Apr 29, 2014

irritate ?

dont u feel as if people around u always judge
have something to say to make
u feel you're not good enough?


too fat, too skinny(in my dreams), too short, too tall(arghh),
too stuck up, too happy, too emotional, too sad,
too dark, too fair, too many acne, too vogue, too gediks
Too much depends, too many stuff to be lend, to many things to be share n soo many too la..

Anyway im happy with my life ite now,
how am i doin rite now and im all right

entitled to be different
Cheers =)

Apr 20, 2014

Hummer dijumpaaaii!!!

Akhirnya after 72hours.. Hummer is back๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ mommy die punyer happy x yah citerlaa.. Beedebu mata masa hummer balik tuu.. Hes back on jumaat 18/4/14 waktu magrib. Tetibe i dgr grill digegar2 n bunyi meow yg dah lm x dgr. Once buka pintu nmpk die n hes trus terkam nak masuk.. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚❤️

As soon as that, lepas maghrib mcm tu i trus bawa pergi vet. Guess what? berat die trun about 0.65kg ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ mesti die jumpa raksaksa, anjing n mcm2 bende yg dia x pernah jumpa.. Dr zul (Tanya Sama Vet) pon ckp maybe this few day he experience being a stray cat. Temperature normal but his beat quite unstable and maybe stress, bdn ada jerawat n fungus.. Owh baby, kalaulah u tau mcm mn sedih hati mommy bila u lost dat day๐Ÿ˜ญ  Tp syukur dah balikk..  

My ibu pon bila tau sgt2 happy, even die panggil hummer as kling/pak tam tp she still syg hummer.. Well, binatang kalau dah jaga dari kecil harusla sayang kan? Berbalik pada si hummer, masuk2 rumah die trus minum2 byk giler n then makan.. He mkn mcm lapar giler bit i just let him mkn.. He also nmpk takut2 n i dun no why๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Nota kaki: mommy ❤️u syg!! 

Apr 17, 2014

Missing cat!

HUMMER is missing..

Last time i dgn die on selasa petang before i kluar.. Mlm tu balik nmpk ti gkap dah terbuak n hes not in the house.. Keep on calling him tp x nmpk byg langsung..๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Hummer please balik rumah syg... Mommy rindu dgn hummer๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ kenapa hummer lari rumahh..

Nota kaki: hes my first love as b4 i mmg x suke cat.. Hes indoor n only eats RC.. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Apr 16, 2014

Jersey Boy

Sapa nak tiket teater musical free?? Tgn harus diangkat even x tau cite ape.. Haruss okay!!!! Haruss!!! Tq jie✌️

Tq jijie sbb provide free tickets and there were 3 of us me, jijie n aidaa n lg satu asik colleages jijie..

The teathre starts with an opening ceremony by Tan Sri Liew one of SP Setia top management.. And da showww startss but i cant snap any pocture aa ot was prohibited.. 

Dat was the only pic i could snap๐Ÿ˜‚ overall, the musical was ohsem.. But i couldnt manage to snap any pict with the cast.. Our sons turns to four seasons - Franklin, bobby, tommy & nicky what a great performance u guys just madee❤️ Begging, cherry, big gurl dun cry and soo many songss during da musical..

Footnote : tq soo much jijie foe the ticket and i swear tommy is dyingly hensommeeeee.. Aauuwww๐Ÿ˜˜

Apr 11, 2014

Nyata jelita FAREEDA

Tittle nak hebat jerkk... Tp mmg panas les ni lately. Nak komen jugak, tp x nakla menyemak kat wall org laen nnt x pasal2 kne sembur dgn KW. so meh kita tulis kat blog sdiri, kata pon pendapat sendiri kan.. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Bila nak beli kereta
Kena tgk kita mampu atau tidak
Kalau mampu beli kereta mewah
Kalau tak mampu beli kereta yg kita mampu
Sebab beli kereta nie tujuan utamanya satu
Untuk memudahkan kita..panas, hujan n etc

Tudung pun sama 
Ia untuk tutup aurat kita
Jadi jgn sampai timbul riak
Yg penting ukur baju badan sendiri
Hak orang hak orang
Hak kita hak kita

Kes famos minggu ni, tudung FAREEDA 

Frankly mmg ibu n our family ada beli tudung FAREEDA and ada je yg labuh so its kinda weird kenapa org ckp singakt n pendek, Its up to ur choice. Pilihla yg menepati kelabuhan, kecantikan n kemampuan kita. 

Pasal patent, itu mmg hak die n die boleh ambil apa juga tindakan pada yg piratekan tudung die. Mahal die bayar nak petentkan tudung tu, beribu2 uolls. So, adil x bg die? Pada saya tak adil sbb yg pirate x bersusah payah memikirkan design dan mempromotekan brg2, hanya sbb nak mendapatkan barang yg sama dgn harga yg murah, pembeli pon belilah yg pirate. Pirate akan tetap pirate even kalau bukan sbb tudung atau x.

Cuma pada saya, tindakan rampas tudung ciplak tu wajar sbb itu mcm pencurian diatas usaha / karya org lain. 

Nota kaki : Again, tepuk dada tanyalah selera n jgn lupa ukur kemampuan diri. Tp jgnlah dok gile brand pulak, laen jadinya nanti ❤️


Dan apabila mata ibumu sudah tertutup, 
maka hilanglah satu keberkatan didunia ini, 
keberkatan doa seorang ibu.. 

Ateh syg ibu ❤️

Apr 10, 2014


Ukur baju di badan sendiri kalau x mampu x perlu beli or make it as ur commitment.

Dah beli, then regret๐Ÿ˜“ Same case bila ade duit, mcm2 bende nak beli or buat tp x fikir whether are we afford with all those? Then, bila dah beli n surely da money will reduce and there u are, start complaining (not da worse if u can express in a good way) but when u start to fefeeling marah marah, org ckp or tegur pon x nak amek tau๐Ÿ’† apa point nak bising to others kan? 

Well, x semua boley layan u mcm tu. Fikir, org laen ada perasaan jugak n sometimes org yg mendengar tu bukanlah drpd kategori beruntung mcm awak yee.. Dont be so selfish. Maybe u rasa diri u susah/byk dugaan but have u ever think of people outside.. Theres people who suffer more than u may expect. Suffered emotionally, physically, pshycology or sometimes dey might hide it from us.. They might be smile ๐Ÿ˜ƒ outside, but in the inside ๐Ÿ˜ฃ wallahualam..

Im not dat good thou, tp mmg kne evaluate diri sendiri selalu. I guess that everyday. Simple example, bila kita masak, jgn kumpul pinggan kotor byk2, bila ade free time in between cooking stage u may wash it sikit2. At the end, x la stressout dapur mcm tongkang pecah๐Ÿ˜ฒ lepas tu nnt mood mesti lari n hairwire sikit jd gile nak wash all the dish.. I hate that! Nmpk x relation dr apa yg i ckp ealier, jgn tangguh n use time/things/money wisely n jgn nnt sbb kita other affected.

Nota kaki : x de kene mengena dgn yg hidup ataupun mati. Dun get too emotional n always think org x suke kita. Positivity will increase +ve aura so be +ve towards others ๐Ÿ˜˜

Apr 9, 2014

Up n down

Nowadays, sgt byk perasaan bercampur baur. Perasaan towards environment n even to myself n sometime mengeluhh.. Its soo not cool! N i wonder why do i feel like dat. gggrrrrrr

B.O.R.E.D did i?
Yes or no ๐Ÿ˜ถ Keep reminding my self dat people always have their attitude n emotions(reminder) but i do feel bored. Am i a bored one?

T.I.R.E.D am i?
Yes!! Definitely im tired of my jobless condtion ite now..๐Ÿ˜ฅ penat memujuk diri mencari kerja2 kosong n x de hasilnya. Penat pujuk diri sendiri melayan kerenah org. Penat merasa apa yg i rasa sekarang n paling penat sekali bila kene jaga hati sendiri at moment where people play on ur heart n cond. X cool lgsg okay๐Ÿ˜“

Haisshh.. Mengeluh lagi, Rasullullah SAW elarang sekerasnya mengeluh, kene semangat n usaha! InsyaAllah pasti ada jalannya.

Dah lama avoid untuk write bende2 yg menjurus kepada ketidakpuasan hati, ke-emotion-an n fefeling2 kat sini. Tp x tau nak speak to whom n how.. I just need to get rid of this so called 'perasaan' thus i x  disturb others woth my so peraonal feling. Tp, mampukah? ๐Ÿ˜ง

Semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran n kecekalan dlm saat2 mcm ni. Emosi sgt cepat twist and kdg2 rasa x leh handle. Hopefully bende2 ni akan berakhir soooon and when i look back, i could smile and glad with all those hard time i could still be me. InsyaAllah..

Apr 8, 2014

Happy burthday IBU

April 7 here we are again!! Another wiser and older.. Sorry ibu but ateh ❤️ U soo much n i bet no words could descrribe how owsem n great u are since i was born!! May Allah bless your life thoroughly, murah rezeki, pjg umur n insyaAllah ill be your good daughter up to Jannah๐Ÿ˜˜

Ibu, i love you so much as nothing in this world better than you. U are superwoman, queen og my heart and the best mom in this world. you willing to do everything, just for me eventhough you look so tired.

i thank you for always yelling to me when i was wrong

i know you always give your love to me since i was child untill now

i believe that u wont you let anybody hurt  me and you always give me first place in your hear 

from your dotter : ateh loves you ibu and always ❤️ U insyaAllah