Christmas was fabulous this year. The 3,000 mile road trip with my family (minus Ben) was a lot of fun and we just all had a wonderful time together. I've already written about Kartchner Caverns. When we got to California, we arrived about 10 minutes after my Aunt Christy, her boyfriend Don, and her daughter Asta. Ben flew in that afternoon and we were all together to (quickly wrap and) open presents. It's always so interesting to find out what others chose for you. Most of the fun for me is to see the expressions from opening the gifts I give. I want to show my family that I know them and care about them and have that reflect in their presents, so it's fun when what I think they'd like and what they actually like coincide.
Christmas morning was spent going through our stockings (from Santa, of course) and going as a family to church. When we're together, we go to church as a family, but Christmas is an extra-special time because my mom's entire extended family was together. It's not as crazy as my dad's huge Thanksgiving traditions, but it's more intimate and just as special.
On our way back to Texas, we decided to spend a night in Las Vegas. We had fun (aside from the fact that Dad was sick and Jono couldn't be even remotely close to the "gaming area"), but Vegas isn't exactly a place where I want to spend multiple vacations. Once or twice is enough for me. Sensory overload -- I'd rather go to a naturally beautiful place, or an incredibly historical place for a vacation.
So, on to the New Year of 2006. This year, I have several resolutions. I was over at Katie's Sunday night playing Nerts with some friends after dinner, and we all got to talking about things we'd "like to do in the New Year" were. We phrased it that way because "resolutions" oftentimes have negative or demanding connotations. One of the things I'd like to do this year is visit a new country or go to a state I've never been to (I have less than a dozen that I need to check off the list).
Another goal of mine is to read the entire New Testament of the Bible in French. My church is listening to the entire New Testament this year, using audio CDs that members were encouraged to purchase. Financially, I'm in no place to purchase the CDs, and I have attempted to read through the NT in French before (I made it to 1 Corinthians). By keeping up with the church, I hope to be held accountable and thus be motivated to finish.
One last written goal of mine is to cook more for myself. It's so easy to just pick up some fast food on the way home, but over the holidays, I talked with several family members about how to cook for just one or two. I've decided to make large portions of several different meals and freeze them in single serving containers or ziplocks. I began last night with my Aunt Joyce's "goop". The goop is essentially chicken pot pie filling, and you open one biscuit to put over the goop. Et, voila! Vous avez un bon repas!