Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Few Fun "F"otos!

Amy, Liz, Kami, and I fall while skating in downtown Grapevine. We went to a fun lunch for Kami's birthday a while back and then went shopping in Fredericksburg-like Grapevine. We've decided that for birthdays, we will visit other cute downtowns in the DFW area.

Every Christmas, Anne and I get a tree! Well, I guess this is only the second Christmas in a row that we've been roomies, but it's our tradition, nonetheless. Here I am getting "netted."

Here's Doug... he's on top of my Echo. Last year, we brought towels to lay down to give "Doug #1" a more comfortable ride. We were teased ruthlessly by the Home Depot workers that we decided to rough it this go round. Doug is actually not a Douglas Fir (contrary to popular belief). He's a 6 1/2 foot Noble Fir who enjoys lots of fertilized water and long walks on the beach.

Merry Christmas to all! Jenny and I are stuck in the San Francisco airport, waiting for our delayed flight to Bakersfield to be with g'ma and the rest of our family. The weather is fine from here to Bakersfield, but the plane we need to travel in is stuck in bad weather! I thought for sure (since we weren't flying through Denver) that our flight would be on time.

It doesn't help that Jenny is sick with a cold and feels feverish. Get us to g'ma's house!