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Showing posts with label Biscornu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biscornu. Show all posts

1464 Faby Reilly

Website  URL  |  URL  Free charts
Back to School Biscornu - Heart Biscornu - Snowflake Biscornu

Blog  URL  |  URL  Grilles gratuites (free charts)

1458 Ugneliukes

Blogspot  URL

30.12.08  Biscornu

1340 Albéna

Over-blog URL

30.10.2009 SAL Christmas Joy Biscornu (info) 1

1339 Matrioshka biscornu (Alexandrina)

Blogspot URL

28.10.09 Heart Christmas tree II - 18.10.09 Heart Christmas tree I - 21.09.09 Acorn set - 26.08.09 Oak - 27.07.09 Russian Dacha - 16.06.09 Pincushion - 08.06.09 Summer butterfly biscornu - 04.06.09 Summer berry heart - (browse blog archive section)

1333 Bonheur Sophie ~^..^~

Over-blog URL | URL Grilles gratuites

20.07.09  Home sweet Home   CAT
13.10.09  Biscornu de Noël
16.10.09  Biscornu de Noël

26.10.2009 SAL Décor de Noël 4/5 info

1259 Tintock tap

Blogspot Freebies
24.06.09 A patchwork of stars - 17.06.09 Flower - 23.03.09 Snowflakes - 19.02.09 Snowflakes

17.04.09 Felt mice - 11.03.09 Alternative 15 sided biscornu - 04.02.09 15 sided biscornu

1234 De hilos y lanas

Blogspot URL ~ 19.06.09 Biscornu

1209 Sopsop history

Overblog URL | URL Grilles gratuites
· 30.06.09 Tortue Maori - 29.06.09 Perroquets - 27.06.09 Croix basque - 27.06.09 Vacances - 22.06.09 M. Hibou - 21.06.09 Biscornu océan - 20.06.09 Dragon - 18.06.09 Cuisine - 18.06.09 Oiseaux ·

01.07.2009 SAL Mystére Sauce Caramel 3
03.10.09-31.10.09 MiniSAL Esprit de Noël [5]

1202 Y's small gallery ~^..^~

Blogspot Free chart Picasa WebAlbum
25.07.09 14 Fall - 24.07.09 Cats - 23.07.09 Cup - 21.07.09 13 Leaves - 28.06.09 12 Cat, 11 Cup - 18.06.09 10·09·08·07 Biscornu, 06 Cat, 05 Cup, 04·03·02·01 Biscornu

Blog Cross stitch free charts Fall - Leaves - Cats - Cup - Biscornu - Christmas

1200 Painting with threads (Sandra Maria)

Blogspot URL | URL Complimentary designs

22.01.08 Blackwork -
03.05.08 Flower biscornu
03.05.08 Angel 
08.05.08 Peace angel
19.05.08 Tolerance angel
21.05.08 I only work
15.09.08 Back to school
31.12.08 Peace symbol
10.06.09 A simple daisy

1195 Stitch Creations

Blogspot  URL  |  URL  Freebee

21.05.09  URL  Birds
06.05.09  URL  Wedding
10.04.09  URL  Easter
11.02.09  URL  Secret garden

02.02.09 - 06.03.09  SAL  Biscornu [15]
06.04.09 - 29.04.09  SAL  Cube [5]
09.11.09 - 18.01.10  SAL  Hamelen [6]

1184 Alizarine

Over-blog Grilles kdo
24.06.09 Abc - 05.11.08 Biscornu

Tutorials Aliza's astuces
11.07.09 Gland de clefs - 16.03.09 Boîte à mouchoirs - 25.08.08 Etui à mouchoirs - 28.02.08 Trousse