Monday, May 12, 2008

gyrating children...

Here's Chicago for ya... We saw this sight on Navy Pier last weekend in Chicago. Wow.

We also got to ride bikes and climb trees. We had a grand ol' time!

They made me wear a veil at the shower... I guess that was a good thing, since Jenny was there too and no one had met her before. I know she was relieved!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Tea Set

My grandmother asked me a few months ago what I wanted for my wedding present from her. Well, she's an amazing china painter, so I asked her to please paint me a tea set.

At the Kerrville shower last weekend (which, by the way, was the hugest blessing! I mean, wow.), this was the centerpiece for the refreshment table. I glanced at it at first, not realizing that it was for me. Then I realized that this tea set looked awfully familiar...

The card says "This tea set is a gift from Laura's Grandmother Jo. She hand painted it when Laura was 4 and they have enjoyed many tea parties since."

Let the tears start flowing!

You may remember this tea set from a post from this past summer when we had a tea party with one of Grandma's friends, Helen.

Wow. I can't believe she gave it to me. Wow.

What's been your most meaningful gift?