I slept in until 10am and then transported myself to the couch where I did not move for 6 hours straight. I guess I did get up to make a baked potato for lunch. I may or may not have laid on top of a huge pile of un-matched socks that had already been sitting there for a week... and I may or may not have caught up on all of my tv shows...
Saturday was a whirlwind of activity with helping move a friend, going to another friend's surprise birthday party, and going out for frozen yogurt with Eric's FriendSpeak reader, Tony, who is moving back to Taiwan. But the evening was relaxing!
Today, Eric taught his last class at church. He's been teaching the Singles' Class for the past 6 weeks about "Authentic Living." I think he's done a great job, but I'm ready to be back in our amazing 24-7 multi-generational class again.
Last year, our New Year's resolution was to have people over for Sunday lunch whenever we're in town. It has been the most fun resolution that we've actually kept! We love having people over, and it gets us to keep the apartment clean. Plus, we get to try new meals every week, which usually ends up with me apologizing before we even eat! but it always turns out edible. :)
So, with all of this, I was certain that Valentine's Day was forgotten on Eric. I decided to stay home from FriendSpeak tonight since my reader wasn't going to be there anyway. And then it dawned on me -- I should do something for HIM! (duh.)
When he got home from FriendSpeak, he brought me my favorite flower, a hydrangea! These were in our wedding, too, and they're my grandmother's favorite as well. We (Jenny and I) used to make hydrangea wreaths with grandma in the summertime.