Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

28mm Napoleonic Austrians

I have recently completed my year long project, an Austrian Division in 28mm. Mostly Foundry with Old Glory Grenzers. I've posted these as teasers, the rest are on the photobucket site linked below. Good for insurance purposes too! Hope you enjoy them. Some units have been seen earlier on this blog.

Monday, June 27, 2011

28mm Napoleonic Austrian Artillery

Foundry Austrian Artillery battery for your viewing.
This was a fun project to paint and came out as well as I could have hoped.
The bases are custom made by Litko which have cut away sections so I could put individually based gunners into the slots. They are magnetised and quite stable for normal handling. Again, these worked out well and I think this is how I'll do the artillery from now on.
Anyhoo - hope you enjoy the photos.