Monday, January 18, 2010


Kyle is a blessing in our home.
He is truly one of the happiest people I know.
He is either smiling or laughing all the time.
Here are a few pictures of him...lately.
He is in LOVE with reading books,
and of course his blanket.
Here he is kicking back eating his breakfast.
He thought he was so clever!!!
The other day, while the onesies were in the wash,
Kyle found his bum crack!!!
I love this little boy!!!


Rachelle Alexander said...

Kids are just so funny. I love to watch them. Who knew having kids was also entertainment.

The Dabo's said...

I've decided Kyle needs a little vitamin D. Don't worry so do I!

Tavia said...

Adorable!! They really do come with completely different personalities.

The Pearson's said...

Uh how stinkin cute! What a sweetie pie! I love his feet up on the table eating breakfast!