Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my first wedding shower!!!

Last Saturday, Eric and I had our first wedding shower hosted by the wonderful women of Prestoncrest in Dallas! The food was outstanding! Some of my dear friends from school (college and where I teach now) were able to come, and that made it extra special. Amy's daughter stole the show, I must say.
I am constantly humbled by the generosity of people right now. We have so many things already to get us started on our life together!
So, we're trying to stay on top of the whole "thank-you note" writing process. Last Sunday night, we wrote almost all of our thank-you notes from the shower the day before. Since we're going to a shower in Kerrville this weekend and in Chicago next weekend, we really need to be organized and not slack on our thank-you notes! I'm a lucky girl because Eric is writing them with me. It's a lot of fun to see what he says (he's kind of a ham).
I've noticed that the closer we get to the wedding, the more we need to do! Has this happened to anyone else? Also, I've noticed that I should be doing a lot more than I am (or it seems to be that way). Our invitations WILL be sent, but they'll be right at the 6-weeks-before-the-wedding mark... so be patient! I wouldn't say that I've been "stressed" necessarily, and I pray that it doesn't turn into that.
Some good news is that Eric and I know where we'll live after we get married! We found this cute, inexpensive apartment in a pretty good location! We'll have access to two lighted tennis courts (Eric loves tennis and I'm learning to...) and a pool. Our apartment we're getting is a one-bedroom plus a den, one bathroom place. We're hoping to save, save, save these next couple years! I'm very excited about it.
Until next time...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Harding Spring Sing...

So, Eric finally dragged me to Searcy to go to Spring Sing. The weekend was a lot of fun! He has friends that are still in Searcy, and we had such a good time with them decorating Easter Eggs.

Even Eric got involved!

I like my Cubs Easter Egg better... but Eric did do a wonderful job!

If any of you know anything about Harding, you know about the white swings... just to poke fun, I couldn't resist!

Spring Sing was good, too. It was very different from ACU's Sing Song. There are pros and cons to both, but we had a lot of fun!