Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Jan 25, 2018

happy to me

I'm learning to enjoy every minute of my life. 

Be happy, less expecting and don't wait for something to make me happy. Sit back, relax , take a moment and think how precious is the time i have to spend on work? spend on family? & on my friend? 

Being me, I always believe that every minute should be enjoyed and savored. 

i want to be happy. the moment when u smile and the feeling when u manage to make people smile.. its precious =)

For me & i believe many of us happy is an elusive, fleeting state that we can capture only for brief moment, before it floats away like dust in the world. The truth as a human being almost all of my momentum is driven by my pursuit of happiness. Even the desire to socialize, to love and to connect with other human being is driven by my desire to be happy..

The pursuit of better job, higher status, wealth.. well, i guess the root for everything we're chasing is happiness. isn't it? this certainly doesn't mean that everything we chase will bring us happiness.

in the inside, a big part of me is struggling with this life figuring out what will make me happy , what makes me a better person, perhaps more importantly what makes me consistently happy.

Insya Allah

Jan 22, 2018

dear me

Its not that i don't love you, want you & need you. back when i start loosing people that i love.

I build this huge wall so it does not have to be very dear and when its gone its not that bad.

But, u'll never know what inside, along the journey how much it takes for me to be this tough.

I swear.

Jan 17, 2018

the right person are timeless

Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships
We meet the person of our dreams the month before they leave to study abroad
We form an incredibly close friendship with an attractive person who is already taken
One relationship end because our partner isn't ready to get serious and another end because they're getting serious too soon.

The people we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people
You've never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless
The right people make you want to throw away the plans you originally had and follow them into the hazy, unknown future without a glance backwards.
You know that any adventure you had originally planned out for your future isn't going to be half as incredible as the adventures you could have by their side.
That no matter what you thought you wanted before, this is better
Everything is better since they came along.
When you are with the right person, time falls away.
You don't worry about fitting them into your complicated schedule because they become a part of the schedule.
They become the backbone of it.
Your happiness becomes your priority and so long as they are contributing to it, you can work around the rest.
The right people don't impose limits on your time or your dreams or your abilities
They want to tackle those mountains with you and they don't care how much time it takes
With the right person, you have all the time in the world.

The truth is, when we pass someone up because the timing is wrong, what we really saying is that we don't care to spend our time on that person.
There will never be a magical time when everything falls into place and fixing all our broken relationships.
But there may someday be a person who makes the issue of timing irrelevant.
Because when someone is right for use, we make time to let them into our lives.

And that kind of timing is always right =)

Mar 3, 2016

Bisnes Trip ke Miri =)

Trip bisnes ke Melaka dan Johor Bharu menemui rakan kongsi baru Green Leaders Group from Premium Beautiful Corset Top Agents

Hello Mirians..!! Insya-Allah i'll be in  Miri next week, Most probably from Friday to weekend!!!
So, lemme no earlier k darlingss 😍😍

Alhamdulillah, permintaan premium beautiful corset makin hari makin rancak sempena menyambut Ramadhan yg akan kunjung tiba.. so, orang2 miri yg sekitar dgnnya, lets meet up & make appointment with me now!

besides, if you buy premium beautiful corset now, you could get cash rebate & have a chance to get a FREE holiday in Beijing...woww! 

Warga Miri jumpa anda di sanaaa~!!!..;)

Apr 9, 2015

Mar 19, 2015

24 hours?

like seriously.. this is not me.. im putting my 24 hours resignation letter to skypark..why its happen? all i can say is im not sure of being there.. the staff are good, but the boss n management dissapoint me..
babai skypark..

where should i go?? something to punder n im not regret with it =O

well, im stay connected with my previous boss n company.. alhamdulillah, when i bgtau what really happen to my ex boss, he easily get my point and always welcome me back.. well i guess, ICT world is worth me more than might be new things for me, but its a journey.. u'll enhance ur knowledge in differ discipline but who know? it will be my chance to explore and could be my future, right darla =P

im happy with my decision and i hope this is what i should do for my better future..

foot note : tq soo much for the 2 weeks KSPLP, but im more suits with MTSB.. =)

Mar 3, 2015

Aku nak berhenti kerja ke x

Sebenarnya kalau boleh x nak tulis benda yang sedih2, x ada motivasi dan yang kalau korang baca pun rasa tak ada faedah... Kalau rasa sedih pun, cuba sedaya upaya biarlah orang tak tahu... kalau entry ni buat orang sedih, down, then maknanya im guilty!! sbb buat org lain sedih.. tskk tskk…menyebarkan aura negatif..

okay, after not working for a year.. yes, a year! x percaya ka?? i start kerje dgn ICT company.. sekangkang kera je dr rumah jijie.. =) tapi after few weeks i rasa mcm x boleh nak co-op dgn environmentnya.. the colleagues are sgt best and cheer up.. but, what i mean is satidfaction kerja.. i rasa lost.. i xtau ape yg i buat.. mcm buat bende yg xde hala tuju n no reference..kalau ikut hati nak je resign on da spot sekarang juga n sepatutnya sekarang mengarang resign letter.. Bukannya sibuk mengarang entry blog lagi.. mihmihmih

at the same time, my x boss offer kerja dgn skypark.. im going to say yes!! at last i boleh lari dari sini. tp... i sayang dis compnany environment, the staff, the colleagues and the momment with themm.. =( oohh no!! emositional part has come.. omnomnomnom... 

im thinking n still thinking n thinking.... 

lets do what i should do.. consult with parents and fellow aunties & uncle.. and yes, after a lots of pro n cons, discussion, comparison.. i'm dafting my resign letter..  im leavingg..babai fana, pika, nad, kak jarina, adawiyah, kak ayu n etc korang we'll be missed.. maybe i wont get this kind of people in my new workplace but im sure that i dapat back to my satisfaction.. insyaAllah

i kerja genap 2 bulan.. n im leaving the company, what a short period isn't? people may say lots of things.. tp as long as i tau n happy dgn my decision that should be fine.. doakan i dgn kerja baru okay.. 

nota kaki : dis friday is my last day.. =)

Apr 9, 2014

Up n down

Nowadays, sgt byk perasaan bercampur baur. Perasaan towards environment n even to myself n sometime mengeluhh.. Its soo not cool! N i wonder why do i feel like dat. gggrrrrrr

B.O.R.E.D did i?
Yes or no 😶 Keep reminding my self dat people always have their attitude n emotions(reminder) but i do feel bored. Am i a bored one?

T.I.R.E.D am i?
Yes!! Definitely im tired of my jobless condtion ite now..😥 penat memujuk diri mencari kerja2 kosong n x de hasilnya. Penat pujuk diri sendiri melayan kerenah org. Penat merasa apa yg i rasa sekarang n paling penat sekali bila kene jaga hati sendiri at moment where people play on ur heart n cond. X cool lgsg okay😓

Haisshh.. Mengeluh lagi, Rasullullah SAW elarang sekerasnya mengeluh, kene semangat n usaha! InsyaAllah pasti ada jalannya.

Dah lama avoid untuk write bende2 yg menjurus kepada ketidakpuasan hati, ke-emotion-an n fefeling2 kat sini. Tp x tau nak speak to whom n how.. I just need to get rid of this so called 'perasaan' thus i x  disturb others woth my so peraonal feling. Tp, mampukah? 😧

Semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran n kecekalan dlm saat2 mcm ni. Emosi sgt cepat twist and kdg2 rasa x leh handle. Hopefully bende2 ni akan berakhir soooon and when i look back, i could smile and glad with all those hard time i could still be me. InsyaAllah..

May 4, 2013

Beda bukan

Kadang2 x tahu..
Mana yg betul,
Mana yg salah,
Kenapa marah?
X bolehkah teguran dgn cara yg betul?
Perlukah semua mengikut kehendak kita
Ragam n sifat
Semuanya beda..
Kau dan aku
X kan sama..

Ragam mungkin berbezaa
Tapi sifat..
Itu semulajadi diri mereka
Berckp itu senang..

Apr 20, 2013


Always be yourself!! Unless u can be someone else.. Else? well i love and for me the else will be a UNICORN.. why? When i'm thinking of a unicorn, i'm always imagine something beautiful, magical, mythical, rare creature (this was since my toddlers time i guess.. fantasy babe!)

I love when someone referred me to something that is beautiful and rare.. Well for me rare is special.. something that u can't found daily and always..  Thus, I always remember... believe & be myself.

nota kaki: But if there's a situation where I could come across as being beautiful, magical, or rare in nature...I do it!

Dec 1, 2012



hey, hello,hi u awesome people!! its been ages it seems since i last updated my blog =) well, basically its been more than 2 months since my last x best update.. i feel I’ve neglected due to my hectic responsibilities each day... weekk =P 

I am trying to be as energetic as possible.. to be extremely positive now.. just pass SIRIM audit and today I thought of just sharing some of my personal experience / encounters / stories tht i’ve had the past few months...

laugh, mad, sad, excitement, grumpy, n the hard part is when u down.. its not that easy to cry, but i have u really experience crying for something you think is out of this world & is in your heart? it's beyond ordinary but its do gives a great content feeling to our heart.. this is when u found what u have been missing all this while.. the unexplainable.

life seem likes a burning candle.. what is left by a burning candle is just ashes from melted wax.. what is left from a broken soul is just a last tear drop from a broken spirit.. and spirit is what we =)

the sun do rise everyday.. the sun shines around us, gives us light, gives us many graet days.. but, in the end the sun that we own is in us. Our heart should shine everyday to create the best light in our soul.. we are happiness within u.. 

nota kaki : setiap kali kita berfikir, kita berada di dalam ruang itu... Itulah dunia kita yang lagi satu

Sep 22, 2012

Those memories!!

I really do cherish my time and experiences in the company that i had worked for.No words could ever
compare or describe how much i enjoyed it.Wish i could share with you all the whole bunch of photos that i have but there's too many! For those who have added me on facebook probably had seen the whole bunch of photos that i have uploaded in individual albums and cross some familiar photos here...

Jul 1, 2012

Menolong dan ditolong

Menolong pn housemate saya membuat blog sambil ditolong menghabiskan spagetti alfredo saya yg x sedap!! Ngee =)

Jun 14, 2012

Intebiu lagi?? Owh mai 😓

Arini ada interbiu... Doakan yg terbaek to happen!!! Tq pd minah hume ni yg sudi tmn saya lunch n lepak opis die... N tq juga bw perg mkn strawberry field cafe yg nyummeh itu!!! Wish me luck semua ❤

nota kaki: nasi grg td sgt nyummeh kot 💓

Jun 5, 2012


Malas berbunyi, malas bergerak, malas response, malas semuanya.. 😷

May 19, 2012

ECM 754

penat! mengeluh??
bancuh concrete berdua
owh tipu ade abg halim, ata, fiza, firdaus n daud tolong

nm sape tertinggal sila angkat tgn
i need a break #_#

perassan sekarang? sgt enjoy!

k bye!

Apr 3, 2012

saddy maddy part 2!!

A devout Muslim women have never felt lonely

because the presence of God is closer than her own veins

nota kaki: plese be thankful on what u have

Apr 2, 2012

saddy maddy

currently saya adelah emotional

new job

new workplace

new environment

new colleages

new tasks

new bosses

new mak cik jijah / dulu auntie roslin

new lah segalanya!!!!

Dec 21, 2011

what have i miss?

im leaving this blog more than a month i guess!!
too hard in handling both work and study life... =(
during that, numbers of things happened..
perlu x nak ckp in here??? ngee..
end nov we start with hectic class..
n my maintenance work pun sibuk nak join..
ye lah.. sape sururh kerja dgn international contractor kan???
da best part is bile that cont x leh nak adopt our method in deliverables..
menyampah dah x terucap!! #_#

continued with zura weds!! kelantan here we come!! dah pergi n dah balik pon!!

okay, kiteorangkan kategori manusia yg selalu pupus duet, so kite tdo tune je okay...jimat!! ngee..

its my 2nd time pergi kelantan.. dulu pergi wana kahwin.. n now azura kahwin.. da third time nnt pon sbb kawen juga!! tp bukan i kawen.. my colleages pulok!!
aiyoyoyo.. musim kawen kan skunk??

then after wed si zura.. kite masuk kelas balik!! eeiiii.. EIA is waiting!! seriously im so takot n ngeri dgn dr ruslan!! doa je EIA saya diterima... takot!!! berhempas pulas menyiapkan EIA sampai 2-3 malam x tido... salah sdiri kan?? buat last minutes.. tp biasalah alasan org dah kerja.. x de mase.. wahahahha (alasan yg x kan pernah x de) tapi dah submit okay!on time!! dis saturday will be our presentataion n hopefully everythings going to be fine!! my adrenaline rush is sooo sooo bile cakap pasal EIA ni tau x!! dah.. x nak ckp lagik.. =_=

last week ade photoshot!! yeaayy!!! white studio here we come.. eventhough 1 hour session tapi sgt seronok!! we gathered along!! about 10 of us!! da pics will be uploaded soon by zura..

nota kaki: rasanaya mcm dah ckp byk tp mcm x de effects pon!! pendek je kat wall kan???

Oct 15, 2011


Penat kot, asik mengeluh x baek kan (~_~)

Hari-hari kerja 8 - 5 .. (rezeki-rezeki)

Selasa ade kelas operational research.. (jom main kire -kire)

Khamis kelas Facilities & Const Mgmt..(hurgh??)

Jumaat ade kelas Environmental Research..(hafal sampai muntah)

Sabtu ade kelas juga.. seldom tp setakat ni every sat ade kelas -_-

So, tolonglah jangan kacau hidup saya..

Banyak lagi kerja lain yang boleh buat kan??

Tapi, kalau nak jugak, suke ati la..

Tak larat dah nak layan..
