Showing posts with label 2010 Races. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010 Races. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Was held in Las Vegas  this past weekend. I believe there were (4) different Relay for Life event's all going on this last Fri.-Sat.  here in Las Vegas.

My husband's work (Stratosphere Hotel & Casino) had a "Team". 
So Our Family decided to do it together with his co-workers. 
Our Relay event was held at the UNLV Track.
It started on Friday evening (6:00pm) and ran through the night, 
ending on Saturday at Noon. 
My "pretty" feet BEFORE the Relay.
We were a "small" group....but that didn't stop us from having a GREAT time!
My daughter Jessica and I

(From right to left) Neil:( aka Leo), My Man Matt, Our "Leader" Angie
Jessica, Mercedes and Alexis

Angie set up our tent earlier in the afternoon. Later  Neil (aka Leo), and Matt were sent or should I say volunteered to go get the B.B.Q. grill, makings for Smores, snacks, and a sun shade. While Angie, the girl's and  I stayed on the track walking.
* is still daylight*
 I am not quite sure WHY it took so long for the men to get back....... however I am pretty sure I walked for a good 2 hours.  :)
Still walking!

This is how dark it was when the men showed up and joined in on the walking . 
(And they say women take long shopping?) (lol)
 And still going STRONG!

We would take turns visiting the Port-a-Jane's  and grabbing a snack.
 Angie grabbing a snack

 Our Family each purchased a Luminary to decorate  in Memory of a loved one who lost the fight against cancer. I made mine in Memory of my Grandpa Marcum. My husband's was in Memory of his Dad. Jessica said she wanted to make it in HONOR of finding a CURE. (I was so proud of her!)


We each TRIED to grab a "nap"...but morning came and with only getting a couple hours sleep...we all NEEDED a Coke to wake us up to keep us going!

All in all it was a GREAT weekend as a family and new made friends! At the Closing Ceremony it was announced that the UNLV Relay event raised over 54 Thousand dollars! GO Rebels! 
My "pretty" Blistered feet after 16 hours of walking.
If you have ever wanted to make yourself feel GREAT....Volunteer!
If it's Money or Time, there are so many great Charities to help.

I am currently trying to raise the required $2300.00 in order to participate in the 
SUSAN G. KOMEN 3-DAY FOR THE CURE, held in Arizona in November. 
I was able to do this event last year. 
Finishing 60 Miles in 3 Days all for finding a cure. 
And I would love the honor of being able to do it again.

ALL $2300.00 goes to the KOMEN help find a Cure!
If YOU or someone you know wishes to donate or sponsor me for this great cause, PLEASE leave a comment and I will get in touch with you!

Thank you! WE ALL will benefit  when a CURE is Found!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

P.F. Chang's Rock-N- Roll Arizona 1/2 Marathon

Let me first say....I LOVED THIS RACE!

It seemed to have a easy going feeling. A great Expo and a surplus
. of great spectators.
And you couldn't have asked for better weather!
This race started a bit later than other races I have been too, however
I still had to get up @ 4:00 am As to make sure we( my friend Cedar)
and I got to the right spot for us to catch a shuttle to the start of the race. UGH!
But Cedar got us there in record time. :)
Even while waiting around to check my gear bag and take a visit
to the port-a-potty..the weather was nice. I think around 55 degrees.
The course was a nice scenic route. And filled with cheering spectators.
Plenty of water & Cytomax stops along the way, plus a GU stop as well.
I only seamed to have a hard time when I hit the steady incline the last 4 miles of the race. But I was "light" on my feet and really enjoyed the race. So I was not racing against the clock. It was nice to just enjoy being a part of the race.
By the time I finished it was 72 degree's! No kidding!
I even got my first "sun burn" of the year!

It was a great weekend. I was so happy to get to know Cedar better.
We had first meet each other while doing the 3-Day for the Cure in November.
She was a wonderful Hostess. And I loved meeting her friends & coworkers .
I am for sure doing this race next year! I hope Cedar will have me back?! :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Las Vegas Rock-n-Roll Marathon

Well on Dec. 5th (my Birthday) I was doing something I wanted & loved to do!

I ran in the Las Vegas Marathon. I had hopes of doing the Full (26.2 miles) because this was the first marathon I ever did! So I was hoping to see if I could beat my time. feet still have tender new skin spots on them from the 60 miles I did last month. And to add to that little problem, I broke my big toe over the Thanksgiving weekend. So I wasn't sure as to how well I would do.

And for the First time since I have been running marathons ( a year now) some family members came to support & watch me run! So I really wanted to do to well for them. But around mile 9 I knew my feet wouldn't hold out for the Full. So I choose to finish the 1/2 marathon. I was upset, but didn't want to make my feet worse by pushing it. It turned out o.k. though....I ended up getting a PR (personal record).

So now I am in training for the P.F. Chang's Rock-n-Roll Arizona 1/2 Marathon
that's on Jan. 16th 2011. I hope to have my feet fully healed by then.

And look who was at the running Expo......SUGAR RAY! (still looks good!)

And BRETT MICHAELS was the Finishers concert. He was AWESOME!
And he still looks HOT!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My 3-Day For the Cure update........

I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this on the blog. I feel as if I have been on the go since the minute I got off the plane from Arizona!

Where do I start....I hope I can get across just how wonderful; this whole experience was. I was either laughing my head off or crying my eyes out. It never "let up" at any time. I wish I could have recorder every minute of these 3 days. You all would be wanting to join me on this heart felt cause next year!

It all began on Day one Friday at 4:00 am, My brother Troy had to make an hour drive to Gilbert to drop me off at the starting point. When pulling into the drive we were directed my a large man in Fury Hot Pink boots! It made me smile. Of course my brother's first response;"he's Gay!" I don't think he really got the fact that EVERYONE would be in some kind of PINK apparel . I had to laugh! I said my good bye and was off to drop off my luggage. My first impression from the start was WOW! These people are so HAPPY to be here. (just a note ALL "crew" members are also volunteers) I ran into my first new "friend" .....a small woman named Angie, she was from Arizona and walking for the first time also. She was to meet up with some other ladies at the start. I was also meeting up with a lady I had meet on the 3-Day message board. (Carol Jordan) She "adopted" me as a team mate since I was alone. When walking in there was a white ribbon where you could write the name of some one who had lost the fight against Breast Cancer. I had told a running friend of mine that I would place her Mom's name on it from her. I was amazed at how many names were on those ribbons. It brought tears to my eye's. And those were the first of many.

After making my way to the starting area, I meet up with Carol. Such a sweet lady, I liked her right from the start. Also I found out we had two others we were waiting for that were also "adopted". Cedar Bennett ( a pharmacist from Arizona) and Stacey Conrad ( a School Bus Driver from Payson, UT.) It was nice to know that we all except Carol were first timer's. We made our way down to the opening ceremony....taking pictures of course along the way. I could tell right off we would all get along great!! They were just as excited as I was to get started. Everywhere you looked you saw PINK! Men & woman. I felt little out of sorts just wearing a pink t-shirt....I mean people were decked out in tu-tu's, wigs, costumes, anything you can dream was there! After a very tearful opening ceremony we were off on the course. And from the very beginning, there was a "SEA" of spectators cheering us on. (we came to know them as "Walker Stalkers") All long the course was "Stop & Go's" every 3 miles, where you could get snacks, water Gatorade, medical help, plus potty's! All the "stops" were "themed" in one was "Bra"zil another was The Jamaican "BooB" -sled team....and so forth. The crew really made the stops fun and worth taking a breath. It was so organized! If at any time you had a question you could ask ANYONE and they would know the answer. It amazed me. We all had to wear a lanyard around our neck, through out event with our own "upc code" on it so they could scan you 0n and off the course.
I meet many people on the course....heard many success stories, and to many sad memories of loved ones. On the course you weren't allowed to have ipods, but the some of the crew members were a Harley Davidson group that had there bikes decked out with bra's and pink boa's. There bikes all had NICE stereo systems so when they would pass us on the road you could hear the music. Well me not shy yelled to one of them to just ride by me for awhile! :) A nice girl in front of me was dancing to the beat and heard me yell.....she was soooo with me on needing some tunes! I introduced myself and asked her where she was from. Her name was Angela (a hospital counselor for terminal kids, from Washington, D.C.) she was walking alone for the first time also. So I "adopted" her as part of our "team". And from that point on it was a friendship. She had a great attitude and out going like me! :) Day one was a eye opener for me....I never thought I would be that drained emotionally. The feet felt good, some "hot spots" but no blisters. We all finished the first day and in good spirits walked into camp. Now Camp was just that! We came into a field of over 500 PINK TENTS. Now that was a sight! Of course just knowing that everyone of those tents held 2 people walking for the Cure made my cry! We as a group went to just so you know this food was GOOD! We NEVER went hungry the whole 3 days. In fact I know I gained 5 lbs. How does that happen while putting in 60 miles? anyhow after the dinner, it was off to the showers. They had transformed several Semi trucks into individual shower stalls. We has to wait in line for about 20 minutes in order to get our shower. But they never ran out of hot water! Amazing!! Then back to visit or you could go to the "Memory tent" where you could write in a journal in memory of someone you knew. Then lights out @ 9:00pm sharp. And believe me you wanted to sleep. However the first night was COLD! I was surprised it was as cold as it was. I don't know if it was the cold or my emotions but I did not sleep. I wasn't the only one. Around 3:00 am Cedar who was in the tent next to mine asked "Lark you awake?" I replied" I didn't ever go to sleep!"......So the second day began.
We all started together but some of us were faster than others, but we all always meet up at the stops and lunch. It was nice to see a face you knew. There were soooo many people. By the first stop, I & Cedar had Blisters! :( I always get blisters on a Marathon, however when I do those race I don't have to do 3 marathons back to back! So this was a test of strength for me. I just kept thinking of all those who had Cancer...then couldn't take a day off because they were in pain. So I didn't want to give up. Cedar & I came upon a crew member to give us some blister care advice......she told us to wrap them in Duct tape. Yup you read right. So when Cedar past her parents house she ran in & got us some. WOW, it really worked! I felt 100% better. So I was off. but by the last 3 miles of the day I didn't think I could go any longer. The tape wasn't helping any longer, and I could tell I had a few "new" blisters. that is when my teammates words of encouragement kick in. Stacey & Angie were walking by me at that point and just kept telling me to keep moving. I have never hit "THE WALL" in any marathon, so I am not sure what it felt like. But that feeling the last 3 miles of day 2 SUCKED! After crossing the finish line, Cedar & I went to doctor our feet......Needless to say I had to cut the socks & duct tape off my feet. WOW! They were raw!
I had to go to the Medic tent and get 8 of several blisters lanced (popped) and wrapped up. They didn't want me to walk the next day, but I wouldn't back out. I mean I HAD to finish.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This is the sweetest lady ever. She just happens to be diagnosed with Breast cancer.
And She is who I decided to "walk in Honor of" at the 3-Day for the Cure.

I just meet her for the very first time this last Tuesday. We decided to go to lunch and get to know each other. Of course the first second she saw me she started to cry. And anyone who knows me I am a huge cry baby! So then that started me off.
(Thank goodness my sister Carolyn, suggested I wear water proof mascara!)

as we got to get to know each other better, I noticed she is so soft spoken and carries herself with a solid purpose! I KNOW SHE WILL SURVIVE!

I have had some shirts made up for the 3-day , and Kathy is excited as I am to do this. We both plan on doing the race together next year.

So for all those who gave a donation, that helped me to do the 3-day...thank you! And Kathy Say's Thank you as well. One day Breast Cancer will be a thing of the past. I will keep you all informed and will post some pic. as soon as the race is done.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Rebecca Eizman! :0)
Becky won the $1000.00 gift certificate to use towards the total cost of new Kitchen cabinets, or a new Entertainment Center.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, for all the donations you gave to the Susan G. Komen foundation. YOU have helped so many people by doing so! We will find a CURE!

I WILL be doing the 3-Day Race for the Cure on Nov. 12th-14th in Arizona.

Congrats, again Rebecca!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As you see on the side bar of the blog page, I am a member of
"Daily". This is a great site for anyone who wants to keep track of their workouts & progress. You can also sign up to do different challenges to compete for a prize or bragging rights.

Well I have signed up for a few challenges with TEAM FORD.
And today I received an email saying I was one of the "winners" of a challenge! :) I won a pair of K-SWISS running shoes. WAY COOL!

So check the site out and sign up for a could be a winner too! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Until I will be off to Arizona, where I will participate in the
Susan G. Komen 3-Day Race for the Cure!! If you have no idea what that is, It is a HUGE event where all who have made the fund raising requirements ($2300.00) will walk 20 miles each day for 3 days straight. ALL money raised goes towards finding a cure for Breast cancer.

I am HONORED to be be walking in "Honor" of Kathy Haack, from Las Vegas, NV. My husband works with her. And she was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer a few months ago. I am so happy to do this for her, along with thousands of others who are fighting this battle.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Disneyland 1/2 Marathon - Family Vacation

Well it has been a long time since I have logged anything.....I feel as if I am still "running around with my head cut off". First let me say I LOVED the Race! And it was a extra bonus to have my family vacation in between. What a fun place, I really do think it is the "happiest place on earth"! You cant not be happy and smile when you see a Disney character walk by. On almost every other mile of the race you could see a "photo op" to stop and take a picture with Buzz or Donald and so on...
this wasn't a race I worried about my time. Being my first "race" off of surgery, I just wanted to finish. And It was a good trial run. However I do think I need to step it up a bit before my next race.

Matt, Jessica and & I spent a day at the beach, were they learned to body surf. They had the time of there lives. I enjoyed walking the beach picking up sea shells and watching all the surfers. I did not think about the suns rays......and I turned into a swollen lobster the next day. Matt & Jess were smarter than I and at least put sunscreen on at the beginning of the day. they did get some sun but only not near as bad as I. Dumb I know!

We had a day at the Marathon Expo and then hit the parks. Having a 5 day pass for both parks made it easy to go back & forth between them. We weren't sure how the crowds would be seeing that it was Labor Day weekend. But it was perfect! I bet the longest we stood in line for any ride was 10 minutes. So I highly recommend to go on Labor Day weekend.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Only 10 more days until the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon. I hope I am good to go.
I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be this hard to come back from surgeries.
I think it is harder to have to start over than it was to start. However I am looking forward to it.

Not only am i going for the race, but this is our families vacation. We plan staying 4 days and 5 nights. Spending at least 3 days for Disneyland, 1 full day at the beach. And then just playing the tourist for the remainder. I cant wait to get to cooler weather. We haven't been to Disneyland since Jessica was 4 years old. She just turned 11. So we thought it was about time to take her again. Really it was I who wants to go super bad! :)

Well I am sure I will have many pictures to share when we get back!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fun with friends

Everything is a lot more fun with friends. Even running a Marathon!

Kimi and I meet before my first Marathon (Las Vegas '09) on line in the Prevention chat forum's. We met in person for the first time 2 days before the marathon.
And ever since we have been in contact with each other. We met for a fun road trip to the Nashville Marathon.

I love meeting & making new friends. And the "Running" folks are a fun crazy bunch of people. How couldn't we be crazy, we run 13.1 / 26.2 miles and like it!

Friends make running a new way to have a "Girl's Day out"
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