Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts


one line a day

i know this project has made the rounds of pinterest recently, via design*sponge, via ashley from under the sycamore - but i actually made this over a year ago!  i never used it, i didn't think it was the right gift for anyone else at the time, and then lo and behold, perusing pinterest a few weeks ago i saw that my lovely friend kim had pinned it!  just the right gift.  i surprised her with that one!  i will say i took virtually no creative liberties and copied this almost identically from the original.  i guess there was nothing to fix.

one reason i never used it was because i got this journal in 2011, and I LOVE IT.  and now i am loving filling in 2012 and seeing what was going on this time last year.  fun to see prophecies, such as pondering whether or not we will end up in baltimore when we were on a road trip last may, or wondering if elmore was getting sick back in july, a month before he died.  wait, that one was not fun.  but interesting, or maybe eerie to see i guess.

slowly but surely, home projects are to come...


Whoa! Look at this! What a beautiful drawing, even if it is of me! You'd never know what a stinky photo it's from too. So cool!

Long time since I've posted, but so many sewn and knit objects to post actually, hopefully I'll get my act together soon. Taking a good photo is always what trips me up.


knitting disciple

a few weeks ago i taught my best friend to knit. this was very thrilling for me, probably more so than it should have been, but i've always been dying to teach someone to knit. being this excited, or maybe because i think i'm the jesus of knitting, i erroneously started to call her my knitting "disciple" one day. i'm quite full of myself. that should probably be something more like "pupil" or maybe "scholar."

nonetheless, the fruit of her labors:

i'm very proud. 2x2 rib in the round for a first time knit. not bad. (actually, i'm also a little embarassed - she is much better than i was when i started).