Thursday, December 9, 2010

Baby, Broken Leg, and Books!

Introducing Raegan Nicole Brown! I guess it's time to share pictures and the whole baby story. Apparantly I provide a comfy tummy to live in . . . my kids like to stay there. I was induced with Hailee a week late and I was induced with Raegan 5 days late. This is the morning before we went to the hospital. I went in at about 9:30 am and they started everything. It was pretty slow and boring for a little while and then finally around 2 I got an epidural. I asked for less than the usual amount of epidural because I really hate not feeling my legs! So I was progressing really slowly and around 5:00 the Dr. came in and asked me about Hailee's birth. She took forever! So he asked if I was Ok if he left for the jazz game I said that was fine cause it seemed like it would take forever. Then like a half an hour later the contractions were hurting SO bad! I called the nurse to get me more epidural and she said I couln't cause I was ready to push! I only had to push for like 20 minutes which was way better than Hailee's 2 and a half hours! Anyway I just think it's amazing how perfect a little baby can be! We love her so much!

She weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Hailee was a little nervous about her in the hospital, but since we've been home she loves her so much! She's actually handled it better than I expected. She looks so similar to Hailee but her hair is a little darker but I'm pretty sure it will still be blonde. I was induced on Wednesday and Monday night Hailee was jumping off the couch at my parents and broke her leg! I thought that she had just sprained it because she was still kinda running after her cousin on it. But the next morning she could barely walk so I took her to the Doctor (by myself past my due date . . . I'm stupid for not having someone come) and she had broken her leg! They put the cast on her right then. I knew that she would break a bone someday, she is pretty wild, I just didn't think it would be such bad timing! She actually does really well on it and has even jumped off the couch since! Apparantly she hasn't learned her lesson. She gets it off next week, I think it's pretty cute though.My last thing is lance's book. It's been a little crazy around here and everything happened the same week! Lance and his brother Neal did a children's book about BYU football. They've been working on it forever and released it Thanksgiving week. They are selling it at Maceys and online. Lance was on Studio 5 to talk about it. Here is the video They did a book signing with Jonny Harline - the football player in the book and Greg Wrubell - the announcer for BYU. Here is their I'm proud him if you can't tell! Here is their website.


Andrea Gilberg said...

Shes a doll. Super exciting. I can't believe she broke her leg. Crazy. Anyways, hope everything is going good.

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

She's so cute! Congrats again. We'll come by and see you guys around christmas time. And Hailee looks so cute in her cast! What a tough girl.

wermakingmemories said...

Congratulations all the way around!!! What a beautiful little baby. How exciting for Lance and his brother. We miss you guys. Take care

Broadheads said...

You poor thing what a week! I am sorry that your Hailee broke her leg no fun. I love your new little one she is adorable congrats!

The Camps said...

congrats! what a sweet little girl, I can't wait to meet her! poor Hailey, I hope her leg is doing better. Thats alot to deal with at once!

Brownies said...

Hailee cracks me up...riding her scooter with a broken leg. What a cutie pie. Love the pics of Raegan. She was so fun to hold today...just a little bundle of sweetness!

Trista Rich said... are such a beautiful motther before and after birth ;) thank you for the pictures. Glad everything went okay! So did the nurse deliver? Well congratulations...she looks beautiful and I love the name! Miss ya chicka....your christmas card is coming...late as everything else usually is in life :)

Natalie said...

NIKKI! I didn't even know you were pregnant again. We must really be good friends, ha ha! Anyway, she is adorable! I want to see her and hailee. Next time I come up we'll have to do lunch!

Brownies said...

Nikki...really??? Your last post was in DECEMBER??? Get with the ball child :)

Critchfield fam said...

Congrats; she's so cute! Poor Hailee with her leg... at least the cast is pink, right?! Hope you're doing well! Miss ya :)