Feb 28, 2010

jalan-jalan cari nenek

babai jay bee!! its a tirin journey lebey2 lagi bile i kne drive. kesakitan akibat kegelinciran x abes lagi. Dsbbkan me x berkesempatan mau on lappy dis few days, so lm baru dpt update dis abandoned blog..

okie, dis is pun short post je. Saket2 badan lagi n dapat pulak mereka ini mau singgah muar n sum2 tempat lagi..huuu..penat2!! tp syiok sekali sbb dpt jalan2.. Sungguh lm x jejak kaki d jay bee*johor s i slaloo pas tru je odw g kota singa...mcm x sedar ade granny d majidee itu...uhuuu... murtabak d arab street adalah terbek n i x jumpa kat mn2 pon slain dsitu,nyum2!! singapore fyers nanti me jumpa kamu lagi erk..seronok naek ngan adli sbb die x gayat*x mcm ade org gayat tu*

so,for a conclusion(mcm karangan budak darjah 5 kan) nice meetin u granny n hope to see u soon in march on the event..^_* the theme is purple+pink for us n cream+choc for naqib..=)

today: welcum back home melaka homey!!
tonite: meetin shah alam tonite..
tomorrow: gud morning bukit canggang n adalah kerja!!

nota kaki:DIN adalah CUTI BESOK!!!

Feb 25, 2010


wat a bad week!! demam just recover n tib2 datang lg musibah..
i was slipped!! n it hurt damm much!! i terbang sekijap n my boops was terhentak dgn jayanya n it was soo soo la saket!! rase mcm urat buntut terseliuh okie!! or mayb urat kentut tersepit!! ^_* da duduk nak bgn sakit, da bgn nak bend sakit.. kesimpulannye pinggang n adek beradiknye adalah sakit!! bile duk lame2 pon sakit~~ oohoooo!! tgh saket2 tue, my mak coling2 la pulok..da best part is rupe2nye my mak nak ngadu dat she was slipped.. slipped n jatuh dlm besen air!! lol!! so, x dapatla die nak dptkan kesimpatian from me akibat kejatuhannye itu s i pon saket akibat jatuh..huhuhu..

foot note: mlk homey tonite..boley ka drive lame2?? mest nak kuar kete nnt adelah sgt saket... hua!!!

Feb 23, 2010

imperfect is perfect [>,<]

accept & let go,
accept & correct,
accept & change,
accept & feel blessed

foot note: It’s either you keep the love you love or you throw away the love you love

Feb 22, 2010

da fun of demam!!!

ggrr!!! balik2 dr sg congkak wif all da fullers, me trus demam...aiyoyoyo.. apelah kan?? sungguh lemah antibodi sy ini..badan je gomok bulat tp lembik *baek me ngaku sdiri b4 org laen ckp* sungguh lemah sendi2 saye ini tau x!! n i hate bile i dmm2 mcm nie..sungguhla seksa jiwa ragaku...sadis betul ayat..hukhukhuk =( tp kdg2 seronok jugak,ade org yg mcm taking careof me..huhuhu,sy kan mengade2 so mmgla mcm ni..tp kak chula x la manjekan sye pon, nak mkn pon kne g sdiri mkn kat kedai.cian me kan?? ohohohhooo.. demam o demam..
jom abaikan!! lg layan kedemaman ini lg saket okie..so,sebelum demam, kami adelah pergi ke sg congkak, o tkr tempay pangsun, okie tukar tempat lagi ke sg gabai..SO, last2 we berpiknik d sg gabai!! jauh perjalanan we all kan?? semata2 nak cari pot yg best..tp kat situ best ke?? ahhahahaa.. *bestla sbb dgn korang semue~kadang2 tiipu sbb nak sdpkan hatiorg x pe kan* huhuhu.. it was fun!!! makan2 n mandi manda, tp lg byk makan..kahkahkah

foot note: x leh tulis byk2 sbb me still not well n i penat!! so, nnt kite tgu bobby upload je picture dr camera die okie..=l

Feb 19, 2010

sehari sebelum & selepas hari ini adalah..

refer to tajuk diatas...*mcm tajuk surat kan?* adalah besok = sabtu.
ME: okay im being atack oleh siflu la~cian saye kan?? kan?? kan?? da start batuk2 n hidung sumbat2 nih,sungguh memencikan la~~hua!!

BESOK : ade course d HQ.. malas mau perg!! uhuuu..tp kne perg juga... tp, after dat lg best.. me nak g pikuniku d sg congkak.. b4 dis ada post bout i miss dat place..seyesly me da lm go there amek sample*perlu lg ke??FYP da abes okie lala santek..okay, kite main2 air there..da water was jujuk n i lyke!!*missin sumone here*

SEmalam: kami*adalah saye n din+ azri n ferrari* jupe abg tue kami!! ohoohoo..we meet faruqi last nite..havin dinner d salak tinggi together2..lm suda x mkn d situ even duduk bkt canggang~me mls kuar la..penat!! dat pakcik look bulat than b4..he seems epy2 n i rs sbb mau kawen kot!! ahhaaha...jupe mak mertua suda..waahhahaha

fami : im sorry 4 u..x sangka pulak jd mcm tue..bdw, live ur life!! kiteorg kan ade..tp prlik dgn reason kamu bg..tp asal kamu hepi suda!! tings unpredictable kan?? mcm2 tings happen unexpected..hurm..dat was life kan??? sumtymes were up n sumtymes were down.. happy n sad..sour n sweet.. ooOoopPppsSss!!!! lg ape erk??? hahahaa.. lala da bwek bwek mengong betul kan???

nota kaki: stok asam masam manis da abes..hukhukhuk..=(

Feb 16, 2010


i hate dis feeling!!!
u noe why???
sbb besok adalah kije...


Feb 15, 2010


foot note:hes soo soo la chumel n i nak kiss his cheeks nonstop!!

Feb 14, 2010

white pegion

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know

You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test

You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...

Feb 12, 2010

sambil makan sushi!!

selamat cuti ya!! sy mmg menunggu cuti lame2 sbb ade batu besar yg saye hendak golekkan kuar dr kepala *merepek* wee~~

to all buddhist, selamat tahun baru cina!!!
wish ur year prosporos *mksdnye sgt2 prosper la tuh*

me nak hoyeh2 dulu..0_o
bukan selalu kan??

foot note: welcum home memey n sorry x aamek u kat airport even umah i sgt2la dekat ngan airport...bdw, me still nak present from thailand tau!!!

Feb 10, 2010

memen memet memot

nape saye ??
adekah saya berjanji ??
patutkah ??
bolehkah saya ??
cukup x ??

nota kaki: saye slmt sampai drumah dgn jayanye..-__-

ingat x??

lm suda x pegi main air kat situ!!!
alaaa..tempat saye amek sample FYP tue..
ingat kan??? jumla..jumla...

nota kaki: jumlah pergi..pweasee2!!

Feb 9, 2010

102 posts!!!

allooooo!!!! terlebey suda..
ingat mau kecoh2 my 100 post..
tp da lepas 100.. =(


foot note : penatla kije!!! saya mau kawen org kaye!! ade x org kaye nak kat saye??? perasan!!! hahahaa...

Feb 8, 2010

neon dan sg choh

semalam punye semalam...saye n zura ikot kak dyla pegi gombak!!! pegi jumpe busu dia..
*busu y suke bg kami mkn sampai gemok itu* sgt suke bg we mkn n mkn n mkn.. til perut x berkesempatan lapar..huh!! sungguhla baek tp sungguhla seksa perut kami.. bdw, tenkiu busu dila.. we gerak from shah alam just after maghrib, then pegi bank withdraw duet dulu..pastue g bank in duit yg dkuarkan td pulak..*sape tah,mcm x le transfer account kan??* aiyark!! menyusuri federal iway yg lengang sgtlah mengesyokkan*ade x dis word??.. hahaahaha=) then arive la dirumah busu...sampai2 je trus mkn mee bandung!! *me dah ckp kan?? mesti kene mkn punyer!! huh..seb bek we x mkn lg.. hahaha.. then we duk n hav a talk..huhuhu...

tibe2!!!busu ckp bout rumah rawang..
*pegi x? pegi x?*

DAN,tersebutlah kisah bile dgn banggenye makcik yg demam itu*tp demam die baek lepas mkn food yg i msk~pandaikan me masak* malu i.. blushin+kelip2 mate malu2 chumel... wee~~* dila pon ajak balik rawang malam tu gak..n=busu mestila nak!! kiteorg?? well,kiteorg lgla x kesah...jalan2 kan?? baju2 tu x yah pikey,ade spare busu n dewi punye.. so berlepas ke rawang la mlm tu..!!! hahahaa... okie, sampai rawang semue trus tido!! lg best me n zura is havin a very comfort nap ms dlm kete lagi..hahahaha.. seb beka de busu teman dila borak2... wee heee~~ lol!!!

we stay @ rawang on ahad..after zuhur balek gombak..wee huu~~jalan2 kan?? tp,sebelum balik tu singgah mkn "nasik ayam traffic light sg choh" busu ckp nasi ayam tue femes kat situ..tp,me mkn dat ns not dat very da sedap yg sgt2 pon.. besa2 jew...lol!! tu je yg me buat dis weekends tp xtvt2 yg teroccur didlm perjlanan x yah nak cite kan???
me soo tired ite now..nak havin nap.. daa~~

nota kaki: dila, kamu jd x dtg tido @ my bukit changgang ouse ni??
me miss neon2 kuala lumpur*perlukah*

Feb 6, 2010

m'sia adalah panas utk saye!!

wee hee~
kak dyla demam la today..
very bad flu..pity her!!
so, me n yaya out to tesco for a while..
buy sum stuff, get back home s fast s we can..
then.. COOKED!!!! *impressed!!!
huhuhu.. im COOKED!!!
caye x?? caye x?? hee~~
im a good cooked *perasan disitu*
tp mmg i slalo perasan pon kan??? so, peduli ke??

okay, bebalik to kak dyla yg demam..
siap2 masak...serve on table..
then,kite bg die mkn kenyang2..
*nmpk x contoh kwn yg baek disini*
kamu patut puji bdk rajin ni tau!!
*kelip2 mate + blushin malu2*

okay2, kite smbg cite org dmm okai..
the we feed her with medicine =)
pastue ape lg??? ubat = sleepy!!!
da best equation ever .. hehehhe..
n now, shes got her sleep..
hope shes get well after..

nota kaki: salad+tomatoes+corn+cucumber+boiled eggs+1000island=da best lunch ever!!
nyum2 nyum2!!!

Feb 5, 2010

S'ban siew pou

di hari jumaat yg mulia ni..
dtg opis lmbt..
lapar gilek sbb smln x mkn..
penat n lope nak mkn...
terbau seseatu yg wangi..
perut bunyi krek kruk krek kruk..
tengah2 kusyuk buat kije...*x kusyuk sgt pon, cume poyo kan diri n muke seyes tahap gaban punye tipu2 byk kije sgt2*
tibe2...pn zuliana masuk!!
wahh!!! bkn puan cuti ka?? *tertanya2 dgn sgt curious*
rupenye...die dtg opis semata nak hantar mknan pd kiteorg..
its seremban siew pou punye curry puff!!!
nyum2!!! bapak besar!!!
hahahaa..currypuff yg besar lagi tasty...
hua!!! x cukup sebelah!!
me n mint makan lagi!!! *keji kan kami 2 org*
so, smue org mkn half, tp we both mkn satu...hikhikhik...
tibe2, memen ask.. halal ke kak mende ni???
soklan tu mmg bijak!!! *rs nak hempuk je*
da sedap2 curry puf tu masuk perut aku
baru nak tgk halal ke x??
tp, dsebabkan semue org pon mkn..
kite assume halal la erk..nnt kite check kedai tue..

okayla.me nak smbg wat kije..
jumpe lagi d lain hari

foot note:mint tu mmg mcm tue, tekak anaconda ~ kedai tue ade cop malaysia book of record... kite check nnt erk..apekah???

Feb 3, 2010

kaler ape??

there sumting that make me remind of this things just now.. whatever happened to anyone else could happen us also... and at the end of everyone youth was the possible truth that it all happens randomly, so dun regret!!! Fate only takes you so far, then it’s up to you to make it happen...sila pilih jalan hidup kamu sendiri~ bebas berlari!!! yeeaaayy!!! and lately, im amazed by this song ~ everyting i do, i do it for you.. by brian adams..

Noe what??? *tibe2 excited plak me kan* mummy call just now, seems we have family event this comin chinese new year*wink2~kelip2 mate sambil tunduk2 malu*..so, lets hav a blast this CNY adams family!!! yeah!!! X pilih colour themes lg.. any suggestion?? Nak nmpk cumel2 n kiut miut dihari itu nnt..*sye kan santek???* kan?? kan?? kan??

nota kaki: since when my dady name tukar jd adams?? okie, its uncle omar family!!


x de ape pon nak repek dlm 2day...tp me buhsan n x tau nak buat ape.. as usual, me hav work to do, tp me nak break s me penat n penin2 cikit... mlm ni mau pulang shah alam, mau bank in duit road tax,lisence n duit kete woo~~ me kayap duh ini bula!! hahahaa.. tp bile kuar beli brg x hengat gak.. apelah kan??

rumah d bkt canggang...
opis pula lcct d sepang...
rasa buhsan mcm nak lempang2...
banyak kije sakit pinggang..

foot note: saya mengarang pantun?? x sangka saye..~gembira x leh bla~ *kelip2 mate sambil blushin*

Feb 1, 2010

heart broken

I feel a gush of desire to meet you face to face. But I think I'll wait till I'm fully ready to see you again. I need to gather my strength as this very moment, I don't have any.

I never thought love could hurt me this much. Sometimes I wonder, what have I done wrong to deserve all this. As the saying goes, people always want what they can't have. This waiting game is killing me. I tell myself over and over again that I should move on but somethings holding me back from doing so.

What you've done to me makes me realized that maybe, I never knew the real you right from the beginning. If I do, I won't allow my fragile heart to fall deeply in love with you and for you to simply play with my heart.

saya n memen di opis sekiankalinye apebila mate juling
kami cantek x?? *kelip2 mate + blushin*

Foot note: You're the one who makes me look stupid or the other way around?? and the question keep haunted me.. *fikir2kanlah n selamat beramal*