Dec 31, 2009

alone _ sure??

when ur mind say yes..
but ur heart say no..
it's killin you...

seek the unseekable...

u lost, ur brain dead..

Dec 29, 2009

hati berkata

Have i told u recently
How much i love you
I did not love u for this or that
I love you for the sake of Allah
You are true blessing sent to me by Allah
And I thank Allah for sending you to me
I have many friends, but you are different
You care for me when i feel others have no concern
You are there for me when i am in need of help
You understand me when no others try
You comfort my heart when others make me stressed
You make me remember of Allah when others make me forgot
i can go and list many more ways how you are so special
I ask Allah to make us among those who under his shade of judgment
as two people who met and parted for the sake of Allah

Thank you for giving me advice when i was so confused
Thank you for helping me find my way when im so lost
Thank you for forgiving me when i said and did wrong things
Thank you for putting me on check when i started to go astray
Thank you for making me fear Allah when i got too involved in duniya
Even thank you is just no enough

I ask Allah to give you good in life and hereafter
I ask Allah to forgive you, have mercy,protect you and give u health and sustenance
I ask Allah to make you among his most dear servant
I ask Allah to love you and love all those who are dear to you
I ask Allah to grant you a place in Jannah and i pray i can be there with you

Dec 28, 2009

pending dulu

erm.. x tau nak ltk ape...
busan sudah...

smlm..stuck on road 4 almost 5hrs..
rs mcm nak g penang lak..
tp dr melaka je pun..iskh2..

bile jammed,semua la nak sakit...
yg co-drebar i sibuk nak we we la...
nak cri R&R lagi, fuh!! ramai org stop...
tp kne stop juga!!
nnt ter we we la bdk itu in my car..
yg ngantuk la... parah tul!!!
yg lapar la...huhu.. me la tu=)

tp, bile dah atas jln..fhm2 la kan??

hurm..tkr tajuk plak...=p
its almost tahun baru..sounds besh!!!
tp x tau nak buat ape..
i mcm confius...y???
wether i should blik mlk homey o x???
any suggest??? byk kije nie @ opis...
tp my eyes da skt sik tgk pc ni..
bile kije nak abes erk??
smlm jupe adlicious my bebeh tue..
well,i kan mummy org!!! herk???
*sigh*winkin*, i still lg...
mis sumbody much2!!!

apekah??? bilakah??? mengapakah???
huuhuu..x terjawab persoalan itu..
hikhikhik...suke wat gimik kan???

wokie!! me nak smbg wat kije dulu!!
bubye jantung manis!!! =)

nota kaki: sape tau we we tu ape??? huhuhu \T__*/

Dec 24, 2009


hidup mula meriah bila slip gaji suda sampai ke tangan...
seronok dpt slip gaji...=)
gaji 1st wa cite sama lu!!! huhu
erk??? mengapa i ckp version tue??
ape2la saye eppy tgk number2 di slip itue...
persoalannye skunk adalah...

bilakah mau jupe duit itu??

apekah nak buat wif da money??

bilakah mau spend??

byk lg soklan di pale hotak ku inie...
ini la akibatnya...
apabila xcited menguasai diri bila dpt gaji...

nota kaki: dsebalik gumbira itu, terpikey pulak hutang2 yg berjuta2 itu... kalaula hutang2 tu ley burn mcm tue jew..besh nye!!!! hukhukhukhuk...=p

Dec 23, 2009


saye di smpt update blog??? huhu..
lunch hour break la...=)
lgpun, nak btau ni, smlm saye...

maxis berukband!!!

tu yg dpt masuk belog saye n fb saye..
lau x jgn harapla...huhuhu..

sgt jujuk here!!! demmit tahap gaban!!
u pakai bj manyak2 pon x leh tahan sejuk gak..
hate dat!!

Dec 20, 2009

weds end year~~

bile setiap weken yg ade dipenuhi dgn wedding...
kepanatan sbb pergi weds mereka, tp jupe rmai kawan..
napela bile ujung tahun semue org mau kawen...
iskh2...iskh... penat me thibk, tp x jupe gud reason...
penat juge mau bili present evry week *da best part*
tp seronok tgk mereka seronok dgn their life...
at least dey do found sumting that could bring valued in life!!
so, to all yg weds dis whole year..
selamat kawen okie!!!
me wish u da best for u n ur spouse!!!

nota kaki: mummy ask whether i ade bf or not..bile i jwb tada, mummy babbling..was it bad i tada bf @ dis age?? i mude lg kan?? ntah ape2la mummy saye itu..*winkin*

Dec 17, 2009

nora !!!

wahai bff ku nora razak...
nora razak saya rendu kamu sangat2!!
there soo much i want told u tau x!!
bile mau jumpe nih!!!

missin u badly babe, demmit!!!

Dec 3, 2009

elaun... Elaun... Elaun...

okie, da lm x update blog y x terurus ini... Sunguh malas, tp sy merajinkan diri n update tru ph y kecik inie... Weee=* nak tls ape erk? Erm,sy da mula kije, almost 2 weeks.. Tada kije bley buat s audit bru bis then me n din duduk2 bertenet je... Hurk! Sunguh busan kan? Tp x pe,bru lg so kte tgu je workload 2 cumin.. Herk,i mis bdk2 trainin dem much!! huhu, ble la dpt jupe mrk lg kan? Huhu.. Elaun kte sepeti tajuk datas suda dsubmit pd tn haji.. So dlm next week mungkin dpt okie! Its mungkin je ok!! Mari kte doa elaun dpt cepat s saya da x de duit mau hoyeh2.. Ckp2 utk bg vv itam sy mimum je.. T__*

Nov 24, 2009

....... pernahkah

Kau datang ketika duka dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Ku haus di tengah laut lemas mencari tempat berpaut
kirimkan aku kekuatan serta pedoman di kesesatan
Ku sunyi dalam gembira perih pedih tanggung derita
sungguh aku bukan wali yang suci dari hina dan benci
Terlalu lama aku mencuba terlalu banyak cinta yang ku damba
tiada yang sempurna hanyalah fana
Tuhan, ampuni hamba-Mu....
Ku rebah di dada malam memecah dendam yang lama diam
ku tanggalkan baju dunia dakapku dengan selimut syurga
ya Tuhanku hanya padamu tempat mengadu segala rindu
limpahi ku rahmat kasihmu

Nov 17, 2009


currently @ s.alam n subang...
sik tau until when..
mak dah balik mlm td...

so,welcum to s.alam!!!
erm...tings to do!!!

pica convo perlu dambil..
visitin umi ...
survey new lappy!!!
tmn nanai bli lappy 2morow~~ huhu
bayar all da bills yg byk2 !!!

tp.. what stops me selaluly is always money.

can i survive w/o money?

can i survive w/o handphone?

can i survive w/o car?

can i survive w/o credit card?

i guess i have to learn to be independent now...

nota kaki: mumy, honestly i need u!!

Nov 15, 2009


d melaka...
berjalan2 d pantai s ususal...

tp.. i still feel lost... i doin da rite thingy...
wee... weee...

hopefully, evrytin b s usual..
mean it!!

baby adli, sis miss u!! blik homey cepat2 okie!!

Nov 7, 2009

* e m o *

To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness

T__t = T__*

at last..

we left dis place...


Nov 3, 2009


tonnes of work
less hour


-----> PERFECT!!!!

Nov 2, 2009

+__+ b r b + __+

PMA suda siap!!!

ade lg x???

yuppy!! ade final project pula!!!


nota kaki: mari x tdo 2 malam ok..**boley ke**

Nov 1, 2009

+ + sick of it + +

tonnes of work!!!

cause by my lazyness~~

dun blame others..


nota kaki: chayo2!!!

Oct 24, 2009

semua x menarik

hendak bertanya.. tapi malas

hendak mencuba.. tapi ragu

hendak kisah.. tapi bingung

hendak gembira.. tapi sedih

hendak sedih.. tapi meraung

hendak jalan.. tapi merangkak

hendak marah.. tapi kenapa

hendak memberi.. tapi hampa

hendak penjelasan.. tapi tak guna

hendak pergi.. tapi menunggu

Oct 23, 2009


da whole day we stuck at UiTM..
q-ing ffor 30 min tuk amek jubah...
then kite hired phoographer to amek pica all of us~~
xceli bkn all of us, tp specifik kepada 12 yg ada...

huhuhu...abes posing, kite go 4 rehearse...
rehearse n rehearse til 5..
huhuu..tiring tp seronok...
lm suda x jumpa semua yg ada... yeay!!!

so... selamat berkonvo ec 220

Oct 18, 2009

~ saya emo ~

We love

We love to give

We love to share

We love cause we care

We love cause we are sincere

We love unconditionally till it hurts

We love to feel pain, to regain strength

We love freely not expecting anything in return

And if its written in the book,i’ll accept will all strength and gratitude

Oct 16, 2009

~ nite talk ~

there are certain times when even the most tactful discussions about relationship issues will achieve nothing... That's been the case since ???? i cant answer dat... I do hope by week as i attach 2 site, I will be able to tackle even serious dilemmas without dramas of any kind... Hahaha... so, lets pray 4 da best 4 me as i only have 3 ore weeks here...

dats da spirit gurl!!!

2 weeks for site attach n da last week to finish up my final task n presented it to ( i dun noe who, but acording to en zaffuan it could be mejar, pn zutina n en. i x ingat his nama la...), lets have fun @ da site!!!

Nota Kaki: ive got dat qms for klia college s my final presentation...urgh!! i dun lyke it!!!

Oct 9, 2009

~~dtg lagii~~

s usual... im just heppy...
hectic?? nope!!
mlm ni ade 2 open ouse dat i hav to go... so, which should i choose??
unfortunately, i cat go for both s its quite far... =(
s i need to c my beloved beloved beloved fwenny tonite...
so, ill go wif her to ferra ouse... maybe la~~ =)

sorry 4 not attending urs shida..i x sengaja okay~~ lallalala..
2morow mira ouse.. itu pun x leh diconfirmkan lg...
if bff mau folow, saya mau ajak her together2...=)

lalalalalalala... week pass very cepat~~ so, its almost 2 month were here...
wat i mean is klia... so, theres only left 1 month...=(
which couple of weeks we hav to go 4 site attachment...
sedey ok mau tinggalkan mereka disini...
were just lyke 1 family here...depends & n lurv each others...
\T__T/ imeant it when i ckp sedey okay!!!

how im going to miss all of them...huhuhu....
even were not promises to attach on any workload,
i do hope evrybody dpt work here or anywhere...=)

hurm..mcm mau sedey suda... so, lets pray 4 da best 4 all of us!!
gud luck to all!!!

nota kaki: saya rendu baby adlicious damm much!!!
bile la dpt kiss him =* sis miss u giler2 la~~ lalalala=P

Oct 6, 2009

~ heppy + sleepy ~

whee2... hari2 yg seronok mmg menyenangkan...
lebih2 lg bile dilalui dgn baby adli di rumah~~
tp, bile dilalui bersama org2 yg x boley jumpa camera lebih menyeronokkan~~
satu hari beratus2 gambar kiteorg amek...
huhuhuhu...i lyke!!
hari raya event yg hectic slama 2 hari sgt2 buat we all seronok even penat sgt2~!!
so, skunk waktu utk berehat as we dony have any event to do...

ooooppps!!!, en bob just cumin...
ada task 4 sports day~~ lalallalalaa..mira jadi pm~~
gud luck to mira !!

well help u as we can okay!! so, lets plan as were trainee as planner!!

nota kaki: saya suka mira jd PM!!

Oct 4, 2009


saya sgt, mari gembira bersama2 ok...
tamo ckp byk2... mari bergumbira... ok...sebentar lg kami nak ke weds ija sis..
so, mari mensantekkan diri utk kegumbiraan hati yg girang!!

yaaeyy!!! i lyke being hapy lyke dis... muaaxs!!
mcm ade rame2 terbang dlm diri ...
sungguh manis ayat ini.. lalalalalala....

kesimpulannya, bila hati gembira, jiwa pun tenang ok~~

nota kaki: doakan kebgumbiraan berterusan okay =)

Sep 25, 2009

♥ AidilFitRi iS rAyA ♥

selamat hari raya 1430H to all... dis year x dpt duit raya ok..=(
tp, sik tau mau cerita ape.. so, kite put sum picture jew ok... lalalalalalala...
tp, later on k.. i nak buat kad raya dulu=)

Sep 18, 2009

its raya envi*envy

mmg i tada mood mau raya..sik tau nape...
i dun noe y n i x penah ade dis feel b4 dis seyesly i hate it~~
mau pulang ke melaka o x??? wink~~

y am i tinkin lyke dat?? i dono ok...
biarla...kita bw jew vivi g mane2 yg besh...
nnt mest kne marah lg ngan ibu~~huhuhu

i lyke being scold sumtimes n mcm my likeness=)...
nape jd mcm tue i cant lyke seronok o da best word is being appreciated...T_____*
ade gak org mcm i kat dis worldkan??

speciallly when u live in a small fam. without any cousins...
n even u get almost all what u want to..
theres still an emptyness in ur heart...n i dun noe da answer is...
so, dis da only place i ada...

my mum,dad is niece.. no doubt, they do their best 4 us..
yet, i still feel da emptyness.. vacant!! =(
so, pulang ke melaka??? yup...
bile x leh ckp...

nota kaki: xceli td my fwen nak tumpang, tp i x sure mau pulang, i tamo sshkan die tgu i...sori 4 not tumnpangkan kamu ya =(

Sep 17, 2009


*aku di landa kebizian dan jugak internet yang ting tong menyakit kan hati jiwa dan ragaaaaa*

sekarang ni bukan main bizi la wei kerje..
rs mcm tamo kijew..tapi tunggu dulu lah...
tunggu ai da dapat sugar daddy dulu..ngorat dato' dulu...
dah dapat ngorat baru benti...

ade ke dato nak perempuan GEMOK LEMAK segenap inci ini??

miahahahahaha! kuang ajaqqqqq je statement sape nih...

ade la sorang kawan i cakap i dah mula nampak lemak2 kat dagu..
gile durjanaaaa..tak suke okey..diam2 aaaaaaaa..
biar aku je tau aku gemok..orang lain tak payah tego...
*teguran baik utk kesedran okay laila munira*baekla...terima dgn hati terbuka...

siap kecik ati ni...teros gi tengok kat cermin walaupon aku dah tau memang agak nampak sikit2 la kan lemak kat situ...bile aku macam angguk2 je muncul lah lipatan paradikmaaa ituuu..
gelabah sekejap...hahahha!

ok, besok mau pulang ke kg..saya seronok okay~~ sgt!!
tp biasala bila raya, sy raye dgn sape jew>>
sunyi je my ouse =(

ade la pempuan mn ntah ckp, if u wanna get mrried, find sumone yg ade big fam...
lau x damm buhsan mcm my family. only 4 of us!!
so,leh ade stock baby yg chumel...
erk??? boley minta2 ke??? watever la kan???

nota kaki: saye blum solat asar n aunt nora keep pestering n babbling non stoppin... so,mari solat asar,yeeaayy!!!

Sep 16, 2009

~ selamat pg kemaafan T__* ~

ok, mari minta maaf kepada semua..
sy bersalah... so, sy lari sekejap...
im not going anywhere pun...i perg j.j...
niat dhati nak ke kenny, fully reserved plak..berbuka di pizza hut je..
after dat, g bli brg ckit... (bersungguh2 mengaku)
nnt if i x de duit, i minta kat u k yunk...=)

i mmg bli cket jew...x byk pun spendin...bli baju n few thing...
(leh caye kew bila laila munira ckp sikit?
**berfikir sejenak..T___T)
oso, i seronok sbb x de org nak donate advice when im spendin...

so, di pg yg mulia ketika i update belog ini, i minta maap again...
tinggalkan korang without btau.. =)
saya mengaku sgt bersalah & mari maafkan saya...
"Selamat ari raya"

T___* laila munira mmg dsygi n x boleh dmarahi ...

nota kaki: saya bli baju jew... sila jgn marah bila sy msk class okay =*

Sep 15, 2009

~ heart shape strawberry cheese cake ~

ok... its almost 3 weeks since remadhan n its almost raya =)
pheeww.. its almost raya by next, my baju raya is not siap2 lagi, mari slahkan my aunt sbb x siapkan bj saye secepat yg mungkin..hikhikhik...

dah la my aunt jahit free lg mau mrh2 my aunt kan?? bad me!! okay...mari berdoa supaya baju raya saya siap b4 raya~~

heart shape strawberry..okay, i miss da cupcakes..sedap sgt...
tp my ouse jauh, so kne tgu balik rumah bru makan dat cheese cake...=)
strawberry make me happy n calm~ no doubt T__T
ok laila munira sila focus terhadap blog anda yg jarang update ini...

im suppose to have a break fast wif mizi tunite, tp x jadi...
ok, sedih tp kne terima hakikat ok...laila munira anda x boley go out wif him ok..
nnt ibu marah saya =p plus nnt ade org lain yg mrh juga~~
ok, i da mula skema semula...T___T

focus ok focus...jgn sik ingat him lg... past is past even ith skinda hurt to let it go...
ok syl, i jd mcm u plak, luahan hati dlm blog =/
syl, sila jgn marah sbb amek u s example...

nota kaki: bgs bile ade org update blog yg x terupdate since last 5 month

Sep 11, 2009

~~ homey~~

ok... saya pulang... nak suruh iu berhenti marah sbb i x reti nak blik umah jumpa die... balik dan hilang... ok ok2... sila undo perbuatan saya...baekla~~~ so, mari pulang ke melaka yea~~
baek ibu, tp nora ikut sekali... sbb die mmg x leh di ajak g jln2...mest nak ikut~~ =)

ok, lily pun suda balik... mari duduk rumah sorang2.. anybody nak temankan i x?? quiet scarry du alone nie... mau deto, tp x de jantung hati~~ sape mau jd jantung hati saya??? huh~~ penat menunggu kerana tiada yg sudi...=(

penat+x ngantuk sbb ptg td tido lame2 sgt... saye sdg trainin ok skunk~~ di, saya ada sgt ramai kawan2 yg baru dan seronok...ok ok, nak tau nm kan?? baekla.. sy sebut semua ok...
waida si bising, mira si poyo, shida&nad yg blur2 dinosour, ros yg kecik+hcl,tira yg suke sudoku lily+nora+iza classmate lm saye...

ada lg...bobo kwn uitm saye, pak din, faiz,faruqi,din,fahmi,asrur,wan & hafiz yg bergabung mcm otomen~~

ok, sudah cukup yea!!! sy penat n mau tido~~

nota kaki: kwn saya lala sgt kuat tido skrg

Sep 8, 2009

~~ late nite~~

Akibat minum nescafe.. Lalu x bley tdur.. Lily sudah nyenyak dsblah i.. Da x tau nak buat ape, nak bloging pun x best sbb ph ini kecik sgt skrin dia.. Nak tulis pjg2 pun memenatkan.. Lalu ape yg bley diri ini buat adalah taip cket sj... Sib bek ada ph ini,leh jg i update blog n fb.. Tp it hurt ur finger damm much la.. Okay,skrg jari i da sakit.. Mari berhenti menaip okay!! C ya next time k.. Bdw, dis klia do gave me lots of task.. Mengalahkan engr. Noradila pula.. Okay dla, its just an example... Bubye =*

nota kaki: ok ini text malam td n i mls nak tulis....=)

Aug 6, 2009

: : di hati ini.... hanya tuhan yg tahu...

tue je yang leh aku ckp kan... x tau nak xplain mcm ne dah... nak ke x nak ke... suke atau tidak...antara dua.....huhuhuhu...sshkan lau mcm nie...=(

: : lihatlah: :

pabila ku lihat ps3 itue... =p
ku nampak duit ku yg telah terbang...hukhukhuk...
tp nak wat mcm ne, ia telah pun diletakkan cantek di living room di bwh rak itu...huhuhuh....

i manage 2 snap i picture ms die nga kusyuk main dat ps3, tp pastue i kne mrh sbb kuar flash n sape la yg ade flas lagu2 tue kaN??? hikhikhik... n gambar ini diambil menggunakan sony cyber shot t90..alaaa...da latests camera yg nipis tue... hikhihik...12mp x la sechumel lau gne dslr camera itue....

semoga ko berbahagia dikku...hahahaha *ayat sedey tp cover....

Aug 5, 2009

: : dari hati ini..: :

hikhikhik...waaa..mari tersenyum kelegaan bersama2.. akhirny duit ku terbang jua...muahahhaha...tau x g mane?? blikan my adik ps3 yg dia idam-idamkan selama beberapa bulan kebelakangan inie...maka dgn itu hancurlah harapan ku utk membeli kamera berkuasa tinggi yg aku idamkan itu...jom gelak lg.... sedapakan ati, terbanglah duit 1800 itue.... moke cine lelaki yg x berapa comel itue senyum mcm kere dpt bunge...

ade ke patut die bg kurang 60 hengget la kurang byk2 sikit...kedekut tul!! tp x pe la...tu je yg die nak bg..i pon mls nak hadap muke cine tu lm2..nnt lg byk mende adik aku yg "comel" tue nak tambah...comel ke??? hahahhaha.. baik x saye??? baek kan??? sy la contoh kakak yg solehah itue.. mesti semue adik nak dpt kakak mcm saye kan?? hahahahahh...*nie still nak sedapkan hati tau x!!!

tp,dr +ve site, die je adik, x kan nak berkire?? aku mesti la x reti nak maen mende alah tue... sbb terbeli ps3 adelah kerana psp3000 die ilang, so truslah dblikan je yg up lg... wi2...wwi2...**ade sape2 rase nak jd adek saye ke??** mesti ramai kan??? hahahahhaha... i noe... i kan kakak contoh yg baek...

k lah, i nak join die men mende, dilain post lau dpt amek gambar adek ku itue, sy tunjuk k mende tue...*adek aku nie alergik ngan kamera, so ssh sikit nak mek gambo die... silap2, ko kne penumbuk sulong...

nota kaki : mlm nie 15 syaaban maka genaplah 16 tahun pemergian arwah nenek saya ke alam barzah, sama2 lah kite doakan kesejahteraan arwah di sana... amin~~~

Aug 3, 2009

: :bad feeling: :

im sad...sad yg sgt2 till i x leh nak ckp, n i x leh nak bgtau others, so it make me more sad...y it happened could be da best ques to be ask in any situation... y?? hah!! susah soalan tue, nak salahkan takdir?? x~~ nak slhkan keadaan, mungkin la.. hah, but y it occurs, da ques keep pestering u sampai bile2.. im always dreamed...i ada happy reality nyer?? tuhan je yg tau, i cukup semua tp still ade yg x cukup dlm ati i.. i nak sgt rasa hidup dlm fam. yg sgt bahagia..*ade x 1 happy perfect fam in dis world skunk?* hahhaa...mungkin soalan tue ade yg akan jawab yes,..and ade yg akan jawab i akan jawab no...sbb setiap kali we hav dat perfect fam speacially in malay*mesti ade org yg jeles..sshkan org yg mcm nie...x leh tgk org lain happy....ape bile org lain happy, die dpt prob ke?? x cukup ke dgn ape yg die ada dlm dunie ni?? hah??? jawab la pempuan tue!!! oopppss!! emo sikit... tp, i cume ada die sorang je, tp nape die jd mcm tue?? i tau nape n i x slhkan kenapa org tue buat mcm nie, mayb ade org x fhm ape yg i bebelkan nie, tp i kisah...i x tau nak ckp dgn sape skunk nie.. so, i tulis...n sumtimes i just hope yg die pergi jumpe tuhan cepat2, at least die x kan sshkan org lain n die pun x sshkan diri sendiri sbb org yg jahat tue...bukan nak doakan keburukan , tp i terfikir mcm tu pihak org g jahat itue, sedarlah diri awak tu dah tue, sepattnya dekatkan diri dgn tuhan bkn dgn syaitan ok!! jgn buat jahat pd fam. org lain sbb u xtau ape akan jadi pd anak cucu u...=(
so, my ****, i really hop eu akan berubah 1 day, even if i x kan pernah jd ur best ***** in da world, tp i nak u tau yg u always in my heart ok!! i ade u sorang je as my **** so i dun wanna loose u, sbb x de ape yg dpt replace u in dis world.. =/ im alway pray dat u could change, maybe not now, but sumday..=)sumday dat illl hav 2 wait for too,dat changes could bring lot of changes in our life..hopefully..

Aug 1, 2009

: : wedding : :

so.. back in melaka.. ape lg lau x g wedding o kenduri =) ...pastueble dah g sn ape lg??? mkn2...mkn n mkn...

mcm my mum said : laksa ni kurang sedap, kuah die cair, then ada salad jew, x de bawang hiris, timun n etc...
me : nak buta mcm ne, biasalah lau caterer, smue nak save buget kan???
buat muka x puas ati T___T

tp i mkn jew even x sedp, kunun2 lapar... amek byk... my mum x masak kat umah...
dah tue td ade nasi briyani gak, tp x nak mkn... kunun2 ns briani berat.. amek ko, putus selera betul la laksa nie... trus ilang selera nak mkn yg laen...

dah la de byk kuih muih .... hikhik...mcm2 kuih ade... dr yg tradisional sampailah yg termoden...hikhihik... ade kuih kesuie*betul ke ejaan nie??

ade agar2, ade kuih yg x tau nm, kerepek pon ade, onde2 buah melaka, bahulu n mcm2 lagi la...
x larat nak senaraikan kat sini...

almaklumlah kalau g mkn lebih dr satu umah... tp seyesly i x leh mkn sbb laksa yg x sedap itu...erkggg~~ hate dat feel...
kuih muih...yummy!!!! seb baek kuih die seda tau...i mkn kuih byk gak...hakahak...peduli pe org pandang!!! dah die yg jemput, so kite g mkn la puas2 kan?
kan? kan? kan? kan?????

Jul 31, 2009

: : sad : :

noe wat.. i hav to cancel my plan to desaru next week..
eeerrgggkk~~!! marah tul la..... but its for my own good... nape bile jam 11 je i start buhsan???
nape x waktu laen... watever la kan??? herk!! T__T *lailamunira; nak sedapkan ati wat muke mcm tue* damn!! im start talk alone to my self.. critical state kot.. then, just wait for my uncle to fetch me n go to pulau indah...n dis evening o 2morow monin ill be back home to melaka...

Jul 24, 2009

: : ingat lg x ?? : :

wi2.wi2.. sudah lame xpost n talk2 di sini... (saya malas...)
itu yg boleh disimpulkan la... so, td auntie sy bagi few pica mase we all d sabah dat pica yg under water la, my pic x byk sbb i mcm xsuke sgt duk dlm air, takut~!!! ahahahahaa, kaki x jejak tanah, so sgt takut... saje je nak bg sape2 yg nak tgk...dr x de ape2 yg nak di cerita, bek i put da pica kan???

resort yg saye duduk, gambar ni dr dlm speed boat yg i nek...

dat was my uncle from his bacside,,,nga ush pakcik2 yg bw boat tue ... tp seyesly sgt murah la duduk disini... & ull satified wif the staff, food(sgt2 kenyang ooo)...and also its services...

ikan pon pandai ngorat kan??? tp i assume dat fish is my abg la.. hakhak,....

sangat chantek alam dasr laut kan???tp sygnya, i tkt nak masuk...bile dilihat2 pica tue, ade la 2-3 je my pics dlm air(dis is one of dat la)...hahahahaha(penakut rupenye bdk bulat ni)
n i look more fat in da water(sbb tue picca yg lg 2 tue x nak upload,nmpk fatty dismping tidak menutup aurat...(kat sn ade xcuse utk open tudung k...tkt lemas ms scuba)...=)

dey call dis chrismas tree...x nmpk mcm pon, tp dgr jew dat abg ensem yg jd tourist guide tu bgtau...

it looks lyke lady bird kan??? tp dey call it >>>>>erk, i x ingat nm die la...

so, itue jew, di keluaran nie, sehingga berjumpa lg di lain sesi...bubye...
**m having my holiday___beach blakng rumah saye...=)

Jul 7, 2009

: : aku di awangan : :

For everything there is a season...

And a time for every matter under heaven
A time to be born & time to die
A time to plant & time to pluck up what is planted
A time to kill & time to heal
A time to break down & time to build up
A time to weep & time to laugh
A time to mourn & time to dance
A time to throw away stones & time to gather stones together
A time to embrace & time to refrain from embracing
A time to seek & time to lose
A time to keep & time to throw away
A time to tear & time to sew
A time to keep silence & time to speak
A time to lurv & time to hate
A time for war & time for peace....

So, ur time is........

Jul 2, 2009

: : tag again: :


1. Last beverage: tropicana-epal
2. Last phone call: ibu
3. Last text message: hilmi
4. Last song you listened to: damian mikhail-jelita
5. Last time you cried : Last week when i saw *x ingat da title*

6. Dated someone twice: nope...
7. Been cheated on: yup...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: x regretted
9. Lost someone special: yup...
10. Been depressed: yup...
11. Been drunk and threw up: of course NOPE!

12. purple
13. pink
14. white

15. Made a new friend: yup...
16. Fallen out of love: nope...
17. Laughed until you cried: yup...
18. Met someone who changed you: YESSS!!!
19. Found out who your true friends were: YESSS!!!
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Of course!!!
21. Kissed anyone on your friend list: NOPE!!!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: most of...
23. How many kids do you want to have: 2-3 enough...
24. Do you have any pets: yup *a cat named kausar*...
25. Do you want to change your name: NOPE...
26. What did you do for your last birthday: clebrated wif my close frens...
27. What time did you wake up today: 9.30 am...
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: facebookin + blogwalking
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: workin!!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother: last 2 weeks...
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: be more positive & less anger...
32. What are you listening to right now: khatimah cinta 6th sense
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope...
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: start workin!!!
35. Most visited webpage: wargh~~fb
36. Whats your real name: Lailatul Munira Omar
37. Nicknames: ateh*home, lala, laila, mun...
38. Relationship Status: Single...
39. Zodiac sign: Scorpio...
40. Male or female : Female
41. Elementary?: SK Padang Temu..
42. Middle School?: Malacca Gurl High School, SMK Teknik Bukit Piatu
43. High school/college?: Pahang M3x & UiTm Shah Alam
44. Hair colour: Dark...
45. Long or short: Short...
46. Height: I’m not sure...huhuhuhu
48: What do you like about yourself?: creative!!!
49. Piercings: yup!!!
50. Tattoos: NOPE!!!
51. Righty or lefty: ~~

52. First surgery: when i was 2...
53. First piercing: @ 10...
54. First best friend: dila
55. First sport you joined: ballet when i was 3...
56. First vacation: Brunei Darussalam...
58. First pair of trainers: None...

59. Eating: Nope...
60. Drinking: Nope...
61. I'm about to: taking a bath...
62. Listening to: katy pery- tinking of u
63. Waiting on: 3 july*dis friday....going back to melaka...

64. Want kids? : DEFINITELY!!! I
65. Get Married? : Yup...
66. Career? : Civil Engineer

67. Lips or eyes: Eyes..
68. Hugs or kisses: Kisses...
69. Shorter or taller: Taller...
70. Older or Younger: Older...
71. Romantic or spontaneous : Spontaneous...
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: can i say both..
73. Sensitive or loud : Sensitive...
74. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship...
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: I’ve no idea...

76. Kissed a stranger: Nope!
77. Drank hard liquor: NOPE!!!!
78. Lost glasses/contacts: always...
79. Sex on first date: ERM...i dun do dat...
80. Broken someone's heart: yes, i do...
82. Been arrested : Never!
83. Turned someone down: Sometimes...
84. Cried when someone died: Yes, I do
85. Fallen for a friend?: Nope...

86. Yourself : YESSS....!
87. Miracles : Sometimes....
88. Love at first sight : Nope!
89. Heaven: Definitely...
90. Santa Claus: Nope..
91. Kiss on the first date: Never
92.Angels: Malaikat yea la...

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time : NOPE!
95. Did you sing today? : Yeah...
96. Ever cheated on somebody? : mesti punya
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : last 5 years...when I was 18...
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? : cant rmember...
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : Yup...i do really afraid...
100. Posting this as 100 truths? Yes...

Jul 1, 2009

: : ape2 je : :

so, today runs as usual...
bgn pagi, then bekfast...
pas bekfat g stadium...**ade gudang sale metrojaya**
then...ape erk>>>
i msg2....
then go to subang...

tatau nak tulis ape dah~~

Jun 26, 2009

: : submit : :

yeah... akhirnya...aku submit juga borang postpone master tue..
ntah mcm ne boleh hati dan jantung ni memebuat keputusan itu...
tp x pe la, master bile2 boley sambung kan??

so, skunk mau kije x??? huhuhuh...sape mau kije angkat tangan?????
ade satu di klcc, my uncle", most yg rapat ngan i mesti tau nape i x nak kije situ...

nak ckp saye memilih...x kot, tp i x nak depends n my fam la....
bg space for me to show la...
i kan pandai(sdpkan atiee), mesti dpt kije nye...

me: i x nak kije kat situ la, x nak2!!!
mimi: u bg i la dat post...boley??
me: tp, u sanggup nak hadap dat lelaki ari2 kea??? n he will keep pestering u n asking u bout **~~~sanggup ke???

mimi: x sanggup, tp he kan ur ******??? til bile nak lari dr a*** F****** tue??
me: sampai mati~~!!!hahahahha

so, waitin 4 other offer... i dpt job kat hsbc...admin la...gaji besh woooo...2400( x include elaun2 lain lg) tp, xygla u left evrytin uve been study.... mcm sia2 jew.... so,...i pun decide... x nak dat job... nnt ade yg ckp mcm nie...

sape2: ko ni x tau bersyukur la... dpt job semua x nak...
me: bkn x nak, tp i nak yg ade relate ngn my discipline la...
( sape agree ngan me?? -> mesti ramai kan???)

so, now look forward la erk... kije itu, sgt menyeronokkan if and only if(mcm math form 3) u enjoy dat work... so, if kije itu(stdy o work) make u appy...then ulll be fine... tp, if u buat tp x sincere... then ull never feel it gret wif u....(im not good in nasihat, tp dila slalu ckp i suke syko org...)watever... as long im eppy~!!!

Jun 19, 2009

: : k E p U t U s A n : :




: : p A n a S : :

kenapa sgt panas shah alam inie???
x tahan la... mandi sampai 5 x pon panas lagi... adakah el nino sudah melanda??
belum lagi kan???

lg panas bile kene kije tp diri sendiri mau belajar.. nape mau study???
sbb2 nya:
  1. x penat
  2. x penat + dpt duit
  3. x penat + dpt duit + buku baru
  4. x penat + dpt duit + buku baru + ilmu baru....
da bes dah...
huhuhu, so... mari berfikir utk ilangkan kepanasan yg mendera inie... sesungguhnya sgtla panas bile x boley buat keputusan dgn cepat, tepat dan tangkas... (i tink i da mula melalut)
so, mari berfikir....

da dpt keputusan bg tau saye yea...

Jun 16, 2009

: : peel fresh: :

wi2..wi2.. kepenatan la pula...nape?? sbb tulun rumate baru angkat barang...
at least we all dpt gak org utk diletakkan di dlm bilik itue...
so, skunk saye, zura n memey (die dtg merempat lagi~~nape??? sbb die g interview kat kl, so i n zura dgn baek sgt hati menemankan die ke mid valley itue) huhuhuu...

pg td mkn nasi goreng sedap yg lala boowat...huhuhu,sungguh sedap(mari puji diri sendiri sbb zura x kan puji) makan dgn telur dadar... wah... sedap sungguh... huhuhuhu..

cerita result sudah lapok, so skunk mari cerite ttg further master... jadi x?? x tau la...
mcm ne ni>??? nak sambung ke nak kije??? penin2~!!! tpx pe, mari tulun saye fikir n bg keputusan b4 ari kamis ni... nape?? sbb dis jumaat is da last day nak settlekan bout master itue.. sabtu sudah boley dpt surat tawaran... huhuuhu..

malam itue saya akan terbang ke sabah...
huhuh..sudah lm x ke sabah...
kundasang yg sgt chantek itue buat i rhendu kan air avocado di sana...
ahhahhaah sedap gile....

SABAH~~ tunggukan diriku yea... huhuhuhu

pastue mari kite doakan saye mendapat kerja secepat mungkin... sudah penat minta duit dgn semua org..huhuhu malu sebenarnya... perasaan malu sungguh tebal..

so, mari doakan saye buat keputusan yg betul.. either sambung master o kerja~~ mari2!!

Jun 12, 2009

h A i H~~~

...........................................nape start ngan haih??

sbb i dun noe i patut buat ape xcept watch movie, n duk lepaking at, just get my result semalam... agak keciwa tetapi bersyukur je la... mungkin itu yg sepatutnya kan??

so, time2 cm nie, nak buat ape??? me n zura all alone at home... just have our lunch... @ ......"NASI LEMAK CINTA SAYANG".....
saja nak highlight sbb zura seems suka sgt mkn kat situ...
even i dah x larat nak g sana, tp i x tau nak pilih other places.. so.. mkn je la...

ow long i x updated my blog pon xtau.. bukan x de tenet, tp malas... kan mimie dah ckp mula2 buat blog...
mimie : x yah la buat blog lau u tue malas nak update...
tapi @ dat time mcm kuat semangat jew even i tau ape die ckp mcm betul...huhuhu, but i jawab mcm nie...

saya : i rajin, i sure i update at least couple of day mesti ade 1 entry..

but now, mcm hampeh jew... hikhik...

nak tau x??? semalam we watch terminator:salvation.... seresly, i x faham... hahahahaa, buang duit sungguh...lagi bgs if i use dat money for bli coffe kat starbucks... tp da tgk kan... nak wat mcm ne...

zura is lost again.. i x suke la duk kat umah alone... buhsan tahap maksima weh..dimana si zura inie.....

mencari zura didalam umah....


May 8, 2009

: : h a t i : :

kenapa hat sgt sensitif...

kenapa hati sgt keras???

kenapa manuasia ada hati??

kalau x de kan bgs...

i dun hav to tink about others feelin...

let it appens, and dats it!!!

but... i sedeh sbb i nye hati hurt...

x tau nak wat pe??

lbh2 lagi ble rg yg lukakan tu org yg close n disayangi amat~~

ssh kan...

sbb tue skunk i suka if i hav no hati~~

May 5, 2009

: : terima kasih tuhan: :

at last...
abis jg semuanya kan????
no more books books after dis...

so, mlm ni we all havin grass talk..
huhuhu...da lm xdpt kuar n avin fun...
as long as we all epy~!!!
2day also, bufday fidzah..
to my dearest adik~~

"happy burfday to fidzah "

May 2, 2009

: : penin2 : :

ke hadapan water dan waste water...

kenapa anda memeningkan saya...

nape lak ssh sgt nak ingat eqn nih!!!

May 1, 2009

; ; munchkin ; ;

sgt lega perasaan di ketika ini...( muka yg sgt lega~~)

semua fyp sudah di submit....

semua design sudah dihantar pd en ridzuan...

so.. what next????

ooo...not 4getting... paper waste water~~~

huhuuhu... so,kne trus study i guess...

tp, still nak take a break di sini...nape??

sbb dah lm x online...

buhsan sunnguh yerk...kepenatan yg teramat menjadikan org itu sungguh kering hatinya...

mengapa jadi begitu???

entahla!!! tp.... X_~ ( does it lyke my faces???)

bdw, sj jew... tp x puas ati la.... nape tenet nak band my lappy???

smua org dapat connect to wireless.... but not mine...(@ my ouse jew)

or??? dat dabeta sj je x nak masuk my lappy???

mrh sunnguh~!!!

x mrh lame pun... O_o....

so, skunk nak avin enouf sleep...

bdw, to my joint venture group(aida,nora,ain,faj = they all in a group)
sbr k...dugaan dtg nak wat mcm ner,,n sos sorry sbb tau lmbt n x tlg korang paper bout esteem korang yg corupt di saat2 akhir...:-/

Apr 28, 2009

: : saya hilang : :

dalam masa sebulan...

bermula 2 minggu lepas saya akan hilang dr blog nie...


sbb manyak kije n sgt penat...

so, mls mau on9...

jadinyer... x de sebarang update dlm masa sebulan..

kan dah ckp, sy nie mls buat blog...

tp buat jg sbb tgk org lain buat...

so... bai bai...

Mar 13, 2009

: : selepas: :

da lama x conteng2 nie...

malas n x tau nak tulis.pew...

ada sape2 nak tulun saya???

sy ada byk kije...

t malas nak buat...

  • test cm..
  • reading and oral individual japan~~
  • slab design..
  • mpg
  • fyp

ada lagi x??

lau ada yg left behind tue...

k. laaa

menuggu mimi wake u nie..

kejut2 x nak bgn...

janji kul 4.3~~


asalkan die gembira sudah....


Mar 5, 2009

: : s G. c H o N g k a K : :

last week
pegi sg congkak lagie.....dis is da last... n yg menjadikan kami terutama saya pening adalah bila 2 buah kereta yg follow itue tersangatlah havoc, bising dan manyak scandal oooo....

disebabkan saye yg memegang kamera, maka mereka semua telah mensabotaj utk tidak mengambil my gambar~~ marah tau!!!! dlm byk2 gambar... theres less than 15 of mine.....

at least i save all da memory in my head... seronok bangat....

x tau la james bond or charlies angel... mcm combined~~ nice shot dyla n syl~!!! but, yg bwh tue spoil jew... lau over cikit mesti vogue r gambar tue... hikhikhik...

kat jambatan pun jadi.... layan je lah.... itullah hakikatnya.. kat mn2 asalkan leh sandar, duduk o chantek.... mesti nak mek gambar... akibatnya... ayam di bbq tue menjadi hangus... ekekekkekeek.... x nak tunjuk gambar ayam tue... malu nnt.. tersangatla hangusnya~~!!

kamilah kanak2 ribena itue....
dan..... tiba2.....

apabila 2 nora menjadi lapar.... ni la jadinyew..... korang decide la... gambar nie cantik x??? sopan ade lg kew bile mereka hungry... kuikukuikuikui..... **lau 2 nora bc, abislah saya...***

mmg terbukti dah..... ish2..iskh2.....insaflah kakakku...

mereka yg x buat kije.... x comel!!!!!.... scandal yg hot!!!!

ni scandal gak, sib baik wat kijew.... but im really sorry coz disturb u both... huhuu....jgn mara erk... time nie nga wat levelling n cri crosss ection bru 4 da river... sib baik HILMI, SYL, ZURA, DYLA, MIMIE n NAI tulun wat... lau x truk la i n nora kne wat mende2 tue...

mereka yg seronok mandi mcm2 sna dey all nak, sambil baring2 lagi syl tue erk???~~!!!! cian me.... x leh mandi...sob2..sob2...

kami yg mendahului... mula2 la....but, org blakang yg over tue berjaya take over... astue x tau jalan... sib baik x sesat jew.. for a conclusion, jgn melawan kata org yg comel dr anda.... **kan dila kan???**

mereka di belakang bergumbira kerana gambar mrk diambil.......seronok sgt ye~~

Mar 3, 2009

: : m A L a S : :

pagi nie....

ikut nai g ppum....

pastue bekfest kat delifrance....

ibu ckp saya dah boley mkn royti....

so, sayapun mkn roti wif tuna + mushroom soup...

waa.... kenyangnya..... hahhahhaa


tgu doktor panggil nai....

doktor pun panggil....

nai masuk....sekejap jew....pastue die kuar....

die eppy~~~tau x nape???



nai sgt gumbira...

kami pun gembira bg pihak nai.....

tp,,,die sedih gak.... sbb dah x leh nak absent g uem lagie....

hahahhhha....padan muka nai~!!!!

pastue....we all pun blik.....

dila pun kan, kne bayar parking dlu....

mahal tau x???

WAPE??? WAPE????

RM 3 je pun...hahahahaha

dila pun anta g fac....

sampai sama2 ngan fera n mimie....

tiba2, ketika melangkah keluar dr kete...

kakiku ter slip down ....

dan akhirnya~~ akupun jatuh~!!!!

herghh~!!! sakit la.... mimi n fera gelakkan...

jahat2~!!! jahat2~~~~

jalan dgn kaki yg sakit.... sob2...sob2....

sakit kejap jew... huhuhuhu....

ketika menunggu puan suzana....


teng2...teng2..... amin pun ckp.....

"pn suruh kite pergi class lama..."

pastue ade org lain ask..."class lama kat ne???"


masuk class... puann bg mimie test...

huhuhuu...tau x???

mimie duk depan jawab test~~~

promote diri kat depan...



dlm kelas saya pun tido...


sekarang nie saya di perka.....

menunggu jam 2...


sbb jap lagi nak kne jupe en ridzuan....

ada assesment esteem...

huhuhu.... takut2~!!!

so, doakan saya yerk~!!!

k la...

nak wat discussion japan nie.....

nnt da-da, mi-mie, a-in marah~~!!!

fera pun ada kat sinie~~(saje jew nak promote die)

