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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Manga. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 9 luglio 2012

Ten Commandments Sword in the Stone

The original Ten Commandments Sword is a shapechanging sword created by the mangaka Hiro Mashima in his fantasy manga Rave, able to take the form of ten different powerful swords: my purpose is to blend this concept with King Arthur's famous sword in the stone, turning the TCS into an artifact for D&D/AD&D.
Long time ago, an ancient Evil wreaked havoc in the known world: nations have been wasted, innocents have been sacrificed, fear and terror ruled above all.

In the deepest darkness, the beacon of Hope was enlighted by ten heroes.
A harsh warrior from the North, trusting the power of his sword.
A reckless boy, always risking his life for the sake of Good.
An elf from the Emerald Forest of Elves, as fast as lightining.
A warlock, master of forbidden secrets.
A swordmaster, with a blazing heart and a cold mind.
A brave woman, striking his foes like a whirlwind.
A huge knight, able to withstand alone the strongest giant.
A mysterious man, harbinger of the Power of Light.
A merciless swordman, possessed in battle by a bloodlust frenzy.
A man of faith, fighting in the name of Justice.

The power of Ten defeated the Evil, bringing peace back in the known world.
Nine of Ten perished during the battle, only survivor was the warlock.
Ten Swords became One, with warlock's last magic.
Plunged in the Stone of Oath, the One will grant his power to chosen one.

The Sword of Oath looks like a slightly rusty blade stuck in an obsidian decagonal stone, but it owns amazing powers: in the hands of the chosen one, it will grant him the power of one of the then heroes.
Roll 1d10 to determine which form the sword will assume.

 1 - Eisenmeteor
This massive +2 great sword allows its user to overcome any sort of damage immunity (like vampire's or lycanthrope's) from non-magical weapons against a physical target; it can't be affected by spells targeting magic weapons.

2 - Explosion
Everytime this +2 long sword deals maximum damage, it engulfs a 5ft. area around its user with an explosion: doing so it deals 1d8 bonus damage to every adjacent opponent and 1d3 damage to the user.

3 - Silfarion
This +2 long sword is weightless, and it works exactly like a pair of Boots of Speed.

4 - Runesave
This +2 long sword has no sharp edges; it deals 1d3 against tangible opponents and 1d10 against intangible opponents (like a ghost); 1/day it can also dispel a single spell.

5 - Blue Crimson
One sword is coated by small flames, the other releases small shards of ice.
Whenever the user attacks with these +2 long swords he rolles 2d8 for damage and drops the lowest (coounting thus as a single attack), choosing on the moment if dealing fire damage or cold damage.

6 - Mel Force
This +2 long sword whistles everytime its owner swings it, and can create 1/day a paralyzing gust of wind (working like the Web spell); in addition its user is constantly under the effects of the Levitate spell.

7 - Gravity Core
This massive +2 great sword deals 2d8 of damage, but the owner suffers a -4 penalty to hit rolls for its weight.

8 - Million Suns
This +2 long sword has a blade made of solid light, and it works like a Sun Blade.

9 - Sacrifar
This +3 long sword (dealing damage as a great sword) switches the character's alignment to Chaotic (until a Remove Curse spell is cast upon him) and forces its user to attack everybody within a 10 ft. radius; at the end of the combat the character need to rest in place for 1d4 turns.

10 - Rawelt
This +2 long sword works exactly like a Holy Avenger, but it grants also to non-paladins its +10 bonus to damage against Chaotic (or Evil in AD&D) creatures.