Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TOFW and Balloona-Pallooza

Michael was kind enough to let me spend Friday and Saturday at Time Out For Women (TOFW) that was here in town. For those of you who do not know what TOFW is it is put on by Deseret Book and includes amazing speakers and musical numbers and is designed specifically for women. It really was 2 days that were full of the teaching, learning, laughing and crying. It was awesome to be there and really hard to sum up all I learned. I went with a friend in the ward and her mom and on Friday we went to the Paris to have crepes in between sessions. YUM! I will definitely go there again. All in all, I enjoyed the whole weekend.

Michael was left in charge of the kids and he is such a great dad! On Friday he bought pizza dough and Kyla got to help him roll out the dough for their pizza crust! What a fun activity for her to help with.

On Saturday, he was brave enough to take them to Balloona-Pallooza. They went to a circus, some safety training and then to the carnival for some rides. They had a blast! Here are just a few pictures he snapped throughout the day.... After their fire safety class with their junior fireman hats on.
Kyla riding the dragon rollar coaster. Michael said she laughed the whole ride but afterwards said it was too scary to go on again.
Here's Jake riding on a little car.
I am so thankful for Michael and the amazing dad he is to our kids!

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