I know, It's late for this--some 25 days late.
But like "they" say,
It's true. Over the last 25 days I really have been thinking about 2010.
What do I want to accomplish? Where do I want to be in a year?
What do I want to learn? How do I want to be better?
What do I want to be better in?
And I came up with this:
Goals-Resolutions for 2010
1. I want a better marriage.
Therefore, weekly dates. I really need to keep this a priority.
Being a mother can sometimes get in the way of being a wife.
And going out weekly, ALONE with Dan is just what we need!
One on One time will help for sure.
2. 100% visiting teaching.
There are only a few things we can be perfect in,
and visiting teaching is one of them.
3. Monthly Temple attendance.
Another thing that is not hard to be perfect in.
4. Daily PERSONAL scripture reading.
I am so good to read the scriptures
each night with my children. But for some
reason I really struggle with personal reading.
5. Train and Focus for the 1/2 Marathon in April
(running with my mom and sister)
and the Ragnar race in June.
I am not a runner at all.
This is really going to be a challenge.
I really would love to run the 1/2 marathon
in under 2:30 or even 2 hours.
Now that that's out there, I better get moving!!
6. Have more patience/tolerance.
I need to be better with this especially with my children.
It is very difficult sometimes with 5 hungry, tired, whinny, unhappy boys, to be patient.
But I NEED to always remember to be more tolerant--more patient.
7. Blog more frequently--better journal writing.
I printed off my blog for 2009.
What a great journal I have for last year.
I want to have one for 2010 as well.
Keep the family memories written down and pictures taken.
8. Take time DAILY to read with my children. 20 minutes.
There is no better place to learn than in the arms of a mother.
9. Make my bed daily.
This might sound funny, but I have sort of gotten out of the habit.
And I must say that when my bed is made before I go downstairs,
it sets the mood to help keep the rest of the house neat and tidy!
10. Read more books. I have a desire to begin to pleasure read.
I have NO idea what I'll begin to read. All I know is I need to start.
I think I'll have to do a bit of research--maybe the new
Nicolas Sparks book!!!
Here are 10 of my goals, resolutions, new areas to focus on in 2010!