Showing posts with label nooz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nooz. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2011

News Interlude

A little bit more of a delay than I wanted between this post and the last.  But I had a nasty little illness that knocked me off my feet for most of the week in which I planned on writing.  I guess that's what a sinus infection will do for ya.  Incidentally, did you know that sinus infection can be contagious?  So if, say, you Girlfriend has a sinus infection and she tells you it's not contagious, she's probably wrong - and you should stay the hell away from the business end of her plague furnace of a nose.

"Yeah, man.  It's completely safe to touch me."
On the other hand, I got some time to catch up with current events, which wasn't all that great since the two big stories for me ranged from extremely fucking terrible to moderately shitty.
  • The Penn State tragedy sure was fun?  I don't know about you guys but I totally get why FOOTBALL was placed in front of child safety. This one is especially relevant to me since I have a good friend at ground zero in a town he describes as having a "low level of humanity".  That's not a pro-Paterno statement, fyi.  Despite being from something awful, this is the most accurate timeline I've found. 
  • It turns out that Frank Miller is not just a bigot.  No, no.  It turns out that he is a well rounded and complete piece of shit. 

Man, that was depressing.   Good thing I chopped this off of the bat rep I was planning on doing.  Score one for not muddying the message!  But minus one for a non-hobby post on a hobby blog.  Stupid zero sum games.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a new year, time for a new post

2010 was a fun year for my hobbies.  Recaps are trite, but here are the highlights:
  • Started a 2nd army to languish in the hell of my backlog of unfinished projects.  Sitting next to my desk is an entire box of Deamons. Painting them has been a blast, thouhg.  Now to make sure they don't take a year and a half to be playably ready to go.
  • Completely collected and then completely abandoned a Warhammer fantasy army. My poor dino-horde is why I continue to have mixed feelings about 8th edition despite knowing better.  The silver lining is that I broke even and didn't waste time with wood elves.
  • Got my first and only hate mail from a man very confused about how the internet and logical arguments work.  Bonus points on this one for receiving one worthless rant and then receiving a spell-checked version with a polite explanation on why I was getting two copies.  Also, thinly veiled threats of physical violence.
  • Started up the House of Paincakes with Dethtron.  It's killed my ability to write for this blog, but the whole thing been fun as hell and great for networking.  Its going strong and getting lots of love.
  • Discovered the wonder that is the wet palette.  For your own sake, go get one. Now.
  • Entered a BoLS painting challenge.  Got third place as far as I can tell; they never announced winners to my knowledge. 
  • Got tons of fantastic books from GW and Forgeworld.  They're relly stepping up the quality of what they produce and it is fantastic.  Badab War II is on the way and I have a bit of a hobby boner.
  • Sold a bunch of my old crap to pay for new crap.  The viability of hobby cannibalism is firmly established for me.  I also got better at letting go of my precious, precious work.

 I think 2011 is shaping up to  be better.  I have an army pretty close to done and if the job-gods are kind to me, I'll be in a better position to actually make some games happen and then fart around with new stuff.  Plus, the Eldar will actually be done and ready to play.