Until one day...
White hutch, $75, Ft. Worth.
Hmm... I didn't really want white, but it was definitely in our price range. I only had 4 days until my life got crazy again with Allison and her kids visiting for Angie's wedding and then school... If I was going to paint it, it was going to have to be this past weekend.
Oh, plus Eric was on call this whole time. He was paged way more than any other on-call week, so he would be no help with painting the hutch.
So I did it! I even wasn't my impulsive self and I took all the hardware and cabinet doors off. Woohoo!
After 4 coats of paint (and getting kind of lightheaded that last coat), I decided to put a layer of decoupage on the surfaces that things would be sitting on. Well, I liked that so much that I decided to decoupage the entire outside of the hutch.
It was quite an ordeal. But here's the "after" picture: