Thursday, February 28, 2008


I got glasses! I'm really trying to get used to having something sit on my nose again. I've had glasses since high school, but 1. they were dorky. 2. they kind of broke, and 3. I tried contacts...then "untried" contacts... so there you go!

Also, here's an example of what Eric and I do for fun... We were successful in completing a good portion of the song, with harmony, without practice, before the video was taken... Eric and I both tend to break into random song, but in slightly different ways... He is full volume ALL THE TIME, where as I give up after a short period of embarrassment. He doesn't really care about all that. I think we're a good match!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Blog Style!

Yeah, I'm fairly certain that only a dearth of people actually check up on me. So, if you are one of them, please let me know! I may post more!
This past weekend was a marathon! Literally! I started by taking a half-day on Friday to drive to Abilene. I went to the Friday night performance of Sing Song to support my brother and 5 cousins! yes, FIVE!

I had lots of good family time, which was much needed. Then, I drove to Austin to cheer on Jenny and Dearing in their half-marathon. Here's them beginning!

They did an awesome job! They both ran the entire way and finished in 2 hours 37 minutes!!! I loved holding up the signs and getting others to cheer for them!

I also was able to spend some wonderful time with Allie and her kids!

This weekend would have been perfect if Eric could have come... but he got sick last week and the weather was less than kind for a sick person. ;)