Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lots of Painting...

The two weeks before the break were super busy for me. I had tons of school stuff that I had to do, participate in, or be at, in addition to the orders I had to fill before I left for California and Chicago for Christmas. I really enjoyed these projects, and I'm already ready for a longer break so I can paint some more! Enjoy, and let me know what you think. :)

This one was for a gift for Wisner Photo for being the photographer at my co-worker Julie's wedding:
Joey and Melanie Griffin ordered this one for their son and daughter-in-law. The trinity symbol was important in their wedding, and the verse goes so well with it.
Kami Smith ordered the next few for her sister and brother-in-law's family:
This one will go in her nieces' bedroom:A co-worker of mine ordered this one to give to a friend for Christmas. Lauryn Carr ordered this one for her new baby Lucy's bedroom. Without Lucy's name on it, this can travel from room to room as Lucy grows up. I just love the verse she chose. I made a similar one for one of my best friends, Angie.
One of my other best friends, Anne, celebrated her birthday on the 15th. I whipped this one up in two afternoons. I painted the decoupage coating on it as we were walking out the door to her birthday dinner. I turned the a/c on full blast (in the cold weather) to get it to dry before we got to the restaurant!
I forgot my camera cord on my super-crazy Christmas vacation, so I'll have to do a big post about all of that when I return. Eric and I are flying home from Chicago tomorrow. Happy New Year!