One of my favorite things to do at my Grandma and Grandpa Stockwell's house was to listen to the radio and records on their Admiral stereo. I loved the hearty click of the door when you opened it, the soft humm it made when you turned it on, and the feel of the big silver tuning knob. I remember watching with fascination as the turntable dropped the next vinyl record down it's spindle and placed the needle arm perfectly into the record's groove. I remember trying to get the red radio-station indicator needle to go from one end of the dial to the other by spinning the knob as fast as I could. I remember what Paul Harvey sounded like coming out of the Admiral's speakers any weekday at noon.
The Admiral has been at our house for several years now. For a while it sat in the living room and I remember listening to a baseball game on it one day. However it wasn't long before it's tubes and speakers wore out completely. It spent some time in the computer room but it was heavy and took up a lot of space. Mostly we'd put stuff on it - clothes, books, bills, whatever. So finally we moved it out to the garage where it has sat cozy and dry, collecting dust for the last several years.
Today it's "new" life began and it is officially on it's way to become a 're-purposed' (what an awful word) piece of furniture. I removed nearly all of it's old electronics - except for the speaker cones - and gave it a bit of a cleaning.
Syl has come up with some great ideas to give it a new hip, useful life in our house once again. And in a location where we can use and enjoy it every day. I can't wait to make it happen, and I will keep this blog updated with the progress.