Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's "GOOD NEWS" Friday!!

Please share your "GOOD NEWS"with us in a comment.

Nothing is too BIG
or too small
that we don't celebrate it here!

Think back over the past week
and tell us what has made you smile.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Homeschool Mantra

I'm thinking about having this tatooed
across the top of my hand.
It might be a good look for me.
Whatd'ya think?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Homeschooling Rocks!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Forgive me.
I have a BIG case of "the silly's" today.

Maybe it's the fatigue of trying
to get all caught up and on schedule again.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I found this on Pinterest
and thought of YOU (and ME).

I think I will frame this as a gift to Mister.
Good, huh?

And, I could have it put on a tee shirt
to give to him for Christmas.
He'd love it, don'cha think?!

And if I'm real clever
 I can work
this into a Bingo Game
which we can play
at every holiday party
we attend.

Sometimes I just amaze myself!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
And now. . .
what you've all been waiting for -
(of course I'm kidding!)

My "do".
I posted this just because you asked
me to.  Trust me, there is no
vanity in this as I don't enjoy
looking at my own photos.

If she had bangs
we'd look like twins.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Good News Friday!


Tell us something good
from your world.

Think back over the past
week and share something
something that brought
a smile to your face.

in your comment!

*I love your Friday comments*
(and your Monday comments,
and your Tuesday comments,
and your. . .you get the idea.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Good News Friday!

We're all blessed in ways
BIG and small.

Please share the
of one of your blessings
during the past week.

I love your

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Google" Giggle

I'm jumping on board the Tuesday Train.
This is a first for me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I need to have my hair cut.
I've been trying to get in touch with my beautician, but since she works from her home, sometimes she is hard to reach.  In the meantime I've been looking at some new "do's".  I ran a search, "hairstyles for older women".  And guess whose photo popped up?




"Older women", huh?

Honey, it's all a matter of perspective.

Friday, August 19, 2011


"Good News Friday"!
Think back over the week then share
something good from your world,
in a comment.
"Good News" uplifts us all!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summertime. . .

. . . and the livin' is easy.
Oh how I love Summer!
  1. Barefeet
  2. Freshly mown grass
  3. Honeysuckle
  4. Long days
  5. Unscheduled time
What's your favorite season?

Friday, August 12, 2011

"GOOD NEWS" Friday!

"SHOUT OUT"your good news
in the comment section.

We celebrate ALL
good news each Friday.
So, think back over your week
and tell us something "good" from your world.

Friday, July 29, 2011

It's "Good News" Friday!

Today's the day
you get to declare
something that is "GOOD"
in your world.

Shout it out now!
I so love reading your
comments of joy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cluck. Cluck. Cluck

I love me a good Chick Flick!

In your opinion,
what makes for a good Chick Flick?
One that makes you cry?
One that makes you laugh?
One that makes you laugh and cry?
One that celebrates friendship?
A crazy love story?
One with a great soundtrack?
Hot clothes &
A Handsome leading man?
All of the above?


What's your favorite
Chick Flick?

I'll share my answer to get us started.

Hope Floats is my very favorite Chick Flick.
Poor Sandra Bullock finds herself humiliated
on national TV by her philandering, scum-bucket
husband, then, through a series of events she
meets up with "Justin", played by Harry Connick Jr. Just the thought of him in that starched shirt
and wearing that cowboy hat absolutely
turns me to blubber.
I could watch this again and again,
and again.

Now it's your turn!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chillin' Out

"Chillin' Out"

Don'cha just love it?

Saturday, July 23, 2011


So many choices,
so little time.

What's your favorite ice cream treat?
(Yes, I'm still on my diet.)

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's "Good News" Friday!

I look forward to reading
your "Good News" each week.
I hope you read the comments
and share in the joy of others.
It will "Bless your heart, Honey!".
(said in my best Southern drawl)

OK.  Let us have it!
Throw down some
"Good News"
in the comment section.

Take a minute to think back
over your week and
share something
good with us!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Life in the random Lane. ZOOM!

Thank you for all the comments yesterday!
I have the smartest blog friends - for sure.
You told me about a great website for
recipes. . .And, I had no idea that
Taco Bell made a meatless taco!
Wonderful suggestions for some meatless
meals too. 

* * * * * * *  *

I've been sitting in front of the mirror practicing
my meanest teacher look.
I homeschool Princess.
School begins on Aug 8.
I think I've just about got "the look"right.  Doncha' think?

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I told you earlier in the week that Princess
was at camp this week.  This means that
I am Boudxy"s (her beloved pooch)
Being the good caregiver that I am
I took Boudxy for his usual walk yesterday.
We had only been home from the walk
about 20 min when I noticed one of his
eyes was swelling.  Ten minutes passed
and his eye had turned red and was
almost completely swollen shut.
We think he may have gotten
into some fire ants or been stung by
a wasp or bee.

I gave him some Benedryl and put some
allergy eye drops in his eye. (the drops
were for a dog we used to own).
Happy Ending - the eye was back
to normal this morning.  WHEW!

Perhaps from now on you might
want to refer to me as
"SWEET TEA the VET".  K?
I kinda like that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'm off now to color my hair
and get rid of all the gray.
"I use Preference,
because I'm worth it".

Do you color your hair?
What Brand/color do you use?

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Perhaps I should be called
What do you think?

Most of my "real life" (?) friends
do not.
I'd sure like to connect with
some of YOU on FB.
If you're interested please mention
this in your comment
and we can trade info
through email.

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Good News Friday!

(the best day of the week)

Think back over the past week
and share something
from your world.

Let's HEAR your
Good News

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's none of my business but I have to ask. . .

Your answers to this weekly
random question always
amaze and amuse me.
Thanks for participating!

Once again -
"It's none of my business
but I have to ask . . ."

disclaimer:  I have 2 sons and 2 daughters
so I have no bias on this issue.

Recently I went into a public women's restroom.
Inside was a mom with her son,
(he was at least 5'1").
They each went into separate stalls and politely
took care of "business",
came out, washed their hands,
and left.
There were women in the restroom
as well as young girls.

Here's the question(s):

At what age does a male child become too
old to be brought into the women's
restroom with his Mom?

What does a Mom do if she feels
uncomfortable allowing her son to go
into a public men's restroom?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

If you give a friend a banana. . .

I love my Blog friends.
Your comments add to my day
and I always look forward to
seeing who has visited and left
some words for me.

I do wish there was a way to
respond back to your specific
comments and questions.
I bet you feel the same way.
Am I right?

Several of you have asked about
the Grilled Banana Splits
I mentioned in my 4th of July post.

Here is how we made our
Grilled Banana Splits.

We split the banana (leaving the peel on)
and filled them with our choice of yummies.
We chose from chocolate chips, flaked coconut,
peanut butter chips,  and mini marshmallows.
Then we wrapped our creation in foil -

and grilled them till they were
heated through.

 As soon as the foil had cooled
for a bit
we squeezed the warm banana goo
over ice cream.
I know it doesn't look very pretty,
but it was oh-so-delicious!
(And quick.  And simple.)

*I'm guessing this would be equally
good heated in the oven.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Good News Friday!


Think back over the past week
then tell me something GOOD
from your world.

I love reading what you share each week!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Miss Mary, Mary, Blueberry"

Did you know. . .

Almost four in 10 of those polled said their car has a personality of its own. Two in 10 have a nickname for their car. Most often it is a female nickname

  • Women were more likely than men to attribute personal traits to their cars, more likely than men to give their car a nickname and more likely to see their cars as female.

  •             ~from Sightline Daily

    I have not always named my cars,
    however I did once have a car I affectionately
    named, "Miss Mary, Mary, Blueberry".(obviously it was a blue car)
    I now drive "Midnight", a black SUV.
    I have friends who drive "Raven", "Fiona",
    "The Silver Mistress
    " and "Big Red".

    Do you name your car(s)?
    How did you decide on the name?

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