Hello, what’s your name? Have I seen you before? Have you ever heard me sing? I don’t make the best lullaby. But every qoutes and sentences I write is my journey to you
You’re out there breathing the same air. I can feel you near. Should I wait? Should I find? I don’t wanna be late! I don’t wanna be.. I don’t wanna be late! I don’t wanna be..
Tell me how many words do I need to write to get to you?
Tell me how many steps do I need to walk to get to you?
Are you here in the crowd? Would you stand out and show yourself up? Cause I’ve been talking to that someone in the future. If I could I would just squeeze into the drawer. And spare us this series of nonsense
And let’s not forget all those standard procedure. That might take up another few more years
Oh I am tired of talking to someone in the future. If I could I would just squeeze into the drawer. And spare us this series of heartbreaking nonsense.
foot notes: Hello, what’s your name?