Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tonight I Went on a Date--

Tonight I went on a date with Kim and Curtis!
We went to the BYU Basketball game
Dan has been out of town all week and Kim called a few
days ago asking if I wanted to go to the BYU game!!!
HUMM--Let's see stay home with 5 boys or have a night out---
We had a good time and
it was a VICTORY over UTAH!!!
What's better than that!
It's good to be a BYU fan!
Thanks Kim and Curtis for a fabulous evening!

What Have I Gotten Myself Into??

Well, I'm putting it out there-
I have signed up to run a 1/2 Marathon!
Salt Lake City, April 17th 2010 at 7:00 am
The great thing is that I'm running it with my mom and sister.
Talk about a family bonding experience!
Thank goodness I have a couple of months to train.
It will also get me training for the next race.
11 girl friends & myself
are running RAGNAR in June.
So for the next several months,
I'll be running, running, running!!!! (I hope)

Cleaning the Car!

I know! We are leaving for Disneyland
in 3 days, and I'm getting the car detailed.
Crazy? Maybe?
But really, the inside was so insanely dirty
from the snow, mud, dirty shoes, 5 boys-
That I didn't want to travel in filth!
Thank goodness for Scotty's!!
Really you need them to come and clean your car too.
Scotty's is a mobile detailing company.
I'm having my car cleaned and I didn't need to take it anywhere.
Fast, Friendly, and Affordable!
Disneyland here we come!!

Following the Leaders.

My boys LOVE to wear costumes!
I think they put them on every day!
They are even passing it on to the younger ones!
Kyle is one that loves to play with the BIG KIDS.
Kyle seriously thought he had died and gone to heaven
when I put the spiderman costume on him.
For him to see how excited his big brothers were--
He was just thrilled!
I knew that they had created another costume lover!

Sleeping in MOM's Bed!

Every time daddy goes out of town the boys
each night get to sleep with me.
Cody sleeps like a train wreck!
I should have just traded him.
The sweetest thing did happen though.
At about 4 am, I feel someone tickling my arm
I was a little startled, but then I heard a whisper,
"I love you mom!!!"said very quietly!
"I love you too son, go back to sleep".
It is moments like that when I'm glad daddy is
out of town on business!
Cody, his blanket and dinosaur.
Steven in la la land!
Luke in dreamland.
Special memories that I will forever remember!

Jack and Buns!

This morning was a busy one.
You know, the usual Saturday Chores.
I THOUGHT that all 5 boys were down stairs playing.
I had not heard a peep out of them for a while.
As I was putting stuff away,
I heard what sounded like the ruffling of a plastic bag.
Although I saw no one---
I kept searching and found Jack
hiding behind the couch in the living room.
He had gotten a bag of hamburger buns and decided to eat them.
He's so funny.
Then Kyle found him and they decided to eat together.
I guess we are NOT having hamburgers for dinner tonight!

Family Journal for 2009!!!

I love the internet!!!
I began blogging about 2 years ago,
for only reason:
To keep a Family Journal.
Doing some internet surfing I came across
What an amazing thing.
Our "Family Journal 2009"
came in the mail last week!
TOTALLY recommend getting one!
Fast, easy, and really inexpensive.
Now I need to order 2008's
and continue to blog away!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dance Festival

Today there was a Dance Festival at Cody's school.
Each grade K-6th performed.
The Kindergartners did the "Chicken Dance"
Each one made their own hats and wings.
It was so cute!
Here's Cody right after.
He was so proud of himself
and he did a great job too!
Love you son!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Goals and Resolutions!!

I know, It's late for this--some 25 days late.
But like "they" say,

It's true. Over the last 25 days I really have been thinking about 2010.
What do I want to accomplish? Where do I want to be in a year?
What do I want to learn? How do I want to be better?
What do I want to be better in?
And I came up with this:

Goals-Resolutions for 2010

1. I want a better marriage.
Therefore, weekly dates. I really need to keep this a priority.
Being a mother can sometimes get in the way of being a wife.
And going out weekly, ALONE with Dan is just what we need!
One on One time will help for sure.

2. 100% visiting teaching.
There are only a few things we can be perfect in,
and visiting teaching is one of them.

3. Monthly Temple attendance.
Another thing that is not hard to be perfect in.

4. Daily PERSONAL scripture reading.
I am so good to read the scriptures
each night with my children. But for some
reason I really struggle with personal reading.

5. Train and Focus for the 1/2 Marathon in April
(running with my mom and sister)
and the Ragnar race in June.
I am not a runner at all.
This is really going to be a challenge.
I really would love to run the 1/2 marathon
in under 2:30 or even 2 hours.
Now that that's out there, I better get moving!!

6. Have more patience/tolerance.
I need to be better with this especially with my children.
It is very difficult sometimes with 5 hungry, tired, whinny, unhappy boys, to be patient.
But I NEED to always remember to be more tolerant--more patient.

7. Blog more frequently--better journal writing.
I printed off my blog for 2009.
What a great journal I have for last year.
I want to have one for 2010 as well.
Keep the family memories written down and pictures taken.

8. Take time DAILY to read with my children. 20 minutes.
There is no better place to learn than in the arms of a mother.

9. Make my bed daily.
This might sound funny, but I have sort of gotten out of the habit.
And I must say that when my bed is made before I go downstairs,
it sets the mood to help keep the rest of the house neat and tidy!

10. Read more books. I have a desire to begin to pleasure read.
I have NO idea what I'll begin to read. All I know is I need to start.
I think I'll have to do a bit of research--maybe the new
Nicolas Sparks book!!!

Here are 10 of my goals, resolutions, new areas to focus on in 2010!

Friday, January 22, 2010

A New Rule!

There is now a NEW FAMILY RULE
at our house. Yesterday as I was driving into
the garage, Cody stood up and for some reason
opened the van door before I had entered the garage.
This was the outcome!
Poor Cody was devastated, when he realized what he had done.
Also from the screeching of the van door against
the side of the garage.
Who knew you have to have a rule:
Do not open the car door unless we are stopped!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Kyle is a blessing in our home.
He is truly one of the happiest people I know.
He is either smiling or laughing all the time.
Here are a few pictures of him...lately.
He is in LOVE with reading books,
and of course his blanket.
Here he is kicking back eating his breakfast.
He thought he was so clever!!!
The other day, while the onesies were in the wash,
Kyle found his bum crack!!!
I love this little boy!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

What is Going ON!!!!!

What is this world coming to?
I have been 36 for 31 days now,
and what have I discovered???
I can barely say it---
Yes, it's true!! Can you see it?
It's right there in the palm of my hand!
It's a SAD SAD day!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Tonight we went on a double date with
Kathryn and Tyler.
Tonight we saw the movie "NINE"
It was divine.
The acting, the costumes, the music
the location----
Tonight I wish I were in Italy!
Now, I think we need to plan a vacation.
Tonight was great!
Great company, great friends, and a great movie!

Beauty School 101

I'm learning a lot being a mother.
One of which is how to cut hair.
Raising 5 boys I'm pretty particular about specific things.
(there is nothing like nice trimmed nails)
(no exceptions)
(once the hair hits the ear, time for a hair cut)
(Steven, don't mind the jam on his face)
Several months ago I bought a clipper set.
I use in monthly.
I must admit, I'm getting pretty good!! :)
Luke's new hair-doo.

It is also a time for me to spend with THAT child for 10-15 minutes,
and JUST talk and joke around.
Bonding Time!
Cody before -
(he insisted on making a funny face)
Cody after-
The hair pile.
I'm surprised how similar Steven and Luke's
hair color is. Cody's obviously is the darkest!
And last but not least is the tip.
Each of them tip me with a "Thank You" Kiss.
Of course, MY FAVORITE PART!!!


Jack has a mind of his own.
Jack doesn't need any help.
Jack is stubborn!!!
This morning we had French Toast.
Dad helped Jack take the first bite.
And since Jack didn't put the French Toast on the fork
himself he didn't want to eat it!!!
He sat like this with French Toast sticking out
of his mouth for like 10 minutes.

What are we going to do with you???

Becoming Best Friends!

A friendship is forming between Kyle and Jack!
They really are so cute together.
Jack got his baggie of cold cereal and sat down to eat.
Kyle followed, and sat down right beside him.
They talked (I didn't understand a thing),
and they laughed!
It really is so fun to see their friendship come to life.
And how much they really do love each other!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Storage!

Jack is a funny kid!
Yesterday I gave Jack a baggie of Cheerios.
He LOVES to eat anything if it's in a baggie.
Well apparently I don't feed him enough.
If you look closely at his waist line
you'll see that it's bumpy!!
Here he is getting a snack!

Here's what we found!
Sweet (weird) Jack!

Friday, January 1, 2010

All 7 of US!!

Unfortunately I do not have a picture
to prove what happened tonight.
It was a first and it went great!
We all went to the movies.
Now that may not seem like much to some of you.
But for us it was HUGE.
We met up with my brother Tyler and his family
to go to dinner at McDonald's. (there were 7 kids),
And then we went to see
Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Cody sat beside Dan. Dan held Jack.
Then came Steven. I was sitting next and holding Kyle.
Luke was at the end.
Steven and Luke both wanted to sit next to me. haha
My 3 0lder boys go to the movies often.
But we have NEVER taken Kyle and Jack.
(they will be 2 in February)
They were perfect. Their eyes were glued to the screen.
They each had a little cup of popcorn, which they loved.
They (all 5) were great.
I think we just might do this again.
It was a wonderful way to start off 2010.
Family really is the center of it all!!!