
(by the way, Jenny, would you bring my fabric strips to Thanksgiving?)

And my new item is this:

A handy tote bag with your initial hand-painted on (freehand)!
I originally saw the idea in a magazine, but I've seen it online since then.
I think it turned out pretty cute!
I'll make up about 20 of these and leave the middle blank.
Then, customers can tell me what they want in the middle.

I have no idea how much to charge for these bags...
What do you think is reasonable?
They sell on etsy.com for $25, but I think that's WAY too much.
What would you pay?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

it's video time!

This one is for Erin:

And now, a message from Garrett:

emergency trip to Chicago...

Eric's dear grandmother passed away just a few days after we introduced her to Garrett. So we went back. Praise the Lord that all of us could go!

This was our solution to needing to eat and taking care of Garrett... He's on our small duffel bag in the booth. Not too secure, so thank goodness that he doesn't roll over yet!

Here's Eric posing as a pack mule:

Once we got to Chicago, we had a whole day to rest. And play.

John and Patsy Barhydt (who came all the way to our wedding) came over to meet Mr. Garrett.

Once we got to Peoria, our family and friends there fed us a wonderful meal. It was great to see everyone again so soon, despite the circumstances. I don't have many pictures because my hands were full with Garrett and trying to eat. :) Eric's cousins Kristi and Sara put together a lovely picture board of Grandma Goodenough. The most recent pictures they added were of her and Garrett...the last one taken on Kristi's cell phone. 

That was so special.

Apparently, Grandma had been feeling bad on our first trip, but she didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to spoil the fun. That was special, too.

She brought people together...even in her passing. 

Uncle Ryan got to meet Garrett for the first time:

Great Uncle Tim got to meet him and sing him to sleep with Spanish songs (just like he does his students, he says!). 

Grandpa Stan had some good quality Garrett time during the visitation.

The funeral was well-attended, and I felt like all of the things I suspected about the woman I had the privilege of knowing for short visits were true. I want to be like this woman:
  • Grandma was frugal in her daily life so she could support mission and ministry efforts around the world - She gave to about 75 different organizations!

  • Grandma made light of difficult times. Even though she worried, she could always laugh at herself or at unfortunate circumstances.

  • Grandma passed her faith down through three generations.

Garrett was a champ at the funeral. Plus, his cuddles took people's minds off their sadness.

Meet Kristi. Kristi is Eric's cousin. She became the caretaker for Grandma, who lived in a house right next door to her for the past year or so. Kristi's five kids would visit Grandma daily and bring her such joy. Kristi selflessly cared for Grandma. The next few weeks will be so tough for her and her family. Please pray that her new "normal" is full of joy and that she can look back on this time with Grandma fondly. 

I get a little nervous at open-casket funerals ever since my Grandpa Ben passed away when I was a senior in high school. I almost didn't go up to see Grandma during the visitation. Therefore, I know that this picture may be difficult to look at, and I am sorry. But I had to take one last photo of Kristi and Grandma.

Grandma's funeral brought her ENTIRE family together. All of the descendants and their spouses and families were there. Here we all are. Thanks to Uncle Tim for insisting that the beautiful autumn tree be in the background. It's perfect.

Here are all of her great grandchildren. Garrett was #9!

Here are all of her grandchildren (and their spouses):

And here are all of her children with their spouses. 
Dad, I'm sure you'll put these pics on ancestry.com, right?

Once we got back to Chicago, we had another full day with Eric's parents.
We smelled the beautiful flowers (and sneezed quite a bit, too!).

We grinned at Grandpa Stan's funny voices and faces.

We smiled and talked to Grandma Lois.

And we played "airplane."

This little ducky learned to fly!

I am so thankful for our time with Eric's family this past month. Garrett really enjoyed all of the special attention. It was a great way to kick off the holiday season, too. It really made me appreciate family and not take any moment for granted.