Showing posts with label exceptional people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exceptional people. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

I think they've hatched...

Once again I'm sitting on blog awards like a mother hen stuck to her nest. Forgive my tardiness. As for the rules...I don't follow rules. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Debbie Prestwood at Thoughts in Writing gave me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks, Debbie!

I'm awarding this to:

Lydia Kang at The Word is my Oyster

Cathy Webster at Life on the Muskoka River

Anne of Don't Fence Me In bestowed this Summer Blogger Award on me. Thank you, Anne! As she improvised, it's given to others who put sunshine in my life.

I'm awarding this one to:

Carol Kilgore of Under the Tiki Hut

Mari Juniper of mari's randomites

Sam Adamson of Future; nostalgic

Stephen Tremp of Breakthrough Blogs gave me this Supernova Award. Thank you, Stephen!

I'm awarding this to:

Jon Strother at Mad Utopia for his tireless efforts in bringing the Best of Friday Flash into print. At $7.99, it'd make a great Christmas gift!

Carol Kilgore of Under the Tiki Hut gave me the Go Away I'm Writing Award. Thanks, Carol!

I'm awarding this to:

Clarissa Draper at Listen To The Voices

Virginia Moffett of A Room Of My Own

Jodi Henry of Turning The Page

Debbie Prestwood at Thoughts in Writing

Jodi Henry at Turning the Page gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. Thank you, Jodi!

I'm awarding this to:

Melissa Johnston at Windspirit Girl for her gorgeous artwork!

Lydia Kang at The Word is My Oyster handed out the Happy Pill Award. Thanks, Lydia!

I'm awarding this to:

Alan Davidson of Conversations From Land's Edge because he's accident prone and could use the happy pill.

Clarissa Draper of Listen to the Voices and Alex of Alex J Cavanaugh both gave me the Cherry On Top Award. Thank you both!

I'm awarding this to three ladies who really are the cherry on top:

Karen Schindler at Miscellaneous Yammering

Deanna Schrayer at The Other Side of Deanna

Anne Tyler Lord of Don't Fence Me In

Virginia Moffatt of A Room of My Own gave me the Fabulous Flash Award. Thank you, Virginia!

I'm awarding this to:

Angie Capozello at Techtiggers' Soapbox for her fabulous series.

Deanna Schrayer of The Other Side of Deanna gave me the Prolific Blogger Award. Thanks, Deanna!

I'm awarding this to:

Stephen Tremp of Breakthrough Blogs

Alex Cavanaugh of Alex J Cavanaugh

Roland Yeomans of Writing in the Crosshairs

Melissa Johnston at Windspirit Girl bestowed the Liar with a Twist Award on me. Thank you, Melissa!

I'm holding onto this one until I find a really good liar. :)

Thank you all for your generous gifts, the way you've touched my life, and for continuing to boost me up whenever I might fall. My online friends are truly exceptional people!