Monday, February 05, 2007

My Grandpa was an Aggie

So, tonight at small group, we're taking a break from Hebrews and we're supporting Aggie basketball. I tell ya, college basketball is pretty exciting! Especially when you're watching the #1 team in the big 12 with three former Aggies. I don't know if I can say this, but WHOOP!

Now that I have your attention, I wanted to include a little about what Eric and I have been up to lately. TENNIS! If you knew me in 2nd grade, you would be rolling on the floor with laughter, trying to picture a klutzy Rich playing tennis. But, a few years ago, I finally grew into my limbs! I know, I know, you're still thinking about the time in 7th grade when the volleyball coach called my sister and me into her office and cut us from the team, telling us how weak and wimpy we were. Au contrair now, my friend! I'm learning, slowly but surely.

Eric and I like to have tennis double-dates with our super-fun friends Debbie and Josue. They are extremely forgiving as I learn the sport.
I'm very excited that Punxatoni Phil didn't see his shadow. Maybe the spring will bring warmer weather for more tennis learning/playing. I would much rather play a sport for a work out than do something else like lift weights and run on a treadmill...blech! What about you? What do you enjoy doing for exercise?